The views and opinions expressed in our letters section are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Hudson Valley One. Submit a letter to the editor at
Letter guidelines:
Hudson Valley One welcomes letters from its readers. Letters should be fewer than 300 words and submitted by noon on Monday. Our policy is to print as many letters to the editor as possible. As with all print publications, available space is determined by ads sold. If there is insufficient space in a given issue, letters will be approved based on established content standards. Points of View will also run at our discretion.
Although Hudson Valley One does not specifically limit the number of letters a reader can submit per month, the publication of letters written by frequent correspondents may be delayed to make room for less-often-heard voices, but they will all appear on our website at All letters should be signed and include the author’s address and telephone number.
Stop Zena Development
I’m writing to voice my opposition to the Zena Development, which has so many clear and obvious absolutes as to why it shouldn’t be built, that it’s hard to understand why a decision hasn’t already been made to stop it.
The development will destroy a pristine forest, with a shadow cast over hundreds of acres, forcing many animals to leave their habitat. Not only in the area owned by Zena Development, but also from the surrounding Bluestone Wild Forest, Israel Wittman Sanctuary and Ruby Rod & Gun Club.
Having one access road in Woodstock to reach homes built in The Town of Ulster presents serious dangers to everyone including, residents, visitors and service people.
Requiring Woodstock to provide emergency services is not sustainable. The developers cannot guarantee funds will be paid in years to come and how can they expect an already stretched, mostly volunteer EMS team, to provide life-saving services, to hundreds of residents of a neighboring town, living on what is ultimately is a long cul-de-sac, deep in the forest, with only one access point in and out.
The surrounding roads in Woodstock cannot safely absorb the increase in traffic. Zena-Highwoods road leading to the development entrance on Eastwoods Drive, is a narrow winding country road which isn’t equipped to handle such an increased volume of traffic.
Zena Road/Sawkill Road/John Joy Road intersection, only one mile away, saw five accidents last year, with another six accidents on the three roads leading to/from the intersection.
Zena Road intersection with Route 28, three miles away witnessed another seven accidents.
Surrounding roads like Witchtree Road, Chestnut Hill Road and Van Dale Road had another six accidents.
There was a total of 24 accidents last year within three miles of the planned development.
Ultimately, the devastation this development will cause to the environment is why this development must be stopped from moving forward.
Howard Cohen
Warning letter
Some of my jokes are actually warnings.
The status of plowing and salting the bike path in New Paltz
In response to questions and concerns being raised by the public regarding the bike path along Henry W. DuBois Drive (HWD), the Town of New Paltz would like to clarify the status of plowing and salting the path.
The bike path has not been released to the town or village yet. It has had one inspection from the DOT along with the engineer of record. During the DOT inspection (the primary funding source) an ADA issue was discovered at two intersections. The DOT inspector will return to the site when the snow has melted to finish checking grades and elevations along the entire length of the path. This could not be done until all the snow was off the entire path from roadside to outside of paved surface.
To date, the inspecting engineers are waiting for the report from DOT on the ADA fix along with the change order information from the engineer of record for the project. The engineer of record (the designer) of the path is aware of the issues and has been contacted multiple times with no response.
To address the plowing of the path. Multiple pinch points were determined when the town highway superintendent completed a test plow of the path, after the second snowstorm of the season, to determine if in fact the path was able to be plowed by the smallest plow the town owns ( a pickup truck and plow). This was performed during the second storm due to construction equipment on the path. Pinch points were found at three intersections due to signpost, a stone wall and post and fire hydrants that were not moved during the project, along with one area that a utility pole and guardrail narrowed to less than six feet, not allowing the truck to fit even without the plow. This area is the largest plowing issue to date.
Another issue is with the plow markers placed on the inside of the trail just off of the guide rail. These posts will not stop the plowing, but they do inhibit plowing close to the rail and clearing as much snow off by the rail as possible. This is important due to melt and freezing. These plow markers are also potential safety hazards to cyclists. Further issues come from the lack of road markers along the grassy areas on the western part of the path in the village limits. This does not impede plowing, but makes it very hard not to do damage to the grass area during a snowstorm when the driver has no point of reference on road edge. The town highway department has offered to fix these issues.
There is an ongoing drainage issue on the north side of HWD by Prospect Street intersection. Again, this does not affect plowing, but does have an effect on houses on that intersection and further east towards North Oakwood. The town highway department has agreed to remedy to mitigate the cost. This was left out of the original design.
To the fix. The ADA issues are waiting the DOT report to the inspecting engineers and the change order from the engineer of record (the design engineer). The post movement for stop sign placement will be moved by the town highway. Verbal permission was given by the DOT and the engineer of record. This issue makes maintenance harder, but not impossible and will be addressed in the spring.
The pinch point where the truck does not fit has had a site visit from the engineer of record for the project (the design engineer) on January 20th. Measurements were taken to come up with a fix.
It is important to understand this is a New York State DOT project, partially funded by the state, so the design features are to DOT specifications. This means to a much higher specification than a rural road, something you can equate to seeing on the Thruway, this was due to the grant to pay for the project. The plan was to see if the guardrail could be shortened to allow a plow to get around the utility pole. The engineer was supposed to get back to the town with her recommendations by the week of January 27th and to date the town has heard nothing after calls to the engineer and messages left.
In response to no response, the town has contacted Central Hudson to inquire about moving the pole that is the issue. Please remember that it is easy to say just shorten the rail or move it over or just move the pole. There is buried infrastructure all up and down the HWD road, especially, in this area with state specifications on length of rail. Central Hudson responded and the process to get the pole moved has started.
The town has no plans to buy a specific piece of equipment to service the path. The truck that plows the Empire State Trail off 299 will be more than sufficient to maintain the path once the issues have been addressed. The town has offered to plow the village portion of the path, from Oakwood west to Route 32 north. This is only due to the village DPW not having a small enough truck with a sander to fit on the trail.
Lastly, the town recognizes that this in no way is a desired situation that the path has not been accepted. The path was built to the specifications of the designing engineer. With the late start date, along with winter snow, this has slowed the inspection process that in any project reveals some redesign and fixes. The town is working diligently to bring this to a conclusion ASAP. The town has to follow the steps and guidelines from the contractor, DOT, site engineers, along with the engineer of record as to not put the funding of over $4 million in jeopardy.
