Thu. 1/26
Slow Stich Club
Gardiner Library @ 10:30am
Grab your thread, needles, yarn and/or hooks and enjoy this popular craft.
Virtual Poetry Reading w/Mala Hoffman
Gardiner Library @ 7pm
Gardiner-based Hoffman will read from A History of Place, inspired by locations where the author lived prior to landing in the Hudson Valley.
Fri. 1/27
Community Drumming Circle
Gardiner Library @ 6pm
Brenda Marie hosts this drum circle for all ages. Come make some noise in the library.
Sat. 1/28
Sew On & Sew Forth
Olive Free Library (West Shokan) @ 11am
Chrissy welcomes all sewists to join in this week’s project, speedy pillowcases.
Sun. 1/29
Cash on Cash
Gardiner Library @ 2pm
Author and musician Robert Burke Warren traces the remarkable life of iconic American artist Johnny Cash in his new book. The author be present to share insights, sign books and answer questions.
Mon. 1/30
Writer’s Group
Woodstock Library @ 3pm
Group meets to read, discuss and critique one another’s work.
Tue. 1/31
Winter Writing Group
Woodstock Library @ 5pm
Join for prompts, encouragement and quite company, every Tuesday until Feb. 28.