The views and opinions expressed in our letters section are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Hudson Valley One. You can submit a letter to the editor here.
Letter guidelines:
Hudson Valley One welcomes letters from its readers. Letters should be fewer than 300 words and submitted by noon on Monday. Our policy is to print as many letters to the editor as possible. As with all print publications, available space is determined by ads sold. If there is insufficient space in a given issue, letters will be approved based on established content standards. Points of View will also run at our discretion.
Although Hudson Valley One does not specifically limit the number of letters a reader can submit per month, the publication of letters written by frequent correspondents may be delayed to make room for less-often-heard voices, but they will all appear on our website at All letters should be signed and include the author’s address and telephone number.
Vote for experience and dedication
I have been involved in Democratic campaigns for a long time. During the past two years, I was sheriff Juan Figueroa’s 2022 campaign manager and in 2023 a member of the Manny Nneji for DA team. I am also on the Saugerties Democratic Committee. As someone who has worked directly on political campaigns, I know the importance of people who put their egos aside, show up and do the work to help elect Democrats.
In the upcoming June 25th primary, six current Saugerties Democratic Committee members are being challenged in three election districts — Louise Bloomfield (ED 7), Barbara Boyce (ED 7), Kevin Freeman (ED 12), Deena Rae Turner (ED 12), Frederick “Rick” Cousin (ED 13), Margo McGilvrey (ED 13). These six committee members (two per election district) are Democrats who local candidates have depended on for years to knock on doors, make phone calls, raise funds, get out the vote and help win elections. For the sake of our Democratic Party, our Democratic candidates and this year democracy itself, we must ensure that Louise, Barbara, Kevin, Deena, Rick and Margo remain on the Saugerties Democratic Committee. They are dedicated volunteers who help voters make a plan and get to the polls. They are democracy’s essential workers in Saugerties.
As an active member of the Saugerties Democratic Committee, I see how Louise, Barbara, Kevin, Deena, Rick and Margo work behind the scenes to keep our local Democratic Committee strong and effective. The average voter isn’t aware of the arduous work that these committee members do, putting candidates and democracy ahead of their own personal gain or credit. In some ways, committee members are the anonymous people who show up at your door and provide you with the necessary information for you to make your voices heard. You know them when you see them, but you may not put a face to a name. But for registered Democrats living in Saugerties’ election districts 7, 12 and 13, please remember those names and cast your ballot for both Louise and Barbara in ED 7, both Kevin and Deena in ED 12, both Rick and Margo in ED 13. In this crucial election, we need their experience and dedication.
Christine Dinsmore
Hurley Dems who support Dems
We support Hurley Democrats who help elect Democrats. Please vote for these endorsed Hurley Democrats in our June 25th primary. Early voting is June 15-23. Learn more at
Hurley town clerk: Lynne Bailey; Hurley town board: Debbie Dougherty, Joe Letendre.
Hurley Democratic Committee: ED1, Ellen Mulkerin, Peter Humphries; ED2, Jana Martin, Joe Letendre; ED3, Cindy Bishop, Aaron Waldner; ED4, Gregory Simpson, Peter McKnight; ED5, Margaret (Meg) Carey, Tobe Carey; ED6, Zahava Wilson, Bruce Ginsberg; ED7, Patricia “Annie” Reed, Melinda McKnight; ED8, Nancy Garnau, William McKnight.
Vote for Democrats who help elect Democrats.
Tobe and Meg Carey
For he’s a jolly good felon!
“He’s full of shit” … and now, he’s a convicted felon of 34 counts POS. ’Nuff said…
No American should ever support the man that tried to stop the peaceful transfer of power in America. Never support him. He is incredibly guilty … Yep, 34 is a BIGLY number. Just more lies by him to get us to believe otherwise. His remarks are riddled with falsehoods and attacks against the rule of law and judicial system. There is no more use of the word alleged … He’ll never be presumed innocent now …Vote for democracy and our USA in the November 5th presidential national election.
Neil Jarmel
West Hurley
How it all starts
The cause of most war: real estate.
Note of clarification
Last week’s Night Sky column explored oddities of this month’s upcoming Full Moon. They’re all true. They arise because the Full Moon, I wrote, happens to land on the Summer solstice on June 21. Well, turns out that for only the fourth time since 1896, the solstice will occur on June 20th. Those Moon effects will still happen because the Full Moon lands just 28 hours after the solstice, but it won’t be exactly ON the solstice. I regret the sloppy error.