Chris Marx, Superintendent of Highway
Town of New Paltz
Talking about pedestrian safety
With the recent death of a pedestrian in Rosendale we must demand that the Department of Transportation (DOT) prioritize safety for pedestrians and other vulnerable road users. Motor vehicles keep getting bigger and more powerful. The bodies of human beings are still about the same size as they’ve always been.
Yes, we all have a responsibility to drive and to walk with full attention to what we’re doing. At the same time, road design, crosswalks and infrastructure have an important role to play in the safety of our streets and roads. There are measures that can be taken and have been taken successfully in other municipalities.
1. Reducing the speed limit. New York City lowered the speed limit to 25 mph in 2014 as part of Mayor de Blasio’s Vision Zero initiative. Result: fewer fatalities. In 2024, Sammy’s Law was passed to honor an 11-year-old boy killed on a street in Brooklyn. This law allows NYC to further lower speed limits. Now in many parts of the city the speed limit is 20 mph.
Why can’t we do this in New Paltz?
2. The idea of a safe crosswalk for pedestrians is laudable. In practice, crosswalks aren’t always safe. There is one very long crosswalk in New Paltz that does not offer a sense of safety for pedestrians. At Main Street and Oakwood Terrace, as a pedestrian you are lucky when cars going in both directions stop for you. You probably have to wait quite a while. The width of Main Street at this location is such that when a westbound vehicle stops for you, cars coming behind it can pass the stopped car on the right side. Very dangerous for pedestrians!
There is a safer street design called curb “bump outs” that extend the curb into the street. These could be installed. A pedestrian island in the middle of the street would be great.
3. Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs). New Paltz has one on the Route 32 side of the SUNY campus. Some years ago, students were struck while trying to cross the road at this location. To activate the flashing beacon a pedestrian simply presses a button. Rather than a red light, the RRFBs are only used when needed by a pedestrian. Some locations that could be improved by these devices include the intersection of Main Street and Plattekill Avenue in front of the Elting Library and the rail trail crossing at Water Street Market.
While standing at the corner of Main Street and Oakwood Terrace, I have collected over 200 signatures of New Paltz people who want to see these improvements enacted. Thanks to the efforts of Dylan Moscoso more than 50 people have signed an online petition. Please let me know if you’d like to add your name. My email address is
Stephen O’Shea
New Paltz
A “stragedy”
The triumvirate at the head of our national administration, is using the “shock and awe” and “art of the deal” strategy that is keeping our heads spinning and is a tragedy. That’s why I am calling it a “stragedy.”
Karen Cathers
New Paltz
Marcel Disregarded by Democratic Committee
Although there are many reasons why Trump won the election, there is one explanation that has local resonance. Voters reported Trump understood their problems and was speaking directly to them. Many who voted for Trump did so because they felt that the Democratic Party doesn’t represent their interests. Trump cared about the struggles of men, especially white, working-class men, and that Democrats are out-of-touch elitists who look down on them. Recent actions by the Woodstock Democratic Committee could reinforce this perception. Marcel Nagele was clear about his intentions to run for the Woodstock Town Board. But he was rebuffed by the committee; they wouldn’t talk to him. Although other candidates were invited to address the committee, Marcel was excluded. Marcel’s background is similar to the working-class Democrats that left the party and voted for Trump. He is a lifelong resident, a high school graduate and a successful small businessman. Over the past several years, he has been working with a group of supporters on some of Woodstock’s urgent problems. The refusal of the committee to hear him out, his interests, issues and concerns, demonstrated extraordinary arrogance and elitism.
Ken Panza
If New Paltz town and village combines
For years, the village has avoided dealing with parking. I have spent most of my 76 years in New Paltz, watching various administrations address or ignore issues halfheartedly. Parking is one of those persistent problems that has only worsened over time.
I live on Millrock Road, which has become Main Course’s parking lot. Six days a week, every available space is taken. On top of that, several student houses on the street mean even more vehicles, often leaving the road congested. Getting in and out of my driveway is a daily challenge. With cars parked on both sides, Millrock becomes a one-lane road, turning every encounter with an oncoming vehicle into a standoff — one that forces drivers to negotiate who will back up, as there’s no room to pull over.
This situation is not just an inconvenience; it’s a safety issue. In the past, an ordinance required cars to be off the street when it snowed, allowing for proper plowing. I have not seen this enforced in years, resulting in dangerously narrowed roads during winter storms.
The solutions are straightforward:
1. Make Millrock a one-way street or restrict parking to one side.
2. Require landlords to provide off-street parking for tenants with vehicles.
3. Increase enforcement against illegal parking, especially in front of fire hydrants.
If the town and village merge, I hope this issue is finally addressed. I have proposed solutions — signage and ordinance changes — only to be ignored. The recent ice storm has reminded me why this issue can no longer be brushed aside. It’s time for action, not avoidance.
Larry Winters
New Paltz
[Look out] there’s an “f”n monster comin’!
I am truly embarrassed that the leadership in the USA is Trump. He is a fool and a joke and a danger to this country. I am embarrassed by the President of the United States of America. It makes me so very sad and angry, but resolute in my determination to fight for what’s right.
The Venn diagram of Nazi beliefs and the Trumpublican platform is a circle. It’s chilling to realize just how much carnage has been done already and we are in the first few weeks of this administration and can’t wait to get rid of this one for good. Stop fascism before Trumpism, it seemed obvious that the Republican Party had become a mecca for those who were evil, stupid, or insane. Never let the same snake bite you twice.
The following poem attempts to convey the urgency of the topic and the danger associated with it.
The Serpent’s Bite
The serpent’s bite, a venomous kiss,
A subtle sting, a poisoned bliss.
A second chance, a warning call,
To heed the signs before the fall.
The shadows stretch, the whispers rise,
A creeping threat before our eyes.
The F word, a name, a fearful plea,
A deal with a fascist Devil, for all to see.
The echoes of hate, a haunting sound,
On hallowed ground, where upon we frown
A harvest of fear, a bitter fruit,
Where reason withers, and dissent is mute.
The past repeats, a cruel replay,
A dance of power, come what may.
The words of old, a hollow sound,
“Make America Great” on hallowed ground.
The landscape shifts, the curtains fall,
A mental fracture, answering the call.
The blizzard swirls, a chilling breeze,
Authoritarian ideas, if you please.
