In celebration of its 40th season creating and presenting original works of mask and puppet theater, Arm-Of-The-Sea Theater presented Dirt: The Secret Life of Soil at Song Seed Farm in the Town of Ulster on Saturday, August 27. It was a theatrical journey into the teeming ecosystem found right beneath our feet. There are as many living organisms in a tiny patch of soil than all the stars in the sky. The theater enacted a few of the many mutually beneficial “symbiotic” relationships found within that very busy microscopic soil city. Its economy is continuously transforming death and decay into food for new life.
The theater is in the midst of creating the Tidewater Center on the Esopus Creek in Saugerties. It will be a visitor’s center with facilities for performing arts, exhibitions, river-related programs and citizen-science projects. It will also feature a waterworks playground related to the historic water-powered mills of Saugerties, public access to tidewater fishing and a way station for mariners and kayakers. For additional information, visit