Bob Berman
Cannabis sales tax auditing
We have been working to confirm that Ulster County, the Town of New Paltz and the Village of New Paltz each receive our correct share of legal cannabis sales tax from NYS. The first legal sales within New Paltz were generated on 8/10/23 during the Cannabis Grower Showcases hosted at New Paltz’s Village Hall.
New Paltz’s showcase was the first in the whole state and adult consumers flocked to New Paltz to purchase tested and legally grown cannabis products. Through 12/2/23, New Paltz’s showcase had sales that surpassed $1 million, or approximately 20% of all statewide showcase sales. Initial reports from Ulster County indicate that sales tax from cannabis occurred almost exclusively in the Village of New Paltz in 2023, and represented 79.2% of all cannabis sales countywide.
We are working closely with the NYS Office of Cannabis Management (OCM) and county officials to ensure there is a robust and defensible papertrail, like we did during the recent review of the distribution of mortgage recording tax with county clerk Nina Postupack and county comptroller March Gallagher.
There is a NYS excise tax of 9% collected by cannabis retailers. Then there is local tax that adds 4% on top of the 9% State Tax. The county, town and village share the local tax of 4% that is distributed by the NYS comptroller to the county. The county is entitled to retain 25% of these funds. For a dispensary, or a growers showcase, located in the Village of New Paltz, the remaining 75% is split evenly with the town and village.
Using the example below, Ulster County would send $1 each directly to the town and village.
EXAMPLE (Cannabis / state and local sales tax at 13%)
Purchase price: $66.67 + $8.67 in sales tax = $75.34
*Sales tax breakdown*
$1 each for town and village of New Paltz
67 cents for Ulster County:
$6 for NYS
Unlike buying from a car dealership outside of Ulster and registering the vehicle here, if a New Paltz resident buys from a delivery service with a cannabis license in a different county, New Paltz and Ulster County receive none of the sales tax from that transaction.
Mayor Tim Rogers
New Paltz
Thanks for displaying the artistic culture of our New Paltz area
Thanks, Kamilla Nagy for the fantastic work that you organized and successfully presented at the Elting Library on June 1 — the art show sponsored by The Historic Preservation Commission of the Village of New Paltz.
In its tenth year now, this has become a most important event — bringing about the multitude of talent in our area that otherwise is never to be seen (appreciated) by the community.
Everything was done with perfection — the collection, the hanging, the categorizing and including a people’s choice award! The reception for the opening was an outstanding art show in itself. I thank you for the privilege again of serving as a judge and the good collaboration to join with Tom Kastner and Marcy Bernstein. It was fun and rewarding, as our vision opened with each other’s views! What was most touching and outstanding was the memorial tribute to three artists, with samples of their work — Jim Adair, Anita Cappell and Stanley Schneider. How grand that the art show will be on exhibit until June 30.
Thanks again for contributing your time, generously and you effort, expertly, to display the artistic culture of our New Paltz area.
Camille (Cami) Fischer
George R Fischer
New Paltz
Pat Ryan, reassessment
In my letter last week, I said that I thought congressman Pat Ryan was well-meaning and sincere, in his comments about the brutal ethnic cleansing under way in Gaza, however mistaken his assessment of the big picture and historical situation. Since learning, however, that he voted “yes” on HR Bill 6090, erroneously called “The Anti-Semitism Bill,” I wish to retract my estimation of his intentions. This bill, in contravention of First Amendment Rights to free speech, conflates criticism of the Zionist program of the Israeli state with anti-Semitism. It is a cynical and dangerous twist of the truth, intended to silence opposition to the massacre of Gazans by Israeli troops in a self-proclaimed program to purge Gaza of Palestinians so as to consolidate territory for Israeli expansion. His support contradicts his expressed wish that the conflict in Gaza would end with justice for Palestinians. The agenda of AIPAC, from which he receives substantial contributions, is certainly not compatible with a fair settlement of this 70-year-old ongoing catastrophe.