The snake will bite, the blood will flow,
Unless we wake up and rise and go.
To guard our freedoms, stand our ground,
Before the ashes scatter ‘round.
White National Christian flags, a twisted guise,
A ruse of hate, behind the lies.
A new elite, a hungry hand,
To seize the power, take command.
A slow burn ignites the flame,
As fear and hate become the game.
With mandates, hate, and screens to hide,
A fascist tide begins to ride.
Intolerant souls, a darkened plea,
Unleashing hate for all to see.
Ignorance blooms, the greed takes hold,
As precious stories are left untold.
The wounds run deep, the scars remain,
A testament to sorrow and pain.
The fight continues, with hearts aflame,
To banish the darkness, and reclaim the name
The warning sounds, a clarion call,
To fight the F beast, lest we all fall.
For when the flag conceals the pain,
The serpent bites, again and again.
“Trump and his supporters are a clear and present danger to American democracy, IMHO.”
Neil Jarmel
West Hurley
FY 2026 village budget: Make sure expenses are not outpacing revenues
From my January announcement about running for town supervisor I said: “During my decade as mayor, our team has secured millions of dollars in grants and invested millions more updating buildings, infrastructure and heavy equipment, including energy-efficient fire and plow trucks. We have done this without raising the village tax rate. FY 2025 was our ninth annual budget in a row without an increase to village property taxes.”
The village’s total taxable assessed value was $319 million for the FY 2025 budget. Our flat tax rate is especially noteworthy as the most recent full market value for the tax-exempt SUNY New Paltz property was $634 million. This means that the village government provided services for a community valued at nearly $1 billion where only one third of the properties are taxable.
Some have asked how have village property taxes remained flat if the property tax levy has increased? To determine a tax rate, the taxing jurisdiction divides the property tax levy by the total taxable assessed value of all property in the jurisdiction. The property tax levy may also be calculated as “budgeted expenses minus non-property revenue.”
Our administration focuses on borrowing responsibly, paying down debt early when we can, and making sure our costs for services align with our revenues. We try to make sure expenses are not outpacing total revenue (non-property revenue + the property tax levy).
I will add that we have maintained the village’s flat tax rate while the total taxable assessed value for village properties has only increased 0.68% on an annualized basis during the previous nine years.
In summary:
Property Tax Levy = budgeted expenses minus non-property revenue
Property Tax Levy = Tax Rate * Total Taxable Assessed Value
We are currently working on budgets for the water fund, sewer fund and the village’s general fund for FY 2026 (6/1/25 – 5/31/26).
Again, we are trying to cover expenses with revenues to balance our general fund budget without increasing our current property tax rate of 4.912 per $1,000 of assessed value. For example, if one’s house was assessed at $300,000, then the village property tax bill will not be more than $1,474 for each of the last ten years.
Approximately 46% of total revenue ($1.7 million of $3.7 million) in our village general fund have been derived from property taxes and Woodland Pond’s PILOT for the last few years. Parking meters, overtime tickets, building inspections, cannabis sales tax, highway aid and interest income have represented the bulk of the village’s non-property revenue. We anticipate only $75,000 in FY 2026 from sales tax because of our county’s limited sales tax sharing agreement.
Our tentative budget will be made public during the February 26th village board meeting when we will also plan to set the budget’s public hearing for March 26.
Mayor Tim Rogers
New Paltz
USAID aided the American way
The unimaginable loss of USAID programs will destroy the fabric of our nation. Billions of dollars to farmers in crop buying and farm conservation will be gone. The global interests of the US economy will fade, increasing animosity towards our country and harming countless countries leading to instability and the loss of American influence. We cannot consider ourselves the greatest country in the world when we have no place left in it. For prosperity, for growth, for a future worth living — programs like USAID are worth saving and Congress must act to maintain the strength of the United States.
Wayne Fiorelli
A biology lesson
Kudos to Steve Massardo for his succinct biology lesson in the last Saugerties Times. A lot of people will hear you and harken to your humanity. Don’t work about the Butz’s of the world. They have their fingers plugging up a lot more than just their ears and so will neither hear nor learn from you.
But those who are genuine humane humans and want to do what is right will be immensely helped by what you and Tom Cherwin and so many others are doing to enlighten the citizenry. Thanks again.
Jac Conaway
Your votes matter
When one runs for office, you hear a lot of loopy things about yourself. The bizarre insults aimed at me include “anti-democratic,” “Mussolini” and “Commie!” While I admittedly share Vladimir’s Lenin’s beard, we have very different politics.
So I was not surprised when Woodstock town councilmember and longtime politico Laura Ricci disparaged me in a letter to this publication as “almost sexist and misogynist.”
My transgression in her opinion: likening councilmember Anula Courtis — who is running against me for supervisor — to a “rubber stamp” for her voting record, which is sometimes detrimental to the best interests of the town.
Had a man shown as little independence as councilmember Courtis has, he would have received equal criticism from me — and deserved it.
Consider just one of councilmember Courtis’ problematic votes. On September 17, 2024, she voted to effectively protect polluters and not enforce Woodstock’s laws by voting with councilmember Ricci and the current supervisor against a resolution that called for the long-overdue cleanup of the illegal Shady dump. Many respected hydrogeologists agree that the contaminated garbage poses a threat to our drinking water supply. And if Woodstock is known not as a colony of the arts but for dirty drinking water, we all suffer. I’ll vote to enforce Woodstock’s laws and finally remediate that toxic mess.
David Wallis
No to new rent control bill
The newly proposed legislation introduced by local Assemblymember Sarahana Shrestha, the REST Act, represents a drastic and misguided expansion of rent control in the state. This proposal removes the requirement for municipalities to conduct vacancy studies to accurately assess the housing market, paving the way for towns to implement local rent control based on vague and subjective reasons rather than solid data.
Moreover, it extends rent control to multifamily rental properties with a single unit, which will directly harm small, family-owned landlords, pushing many to sell their properties to large corporate entities. The legislation also alters the criteria for eligible rental-controlled properties by including those built 15 years ago or later, replacing the current cutoff of 1974. In cities like Kingston, this change would encompass nearly all rental properties. Even more concerning, municipalities would no longer be required to lift a declared housing emergency once the law is enacted, allowing rent control measures to persist indefinitely.
