Yesterday, a student at J.W. Bailey Middle School in Kingston was classified as “designated positive” for COVID-19, meaning the student has symptoms consistent with COVID -19 and “has not received test results or an alternative diagnosis from the primary health care provider within 48 hours of initial symptoms.”
The designated positive student was last in attendance on Monday, October 26. Through school contact tracing, 39 students and 5 staff members have been identified as being in proximate contact with this student and are now mandated to quarantine for 14 days from the last day of exposure. These students will learn remotely for the duration of their quarantine period.
The school has already notified these individuals and families and there will be follow-up from the Ulster County Department of Health. According to the district, parents and guardians whose children were in contact with the student in question have been contacted; if you haven’t received a call, that means your child was not in close contact.
The student designated positive will remain in isolation in accordance with New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) guidelines found on page A-2 of the NYSDOH Toolkit, which is available at