The fact is that Mr. Ryan supports the outdated geopolitical agenda of the US government against Russia and China, using the Middle East as a proxy battlefield, where Iran is a pawn of the states we declare our enemies, and Saudi Arabia, which Biden declared a “pariah” when he ran for election in 2020, is now our new BFF. His allegiance to this post WW2 agenda, which is now leading us all down the path to nuclear war, is misplaced. Young as he is, he’s a man of the past, not the future. We need a representative to Congress who understands what’s needed now and going forward. Can Mr. Ryan bring himself up to speed? Since it’s a foregone conclusion that he will be the candidate for re-election this fall, we had better hope so.
He will signal his true colors by attending or not attending the speech of the prime minister of Israel, whose name I no longer wish to spell or utter, when he addresses a joint session of Congress. The blame for that travesty lies squarely on the shoulders of the senator from New York, Mr. Schumer, an old man who may be excused for his outdated views and loyalties but who should get out of the way of an agenda that could remake the world we live in into one which has a chance of ending the threat of nuclear war, meeting the climate and environmental challenges, and addressing the dangerous economic inequities the old agenda continues to promote.
Janet Asiain
Pride guide
Welcome to pride month again. For those of you who are raising children in a traditional family with a biblical world view, you may be asking yourself how to guide your children through this month. A columnist and contributor to The Federalist, Elise Temme, wrote a column with advice on this topic. I took parts of the column and inserted them below. You could also read the whole article at
“First, read Genesis 1-3 as a family. The biblical accounts of creation and the fall into sin not only reveal God’s design for marriage and families, but are also reminders of how that order is subverted … remember that all sin is sin in God’s eyes. Speaking the truth about God’s created order must be done in love.
Second, read Genesis 6-9. The biblical account of Noah, the flood, and God’s ensuing covenant reminds us of God’s promises, particularly His guarantee to protect His own through Christ Jesus. Furthermore, this passage presents the perfect opportunity to discuss the true origin of the rainbow.
Third, invest in quality literature to teach your children about human sexuality in an age-appropriate fashion. I recommend Concordia Publishing House’s Learning About Sex series. The series is well-written allowing parents to use it with discretion according to their children’s needs.
Fourth, rejoice with your children in their identities beyond their sexuality. Everyone has many stations in life to which they are called, whether that be a brother, sister, son, daughter, student, friend, cousin, neighbor, etc.
Fifth, remind yourself that you cannot control every single item or agenda your children are exposed to, but you can control how you address these things. As parents, we of course must be discerning and proactive about the media accessible to our children. However, there is no way to completely shield them from the brokenness of the world. The best thing we can do is continue in our calling as parents — leading our children by example, guiding them in the truth and equipping them to remain steadfast.”
Tom McGee
The Dealer
It was 1967 when I plunged into the belly of the beast, enlisting in the United States Marines right after high school. The ink on my diploma was still wet as I was shipped off to Vietnam, tasked with battling communism in a war that seemed both righteous and distant. For 13 months, I danced with death in the jungles, each day a roll of the dice, where life and death were merely sides of the same tarnished coin. The enemy was painted in broad strokes by our leaders: the Viet Cong, the North Vietnamese Army and communism itself — an amorphous shadow threatening the free world.
But as the years passed, I learned to question the faces behind those masks. The concept of the “enemy” became a shifty chameleon, changing hues with the whims of politicians. Enemies, I discovered, were often conjured in the corridors of power, crafted by those seeking office, or worse, by capitalists eager to sell arms and provisions to troops guarding corporate interests. The word “enemy” was merely a shroud of propaganda designed to cloak humanity in the garb of threat.
Fast forward to 2024, and the narrative has twisted into a more sinister form. With its penchant for violence cloaked as peace, our government has turned its gaze inward, painting fellow citizens as foes. We are in the throes of a pandemic that has claimed more lives in a few months than the wars in Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq combined. Yet, we pour trillions into the war machine, feeding the insatiable appetites of defense contractors while our own people cry out for basic needs.
We witness our leaders’ myopic behavior, using military might to suppress rather than protect. This is the legacy of the Dealer, a figure whose very presence infects the body politic. The Dealer’s reign of fear echoes through the halls of Congress, where elected officials, desperate to cling to their seats, prioritize their survival over the lives of those they represent.
The irony is palpable. As Covid-19 ravages the nation, revealing the frailty of our healthcare system, we squander billions on drones — cold, unfeeling machines of war — while our doctors and nurses, the actual soldiers in this battle, scramble for ventilators and protective gear. The Dealer’s game is one of distraction, a sleight of hand that shifts focus from the real crises to manufactured fears.