This legislation is counterproductive to addressing our housing crises and severely undermines the state’s ability to incentivize new housing construction. It will divert necessary funds from maintaining existing properties, leading to unacceptable living conditions for tenants. An expansive rent control framework across the state will undoubtedly stifle the creation of new housing projects, which are critically needed to reduce prices. Ulster Strong firmly opposes this legislation and calls on state legislators to reject it in favor of supporting Governor Hochul’s housing initiatives.
Tony Marmo, President
Ulster Strong
Ulster Park
DEI and why it’s important
I can only speak for myself. While I speak of the Kingston City School District and the board of education, I do not speak for them. I want to make an effort to inform people what “DEI” is and why it’s important. Diversity is simply this country. It is not putting black and brown teachers first in line for jobs, it is making every effort to have more than 4% (a regional average of the surrounding 50 districts) of teachers be teachers of color in a school district where 47% of students are students of color. The school district I was elected to serve has a bit over 8% and this is the result of years of promoting racial equality. There’s no concessions in talent or qualifications. The entirety of diverse hiring practices is preventing all forms of discrimination. It’s recognizing that having male teachers is not more important than having women teachers, but hiring and retaining male teachers is important because of how wide the gap between the two is.
Equity is not equality. Equal access to classrooms means every student can come in to hear the teacher’s lesson. Equitable access to that lesson means that a blind student can have a braille textbook. It means the deaf student can have a sign language interpreter. It means an autistic child who needs a little extra help and space sometimes can take a small bus to safely get to school. Equitable access to that classroom means families who go through unimaginable hardships to raise a child with special needs don’t have to be wealthy just to see their child graduate and have a place in society.
It breaks my heart to write this letter. I was born in Guatemala City, Guatemala. I have ADHD and Autism Spectrum Disorder. Last year, when I took an oath to the Constitution of the United States of America and the Constitution of the State of New York, I was so proud of this community. Proud of the diversity of the entire board. Proud of the opportunity to make the sacrifices of service without having a long successful career or degree higher than general equivalency. Proud to have my thoughts, voice and help included. While I’m incredibly disappointed that there are those who wish to see “DEI” initiatives erased, I can only hope they just don’t understand what erasing it actually means. I am not ready to accept that those people don’t want black people to have equal rights. That they don’t want the disabled to have a place in the world. I refuse to dismiss those people as wicked and leave them behind. They need to be included in our great society too. It is because I will never waiver from the values of diversity, equity and inclusion that I’m ready to have respectable and dignified conversations with those who have not had the opportunity to understand them.
DEI isn’t anything other than kindness. It’s giving extra support to those who need extra support. Being bullied into erasing it is not showing kindness and support to those who have been historically marginalized. Skipping directly to accusations of racism is not showing kindness and support to those who have been led to believe that DEI is something it is not. No force in this world will ever lead me to abandon my values. I will always spread kindness like confetti and encourage others to do the same.
Anthony Fitzpatrick, Trustee
Kingston City School District Board of Education
Alleged ice raid
Your article “Swept up by ice” by Crispin Kott needs further investigation and review. No proof has been offered that this is actually legitimate. Show the public proof!!! And do a better job reporting on this hot issue. Ulster County is full of scammers.
Ryan Van Kleeck
Town of Ulster
Your tax dollars
If you think it is a waste of money when Supervisor McKenna pays Officer Sinagra, who was placed on administrative, about $30 an hour just to sit in the Comeau building for the past few months, what would you think about the year and a half McKenna paid him and he did not even have to make an appearance in town.
Howard Harris
This viewpoint based On facts
Regarding last week’s letter to the editor “Viewpoints differ,” I have some comments. First, Ms. Sangrey’s asserts that regarding SARS-CoV 2 “there is no evidence to support that the virus was designed to be contagious to humans” and to think so should be relegated to “conspiracy theories.”
Evidently, Ms. Sangrey is not aware that the suspect $44 million Wuhan Institute of Virology lab was the world’s leader in research of coronaviruses and was only 300 yards from the Huanan Seafood Market, initially suspected as the source of the 2020 pandemic virus []. Never mind that Gain of Function (GOF) research was being conducted there by U.S. Company Eco-Health Alliance and funded by the USAID & NIH []. Contrary to Ms. Sangrey’s naive conclusions, GOF research routinely makes viruses more virulent (contagious) for two purposes. One to aid in the development of vaccines and the other to weaponize viruses for bioweapon development. Furthermore, in 2023, the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists stated that a new study reports that in the US, 309 lab acquired infections from 51 pathogens and 16 pathogen lab escapes happened between 2000 and 2021 [].
On December 3, 2024, after “a two-year investigation, the U.S. House of Representative’s committee, issued a wide ranging final report and concluded that the SARS-CoV 2 did not originate naturally but came from a lab leak” [].
None of what I just stated are “conspiracy theories” but solid facts and contrary to Ms. Sangrey’s misguided letter, the comments in the HV1 article on page 18 of the February 5, 2025 issue stating: the Covid-19 coronavirus which likely was engineered in a lab to be highly contagious between humans, was a logical assumption that can be supported by facts, not at all farfetched but in fact a sordid reality.
Steve Romine
Love, After Valentine’s Day
Like Rumi, there is some
kiss we want that no one
else knows or needs. Some
friend or lover holding us under
the galaxy but we are their
only star. Some light only we
exude that they need like oxygen
to journey on Love’s Way.
The way to Love: these kisses
that send us into the stratosphere
of ourselves. Sometimes the kiss
hides behind a cloud, a smile,
a breath, a galactic touch—
lip to lip.
Patrick Hammer, Jr.
Let’s value the Catskill Mountain Railroad
I support the Catskill Mountain Railroad and its plan for a 1.7 mile extension to Basin Road in order to have an appropriate destination. Recently, the Ulster County director of tourism said that the Catskill Mountain Railroad, Rail Explorers and the Ashokan Rail Trail are all vital to tourism in Ulster County. Railroads have had a dramatic role in the history of the Catskills.
Our local heritage railroad is a county treasure and is worthy of admiration, honor and widespread community support. Many residents have deep regret over the demolition of the old Kingston midtown post office and urban renewal in the Rondout area. Let’s learn from past mistakes. Let’s value the Catskill Mountain Railroad and make sure it stays on the U&D train tracks all the way to Basin Road.
Meg Carey
What autocracy looks like
I spent one semester as a student and teacher in South Korea during the military dictatorship (made possible with US support) after the bloody coup of Chun Doo Hwan. It is astounding how little I knew of the realities on the ground before I made arrangements with both my universities. I’m sure that ignorance was exactly what our leaders in the US wanted. And, of course, ignorance in Korea was enforced by the state-run media there.
I ran into that during a brief stint as a copy editor of The Korea Herald when I asked the editor why there was no coverage of the massive and very violent demonstrations I had seen the day before (including people on fire from the Molotov cocktails thrown at their feet — something I assumed to be eminently newsworthy!)
As it turned out the Blue House (president’s residence) issued a daily official list of the “things that did not happen.” These massive demonstrations were a very common scene at the university where I taught and those I walked past regularly. Often the very soldiers tasked with controlling these riots were the students who had been captured and forced into their mandatory military service before their expected dates. The most common sign held by these rioting students read, simply, “democracy now.” What could be more innocuous?
Another thing I was not prepared to see was executions beside the road. Once with a shot to the head of a soldier in uniform (probably one of the leaders of the demonstrations) and another in the back of a man who wanted to cross the border.
One of the most frightening moments took place on a city bus. During my routine commute we were suddenly surrounded and stopped by military vehicles. Soldiers bearing short machine guns boarded and demanded to see our papers. Then they got off. I assumed it was all over but quickly realized we had deviated from our route and, still surrounded by military vehicles, were headed to the countryside where there would be few witnesses to whatever was going to happen next. I didn’t think I would be “disappeared” but wouldn’t have put money on it (I had smuggled in a prohibited short wave radio to stay in touch with world news). When we stopped again, a young college student was dragged off the bus kicking and screaming for help. He was likely tortured and killed.
At the time there was a midnight curfew with “shoot on sight” orders. I often heard tanks in the street and gunfire. This was ostensibly all about stopping North Korean infiltrators. In reality it was about keeping the fear level high in order to exercise maximum control.
The military was everywhere and quite intimidating.
Corruption was ubiquitous. Every official had their palm out and NOTHING happened without greasing them. My books were routinely confiscated at the post office and the airport if someone who didn’t speak English thought there was the slightest possibility they could contain subversive materials. Sometimes that was just downright comical.
My typewriter, of all things, was confiscated until I agreed to meet the official on a Sunday and pay the “tax” he demanded.
There were monthly air raid drills regardless of the level of threat. Again this was primarily to keep fear of the enemy the focus and reinforcing the lie that the people needed a military dictator to keep them safe.
I returned two more times to live in Korea for a total of six-and-a-half years there. It is a wonderful country with wonderful people.
One of the most treasured memories of my entire life was sitting on the steps of Sejong Cultural Center on the day the tide turned against the dictator (I had to dodge the troops to make my escape as they corralled the demonstrators into the square where they could beat them). It was no longer just the students by then. Old, young, men, women, business people, shop workers, EVERYBODY turned out by the millions. It was a beautiful thing and the culmination of many years of struggle.
It could happen here. Don’t kid yourself if you think it can’t.
Mauriac Cunningham
The 24-hour economic black out against the government
You’re invited to a big event from midnight Thursday, February 27th to midnight Friday, February 28th. Don’t buy anything! Do not use credit cards or debit cards. Don’t buy gas. Don’t shop in stores or online. No Target, no McDonalds, no Amazon.
It’s the 24-hour economic black out against our current government. Since consumer spending is 70% of GDP, our dollars will speak louder than words. With significant participation this economic black out will grab the attention of banks, big box stores and the media.
To make it a big event, join in. Spread the word. (The next black out could be bigger and longer.)
Doris Chorny
Aging gracefully
At the beginning of 2020, when my wife Susan and I were in our late 70’s, we returned to the Hudson Valley after decades living elsewhere. It is not uncommon for elders to come back to family, and in our case grown kids, ex’es, memories and a few old friends. This delicate re-engagement occupied the early period of our resettlement. We were keenly aware that we were getting not just older, but old.
As we faced into our 80s, we came up with a resolution: “Let’s do our aging as gracefully as we can.” And, we thought, perhaps we can do that with others. Drawing on our varied experience in leading and being part of groups, we proposed to form such a group. We called it Graceful Aging.
This group, necessarily irregular in attendance and varying in age from the late 60’s to the mid-80’s, has been meeting together for more than a year. Together we have originated some guidelines that enhance our ability to listen deeply to one another, to value silence and to share what is uppermost on our minds; there is laughter and story-telling and a lot of compassion. We are like explorers mapping a common terrain from our own co-ordinates.
Here are a few of the questions that recur in our conversations:
• What does the word “graceful” bring to the possibilities of aging?
• What is the wisdom and gratitude we find in our aging?
• How do we discriminate between what to let go of and what to hold onto?
• How can we navigate our duties and responsibilities to our families while respecting our own limitations?
• How do we tolerate the diminishment of our faculties without feeling unmoored?
• How do those of us who are unpartnered deal with new levels of loneliness?
• How do those of us still connected to a significant other enhance our support of one another in aging?
• What are the practices and routines that we value and protect?
• And always: What can we learn from one another?
Graceful Aging convenes on the first and third Wednesdays of the month, from 10:30 a.m. to noon at the Elting Memorial Library in New Paltz. It is an open group; there is no charge to attend. Folks come and go, return or not, but there is a core of regulars. We welcome you to drop in any time.
To inquire further, be in touch with the library at the following e-mail. They will give you my email address if they can’t answer your questions or concerns:
Peter Pitzele
New Paltz
Living in peace
The Zionist State of Israel is collapsing. Israel has been defeated militarily, economically, politically and morally. Despite 16 months of relentless bombing and high-tech war crimes and genocide, with the full support of the United States (and our tax dollars) the resistance forces in Gaza (Hamas and others) forced the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) to evacuate nearly all troops from Gaza, and to free Palestinian prisoners in exchange for Israeli hostages and agree to a ceasefire (which Israel has repeatedly broken).