The Dealer’s influence is more insidious than the virus itself. It seeps into every city, every police department and every household through the very air we breathe, often transmitted through the flickering screens of our televisions. The Dealer closes his deals with a smirk, leaving the public ensnared in a web of fear — fear of illness, fear of financial ruin, fear of the unknown. Meanwhile, the Dealer and his ilk insulate themselves with wealth, barricading against the realities they perpetuate.
The White House Dealer, once exposed to Covid-19, watched a black man die on television, his last words a haunting echo: “I can’t breathe.” This, too, became another pawn in the Dealer’s game. When the Dealer called in the troops to quell the unrest, I knew it was time to fold my hand. Disillusioned by the game, I walked away from the table, seeking solace in understanding that actual change starts from within.
The landscape of 2024 is one of stark contrasts and harsh truths. The Dealer’s world is a mirror, reflecting our collective failures and our desperate need for genuine compassion and unity. As I continue to witness the unfolding drama, I hope that one day, we will all breathe freely, unshackled from the chains of fear and deception that the Dealer so deftly wields.
Larry Winters
New Paltz
Our supervisor
He, Bill McKenna, must believe that any answer is a good answer. The question was why did he remove Laurie Osmond from her position as deputy supervisor. His answer was “because the position of deputy supervisor was only for six months.” But Laurie was appointed to her position in February 2023, 16 months ago.
So what was the actual reason for her removal? Considering his previous appointees, his answer should have been that she would no longer have been one of his potential “yeses” if she became a member of the town board.
Howard Harris
Role of the Republican Party, #1
In previous letters, I referred to the role of the Republican Party as basically capitalistic. Please, this is not a slap in the face of its members. There are very many decent, honorable men and women in this party. But as a party, they are capitalistic driven. It has been that way since right after the Civil War, with the 1886 Supreme Court decision, ‘Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad’, making the corporation a “person,” “personhood.” Where it differs from the Democratic Party is they are ideologically focused more toward capitalism, accumulation of money and not issues focused for the welfare of its citizens.
This is not disallowing that there are also many Democrats who are very wealthy individuals, as in the Republican Party, but as a party, the Democratic Party, is not as focused on the accumulation of money per se as the GOP is, but more toward the welfare of its citizens (think FDR).
And this focus has witnessed the GOP deliberately shielding its money from being taxed to escape FDR’s New Deal programs. Or as C. Wright Mills states in his book, The Power Elite, “tax rates being high, the corporate rich are quite nimble in figuring out ways to get income or the things and experiences that income provides, in such a way to escape taxation.” And “ as chiefs of the industrial manors, they have looked reluctantly to the federal government’s social responsibility for the welfare of its underlying population.” In other words, the welfare of the underlying population is not in their game plan.
The NCPSSM consistently hammers away at this fact that if the rich paid their fair share of taxes, rather than trim the benefits we have paid for, the federal deficit would not be as great as it is now. For example, “The Fiscal Commission Act (H.R. 5779) which advanced out of the House Budget Committee, GOP hardliners claim is an essential step to drive down the record federal debt, would (1) “squeeze every possible dollar of savings out of Social Security and Medicare without consideration for the adequacy of benefits during the commission’s deliberations” and (2) “enact deep cuts to Social Security and Medicare that could never pass Congress through the normal legislative process.”
Or, as Mike Lofgren states in The Party Is Over, “in reality, Republicans act as bellhops for corporate America and the superrich behind these corporations….a select group of people who draw a disproportionate share of benefits from the tax code, a code that the GOP has manipulated relentlessly, to produce exactly that outcome.”
More to come.
Robert LaPolt
New Paltz
Vote for RFK
From this registered Independent voter’s perspective, Joe Biden’s presidency has been a disaster and has inspired Biden voter’s regret and remorse in many of his former supporters. The following is my lament over the Biden candidacy in response to the desperate pleas of some feedback writers to keep the increasingly cognitively challenged and always incompetent Joe Biden as POTUS for another term. It is written to encourage those who despise Trump to vote for RFK Jr. or don’t vote at all rather than to vote for another Biden term. And, I suspect, even William Weinstein knows in his heart that following either suggestion is the wise and right thing to do.