Hezbollah has defeated IDF forces in Lebanon and not allowed any significant Israeli incursions into Lebanon and continues to prevent the return of thousands of Israeli settlers to their settlements in the north. The Houthis in Yemen have effectively blocked any sea traffic from reaching Israel thus crippling imports through the Persian Gulf. Iran has hyper-sonic missiles, which Israel’s “Iron Dome” cannot stop, and are capable of reducing Israel to rubble. Economically Israel is in free fall. 46,000 businesses have closed (, Intel cancelled a $25 billion investment in Israel (, and there is a “new exodus” of tens of thousands of Israelis fleeing the country to places like Thailand or Europe (
Politically, Israel is an isolated, pariah nation with only one real supporter, the US. The Zionist entity is morally and ethically bankrupt on every front and the entire world can see it live-streamed. The utter depravity, racism and arrogance is on full display and the world is reacting with hatred towards Israel (and sadly and mistakenly with hatred towards all Jews). Literally, the only option left to Israel is to continue to slaughter defenseless civilians in Gaza and the West Bank with weaponry and support from the US. The State of Israel is doomed. It’s only a matter of time before it collapses. Unfortunately, many innocents will die gruesome deaths and endure heartbreaking suffering as Israel implodes
There are very powerful forces in the US and abroad who are trying to suppress these truths and inhibit free speech that criticizes Israel, but they will not succeed in silencing those who speak the truth (see for the truth). Hopefully, the collapse of the State of Israel will lead to peace and justice for all who live in Palestine and that the Israelis who choose to remain after the collapse will be able to find a way to live peacefully with the Palestinians who have no intentions of leaving their homeland.
Eli Kassirer
New Paltz
The swinging meat axe of Elon Musk’s DOGE team has targeted our national parks. Reports say the first round has claimed 1,000 workers. Spokespeople for the Association of National Park Rangers and National Parks Conservation Association say visitors will feel the impact in longer lines, fewer staff for educational programs and general questions, and on a more mundane level, for directing parking and cleaning restrooms. Message to park visitors: BYOTP. You can’t count on toilet paper in the visitors’ center or the port-o-potties anymore, and some folks might want to bring wipes, too. As Musk seeks to cut supposed waste in government, he’ll bring another kind to the attention of park visitors.
There’s always nature as an alternative. It doesn’t cost anything!
What about safety? One laid off worker for a park rescue team IS the team. In a network interview he was asked who would come to the aid of someone who had an accident or experienced a health emergency. He replied that help would have to come from the nearest town with a rescue squad. In some extreme cases, that alternative would likely mean the death of an unfortunate person. Maybe future park visitors will be greeted with a new sign: Enter at your own risk.
Nor can safety in the skies be assumed any longer. The new transportation secretary says the work of nearly 400 fired employees wasn’t critical for air safety. Not true, say industry experts and union spokespeople. Fired workers handle landing and navigational aid maintenance vital to controllers’ operations. Others worked on early warning radar systems protecting the country’s borders.
Notice of the firings came from a Microsoft email address, not a government email address,
Not so friendly skies. Bring your own life jacket.
Tom Denton
New Paltz
Let’s backtrack
For the last two weeks, councilperson Anula Courtis has published letters touting her “human rights resolution,” part of the rash of initiatives we have been seeing from her now that her campaign for town supervisor is underway. I feel obliged to respond. Councilperson Courtis accurately states that her resolution received the input of supervisor McKenna and councilperson Ricci, and that it passed by a three-to-two vote, as virtually all Woodstock resolutions do. To better understand the dynamic behind this, we need to backtrack.
In December, I presented to the town board a proposed human rights resolution, in the absence of any sign that the board would be addressing the threats to vulnerable members of our community posed by the incoming federal administration on their own. It was specific and comprehensive, and included particular references to the two most immediately threatened groups, the trans and immigrant populations, among others. Nick Henderson wrote an article on my proposal, in which councilperson Courtis was quoted as saying there were “other ways” of addressing the issue, whereas councilperson Ricci seemed more amenable to it, expressing her empathy over the prospect of families being torn apart because of their immigration status. She was, however, concerned about wording that might imply any disobedience to laws, so I attempted to negotiate the language in good faith, and thought we were getting somewhere. The next thing I knew, councilperson Ricci had removed any reference to immigrants’ human rights, and, subsequently, the whole proposal, which councilpersons Conte and Ratcliff were prepared to offer as a resolution, was discarded. Instead, at the next board meeting, councilperson Ricci gave the spotlight to candidate Courtis, as she has been doing of late, to unveil her own resolution.
Now, I don’t care who ultimately authors or takes credit for a resolution that says something about our responsibilities to defend human rights, as long as it gets done. Unfortunately, the resolution that councilperson Courtis is touting doesn’t say much of anything. Rather, it’s a word salad of whereases, with very little in the way of concreteness, specificity or immediacy. There’s no mention of immigrants, none about trans people and no references to the outlawing of programs that promote equality. It claims to be building on our town’s human rights record, while ignoring the board’s poor record in defending the human rights of victims of racial and sexual harassment in the police force and the human right of all of our citizens to have safe drinking water. It simply “aligns” us with New York State and United Nations standards “as they evolve,” while, right now, undocumented immigrants, documented immigrants and people who look like they might be immigrants are being rounded up in terrorizing raids, and the trans community is living with fear for their safety and the denial of their very existence and humanity. That is why there were two “no” votes, with councilperson Conte expressing her disgust and councilperson Ratcliff calling it a “sham.” I do respect some of the things citizen Courtis mentions she did for our community prior to her position on the board. But now it’s politics.
Alan M. Weber
Continuing on the right path
As we read Donzello Borelli’s extremely accurate representation of corporate media … aka, the lame stream media … and how they bashed Trump and continue to bash Trump while misleading the people with their biased, inaccurate and sometimes untruthful “reporting,” this media behavior will be noticeably ramping up as they want ZERO success for Trump and his administration. Not having learned a single lesson, they amazingly remain puzzled at why their ratings continue to tank as they also wonder why there have been major shakeups at CNN, MSNBC and some of the major non-cable “news” outlets. With a new president on the job for only four weeks, MSNBC has surgically removed their bigoted tumor, Joy Reid, canceling her show. She’ll apparently be going the same route as CNN’s Jim Acosta.
Steve Masardo’s biology lesson refers to a microscopic example of an extremely limited sampling of people born with more than one pair of chromosomes. Of course, these people deserve the same respect and dignity afforded to each and every human being. Steve asks which bathroom should they use. When did it become a scandal to simply use the bathroom that matches one’s sexual apparatus? Being caught up in focusing on such an extremely small percentage of people, Steve misses the bigger picture. In recent years there has been so much disrespect, disregard and disdain for women’s sports that it took an executive order to return us to normalcy and sanity. Is it fair, Steve, for a woman with a male chromosome or any male pretending to be a woman to be playing against a woman who has only female chromosomes? Is that a level playing field to you and any daughters or granddaughters you may have? Do we really need to cower to the “athletic demands” of such an extremely minuscule population at the expense of over 4,000,000 female high school and college athletes?
I guess the cat’s got Neil Jarmel’s tongue. I posed basic, legitimate and practical questions about Democrats. These questions so obviously stumped Neil that, having no response, he instead lamely referred to them as “BS.” Then, to no one’s surprise, he very comfortably slid right into one of his typical TDS tirades.
Neil then laments Trump’s pardon of some of the January 6th rioters, most of whom received over reactive and exaggerated prison sentences from an overzealous weaponized FBI/DOJ. Regarding Biden’s last-minute pardons, I suppose Neil characterizes these people as just a slew of innocent little lambs, guardian angels and martyrs.
With DOGE already finding tens of millions of dollars in waste, fraud and abuse in just four weeks and much more very likely to be found, Neil whines about $10 – $16 million for Trump attending a once-per-year event, the Super Bowl. Proportionality and perspective apparently don’t register with Neil. And his TDS greatly overshadows his self-proclaimed diagnosis of DTS … Deranged Trump Syndrome. Yeah, the man saving you and our country billions of dollars is deranged? Rings a bit hollow, Neil.
John N. Butz
We can do this!
With all that is going in our country right now, one can despair and think there is little we can do. Actually, there are concrete things you can do. Here are four:
1. Go to Find your local group and join them.
2. Attend demonstrations near you. Those can be found on the Indivisible website.
3. Check out This is a quick and easy way to contact elected officials to voice how you are feeling about various issues.
4. Participate in Buy Nothing — February 28th.
Buy Nothing Amazon — March 7-14 and Buy Nothing Walmart — April 7-14th.
Linnea Masson
New Paltz
The Man Who Would Be King
The Man Who Would Be King racked up what he likely regards as a royal flush of crowning achievements during his first month back on the throne. And thanks to his poor-cabinetmaking, government-gutting, inflation-inflating, immigrant-cleansing, birthright-denying, Musk-sucking, Putin-pleasing, insurrectionist-pardoning, safety-net-jeopardizing, environment-polluting, education-eradicating, Ukraine-deserting, EU-forsaking, defense-weakening, land-grabbing, U.S.-betraying and too many more nightmarish -ings to mention, America and its inhabitants (U.S.- and foreign-born), along with the rest of the world, are looking at 47 more months of such “achievements.”
The above paragraph reflects my deeply felt sentiments, but of course many people feel otherwise. This is (or was) America, and they have that right. And I have the right to be curious. I’d like to learn if Trumpsters John N. Butz and/or George Civile are having second thoughts — without John’s insulting me; if he must, I can take it, though with a sense of missed opportunity. I’d also be interested in reading what other MAGAites think of Trump and Musk’s recent actions.
America is in trouble. And as a news site I visit warned, “Nobody is coming to save us, so we must all rally together and do it ourselves.” If we’re to weather this storm — no: tornado; on that, at least, we can agree — we need to dialogue, civilly and honestly. Reaching that goal can begin at a kitchen table, at a bar, in a church … anywhere, including here, in Hudson Valley One, a worthy example of the as-yet-still-free press.
Consider this letter your written invitation.
Tom Cherwin
The Line Within
Amnesty International Mid-Hudson will be screening Borderland I The Line Within on Saturday, March 8 at 1 p.m. at the Rosendale Theatre, 408 Main Street, Rosendale. Let’s watch this award-winning documentary together. A panel with the filmmakers will follow at this fundraiser for Ulster Immigrant Defense Network (UIDN). The cost is $25. For additional information, call 845-389-3779 or visit
Rosalyn Cherry
New Paltz
One act of kindness at a time
When Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022, I felt helpless. Sitting in my home in Saugerties, New York, I knew I had to help — but how?
I discovered Welcome Corps, an initiative that helps Americans sponsor refugees. I immediately thought of the many families fleeing Ukraine, but hesitated to take action. Life got in the way and I procrastinated. Then, on the second anniversary of the invasion, I received a new job offer. It felt like a sign. I revisited the Welcome Corps website and began the process of becoming a sponsor.
Soon, I was matched with Sasha, Anna and their seven-year-old daughter, Vira, who had fled to Poland. Sasha’s travel authorization was approved and their journey to America became real. In May 2024, they arrived at JFK Airport, their faces filled with exhaustion but also hope. As we made our way home, I felt the weight of the moment. I wasn’t just helping strangers — I was welcoming a family into my life.
I wanted to do more than offer temporary refuge. Within a week, Vira was enrolled in school, Anna found part-time work with the Boys & Girls Club and Sasha got a job hanging fiber optics. Slowly, they started rebuilding their lives — and so did I.
Hosting them has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. I’ve seen firsthand the resilience of the human spirit as they adjusted to a new country, eager to contribute. We shared our first Thanksgiving and Christmas together, celebrations filled with gratitude and new memories.
Though their journey was born from tragedy, it has brought joy and purpose into my life. What started as an act of kindness has turned into something much deeper. We began as strangers, but today, we are family.
This experience has reminded me that, despite the world’s divisions, we all have the power to change lives — one act of kindness at a time.
Mike MacIsaac
Woodstock needs change
Having read several different candidates’ pieces for the upcoming Woodstock elections in last week’s edition of HV1, I couldn’t help but feel joy at the front page and Marcel Nagele’s interview with Nick Henderson. Nick’s interview truly captured the soul of a hard-working, honest person. It has been said that, “If a person is too close to heaven, they are no earthly good and if one is too close to earth, a person is no heavenly good.” In operating an excavation company, Marcel Nagele is rarely far away from earth, and with Marcel’s moral values he is never more than a stone’s throw away from heaven.
Marcel doesn’t beat around the bush when giving his opinion, and most of us know by now that he’s all about change in the way Woodstock has been run of late. The present supervisor and his colleagues have become comfortable in the quagmire that has become the Woodstock Town Board. Whilst the Woodstock supervisor recently gave himself a 20 percent raise in pay and one year later kicked the homeless out of the town’s warming center during sub-zero temperatures, Marcel speaks openly about his desire to help the less well off in our community by turning our community center into a warming center in times of need. Whilst our present supervisor makes promises about cleaning up our toxic dump, Marcel diligently researches the problem and takes action by supporting the very people who have been affected by the dump.