(To the Tune of the Beatles “Something”)
Nothing in the things you say
convinces me to vote for Biden
Nothing in his record…moves me
You say…”It would be a sin:
to give Trump another win”
Nothing in Joe’s record’s …good
it’s a far-left dream become a nightmare
Nothing that he’s done can soothe me
You say that he’s sharp and bright
But his gaffes are just such a fright
You’re asking me to vote for Joe
I say no…I say no…
You’re saying faith in him can grow
Don’t think so…I don’t think so
Democrats are being…coy
They say “We’ll never choose another”
But nothing that Joe’s done has helped them:
They think he’s too old and slow
But they’re still gonna vote for Joe
You say your candidate is strong
That’s your song…that’s your song
And while the press may sing along
the song’s so wrong; it’s just so wrong!
Nothing in your plans…will work
You Democrats seem self…destructive
There’s nothing that you’ve done to woo me
Your party seems…fast asleep
Your front runner is…a creep
(Closing refrains to be sung with conviction)
You don’t want to lose me now;
but you lost me so far and how
I’m telling you all today: stay home or vote RFK
(Song ends with familiar George Harrison guitar closing from “Something”)
George Civile
Support Sarahana Shrestha in the June 25 primary
I hope that my fellow Democrats in Assembly District 103 will join me in supporting our wonderful assemblywoman, Sarahana Shrestha in this month’s primary. She is facing an opponent with no experience, who is heavily funded by real estate and hedge fund interests from outside the district. Her opponent also doesn’t support the NY Health Act, which would provide all New Yorkers with affordable health insurance. Sarahana has been a tireless supporter of her constituents, working to combat Central Hudson’s insane rate and billing practices, advocating for affordable housing, supporting healthcare for all and fighting for education, the environment and justice.
Let’s not go backward. Vote for Sarahana in the June 25th primary!
Sarah Wenk
Code orange
This past weekend (June 7, 8, 9) marked National Gun Violence Prevention Weekend. We can all think of the many mass shootings and additional incidents where victims have been injured or killed — Buffalo, Parkland, the PULSE nightclub, etc. You may have noticed those wearing ORANGE as a symbol of respect for victims, their families and friends. This action was also meant to raise awareness of the need to continually work to prevent any further tragedies.
Among steps that many gun owners already take but should be widespread is the responsible action of safe storage: store firearms locked, unloaded, away from ammunition and away from children and teens. When bringing children to spend time at a friend’s home, it is not out-of-place to ask whether there are firearms in the house and, if so, whether they are safely stored. If a discussion or encounter with someone gets heated, please maintain the presence of mind and foresight to de-escalate the situation, particularly if a firearm is nearby. This is a dangerous situation and needs to be dealt with in a serious manner. Contact Marcus Molinaro (202-225-5441) and Pat Ryan (202-225-5614) to urge their support of the Assault Weapons Ban bill (H.R. 698) in the House of Representatives. Also, contact Charles Schumer (202-224-6542) and Kirsten Gillibrand (202-224-4451) to urge their support for the Assault Weapons Ban bill (S. 25) in the Senate. In NY State, contact Assemblyperson Sarahana Shrestha (845-338-9610) and Senator Michelle Hinchey (845-331-2083) to urge them to support a current bill requiring schools to give parents and guardians written information about safe gun storage at the beginning of every school year.
In May, we honored mothers and mother-figures, our Asian-American Pacific Islander friends, all children (World Children’s Day — May 25), military veterans and continued the struggle to end killing/attain peace in many areas of the world (fodder for another discussion). Let us reinforce and join the efforts of those working to end the scourge of gun violence in the United States. Do this for our own sakes, the safety of our children and grandchildren and the direction of the future. Peace.
Terence Lover
Age of lawlessness
Regarding Donald Trump, whom I detest as a human being for the lying, scammer, rapist, greedy capitalist pig he is, his conviction was sham and politically motivated. His constitutional due process rights were violated by the unique NY state law that allowed the prosecution to keep from Trump’s defense team, what the crime was, that was hidden by his falsification of his business records, making it a felony instead of misdemeanor. Had it been a misdemeanor, the statute of limitations (SOL) would have run out. But because the prosecution argued there was a hidden crime, and although they didn’t reveal what that hidden crime was, NY law stipulated the SOL to be longer making it still in force. Trump’s defense team had no opportunity to dispute what the hidden crime was as the prosecution had the last word and it was only then they revealed what the crime was, being election interference. Trump now has a case to overturn that guilty verdict in the conservative biased Republican Supreme Court because of state law violating the Constitution.