Marcel Nagele is a person I’d want in my corner if I was in a fix. The Town of Woodstock has never been in such a fix as it finds itself right now. We need Marcel on our town board. Vote for Marcel in the upcoming primary election.
Chris Finlay
Snobbery won
Most of us have heard that motto of the geeks in Silicon Valley: “move fast and break things.” Ever wonder if earlier grandmas might well have stitched pillows with “Try new ideas and invent stuff?”
Everyone in DC seems to have believed that solving problems means spending more money. Yup, I like DOGE. DC is staffed by far too many people, earning far too much, enforcing far too many rules and spending our money weirdly. I think we have had a spending problem, and now we have a dangerously high debt problem. DOGE is a start.
America’s debt becomes unrepayable unless we screw the buyers of government bonds and pay them back with inflated dollars. We don’t default — we destroy the buying power of money and issue far too much of it. All of DC and high taxed states like New York, are making everything unaffordable for the majority of two earner homes with kids. We now sell drugs, and promote gambling with nearly a dozen scratch-off games, to pay our state’s debts. States like sports gambling for the added income it generates, and that is a fast-rising tide. Millions will drown in that state-sponsored addiction!
School performance across the state is hushed up; wealthier parents are paying a lot for supplemental tutors; retirees are running faster on our tax treadmill, with rents being pushed ever higher due to the higher taxes landlords must pay.
New York is losing high earners to lower taxed, more lightly regulated states. We need more business creation in New Paltz and all of Ulster County. Commercial buildings in this classy weekender destination town have stood vacant for DECADES! Our business approval environment must be harsh: good lawyers have worked years to get stores to be permitted to open and failed. It appears to me that ‘perfection has become the enemy of the good’ (as JFK cautioned us).
This commercial decline began when Walmart (the most successful store in the world) was fought by snobs with the slogan “Stop the Walmarting of New Paltz!” Rich snobs = no Walmart.
Affordability is important to me. I’d bet a lot of that mob that denied us a great retailer drive to Costco, BJs and Sam’s, and order daily from Amazon.
Shame on those still around for forcing many of us to drive 30-mile round trips to Kingston, Poughkeepsie or Newburgh for basic needs, lower prices and product selection.
Speak out, please. Congress is listening to Big Money, but we have the votes they crave.
Paul Raymond
New Paltz
Rights, WUC and respect
Thank you to Alan Weber for raising the need to update human rights policies in Woodstock and the need for the Town of Woodstock to act according to these policies. And, thank you to Woodstockers United for Change for keeping visible many important issues facing the town — Shady dump, source tracing for PFAS contamination of town water, the handling of improprieties within the Woodstock Police Department and the need for better planning and implementation of a functioning warming station in the town. (After all, a warming station has been an issue in town for years!) WUC has communicated clearly with town residents and organized/conducted a town meeting regarding PFAS contamination. This meeting was far more transparent, inclusive and professional than a similar meeting conducted by the town. Change is truly needed to not only have human rights be stated in writing but followed through in actions.
I find it disturbing that a town board member characterized a candidate for supervisor with disparaging labels. In addition to being gross and unfounded assumptions, these comments add to the already tarnished image that the town government has earned, undermines respect for our local governmental representatives and serves to draw into question the viability of another candidate for supervisor rather than give support. This is not a way to foster understanding and respect within our town. This board member also described one-on-one conversations between the supervisor and certain town board members as preceding public town board meetings — no other person in the town is evidently present nor are they aware of the result of these conversations. So, community members are only aware of discussions that take place at public town board meetings. I, for one, am thankful to see that there is dissention and attempts at discussion from some town board members. Perhaps those who currently appear to be “rubber stamps” can explain why they usually vote with the supervisor’s position, despite having reservations about a given proposal. This would help the poor communication that exists between the government and community. May all members of the town board feel that they can express their opinions, in public, without anticipating condescending/angry/recriminating comments from those who may disagree. And, as the weeks and months go by, please carefully analyze political rhetoric through the lens of wise advice: “Self-praise is no recommendation.”
Terence Lover
Stana Weisburd for Ulster County Legislature in District 20, New Paltz
I’m Stana Weisburd and I’m running for Ulster County Legislature, District 20, the Village of New Paltz. I’m not just a candidate: I’m your neighbor, a public servant, a caregiver and I have big dreams for our community.
My career is centered on healing: As a massage therapist, a doula and a nurse, and now healing the systems that impact us all. I believe my experience in both healthcare and local government combined to make me a uniquely effective leader. As a trustee of the village, I’m already working hard for the common good. Collaborating with the zoning board, police commission, school board and county planning board, I’m already tackling issues from emergency preparedness to safeguarding green spaces like Millbrook Preserve. A seat in the legislature means I can do more for you.
Affordable housing is critical, with so many of our neighbors facing housing insecurity and families struggling toward home ownership. We need to stabilize housing costs and stop homelessness before it starts.
All economic opportunity and development should be green economy based. Let’s create sustainable, living wage jobs for Ulster County with cottage industries, green manufacturing, support for startups. We can enable small businesses, creatives and local farms to thrive. This is how we encourage future employment making our county a haven for generations to come.
Disparities in health care access touch me deeply as a nurse and a mother. Ulster County is a medical and mental health care desert. We must increase access, especially finding creative solutions for such a broad geographic area.
I’m excited to expand my work for you by serving in the Ulster County legislature. Let’s have brave and loving conversations, challenge the status quo and be joyfully innovative as we build a stronger more equitable and sustainable Ulster County. Let’s lead with love!
Stana Weisburd
New Paltz
A response to Fred Nagel
Once again, Fred Nagle’s letters are filled with lies about anything related to Israel. His hatred of Jews renders his definition of genocide meaningless.
If there is genocide of Palestinians, how has their population increased by millions since the founding of Israel? Nagel claims Israel is eradicating two million when Hamas only claims about 50,000 have been killed.
There is a reason that the U.S. and so many of its people support Israel and that is because the Jewish nation is surrounded by nations that hate Jews as well as the brutal hatred in particular of Palestinian terrorists dedicated to the extermination of the Israeli people.
Susan Puretz