Regarding President Biden, I believe he has set us on course to WWIII with Russia. Biden recently gave Ukraine the okay to use US supplied weapons to strike inside Russia, which Ukraine just did a few days ago. Russia warned the U.S. not to do that and now we are on the precipice of what could be much more serious conflict. This was a bad move by Biden and his puppeteer war masters, and could be the turning point into a world war.
Regarding the “Israeli Genocide in the Gaza Strip,” Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor reports as of May 13, 2024, day 220 of the conflict, 43,640 people have been killed (includes those buried in the rubble), 81,560 have been injured, 2,000,000 have been displaced, 141 journalists have been killed, 136,700 homes have been destroyed, 298,000 homes have been partially destroyed, 141 journalists have been killed, 459 schools have been destroyed, 2,340 industrial facilities have been destroyed, 931 healthcare professionals have been killed and 332 healthcare facilities have been destroyed (
Meanwhile on the Israeli side, on October 7th, 845 Israeli civilians were killed and 318 Israeli Defense Force (IDF) soldiers were killed. Since October 7th the IDF says 328 of their soldiers have been killed. More than 1,593 soldiers have been wounded: 255 seriously and 892 moderately (
It should be very clear from these statistics, that aside from arguing genocide taking place, the international war crime of “proportionality” is being committed egregiously by Israel and its IDF ( But why should we expect anything different in all of this in an age when “lawlessness will multiply,” “the love of many will grow cold” and “evil will spread” (Mathew 24:12)?
Steve Romine
A note of clarification
My thanks to Nick Henderson for his article about my recent zoom presentation discussing land use in Woodstock and the proposed revisions to the Woodstock zoning and subdivision laws. One correction, though. Current Woodstock zoning prohibits building on slopes greater than 35%. Proposed zoning would prohibit it on slopes steeper than 25%, which is a more stringent limit. Some towns prohibit it on slopes steeper than 15%, but that is not being proposed in the new Woodstock zoning. My maps did show the areas with slopes of 25% or steeper. This may have contributed to some confusion.
For those who did not tune in or who would like to view it again, the presentation is available on the town’s YouTube channel at Maps detailing developable lands are available at
Judith Kerman, Vice-Chair
Woodstock Planning Board
Get out and vote on June 18
Saugerties property tax owners vote on Tuesday 6/18. For most homeowners, the school taxes are the highest portion of your property taxes.
Despite a consistent downward trend in the number of students, the school tax increases will not slow down.
Two years ago, because Saugerties schools were ending a multi-year $25 million capital project, the taxes would normally have dropped. They elected instead to create another $22 million worth of work to create a “net-zero” tax collection increase. For the last few years, the schools were given a large amount of federal relief funds to handle Covid recovery. Although these funds were known to be temporary, Saugerties CSD (like many groups) used them to create new positions and hire new people, with seemingly no intention of ever keeping them short term.
A couple weeks ago, the school tried to pass a budget that was almost 40% higher than the NY state cap limit for tax increases. The school needed a 60% majority, which they missed by about 33 votes (if reversed, it would have probably been called an edict from the community). The newly proposed budget is at a 3.6% increase, which is the state cap. If the budget doesn’t pass, they will remain at the $44.2 million budget they had this year. One of the school board candidates this election estimated that the average class sizes are about 25% smaller than what they are currently staffed at.
Only 1,600 people voted in the last election, out of close to 14,000 registered voters. Unfortunately, it is an anemic number considering the importance for both our taxpayers and our schools.
Please get out and vote on June 18 from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. at the Saugerties High School on Washington Avenue.
Mark Hoffstatter
Stop speaking out of both sides of your mouth
John Butz writes exactly like his hero Donald Trump!! No concern for the truth standing behind the first amendment freedom of speech where they can write whatever lies they feel like!! They show no morals, conscience or dedication to the truth. They reserve all rights to attack their perceived enemies. Mr. Butz is clearly a leader in The Kooks, Cranks & Conspiracy Theory contingent of MAGA’s His deep state theories on judge Juan Merchan and George Soros are just ludicrous!! Mr. Butz, stop speaking out of both sides of your mouth. The same time that you say government does not know how to get things done you also state they can collude and get things done!! Choose a lane dude!! Oh no, sorry, your dedication is not to The Truth but to freedom of speech. You reserve the right to say anything you want even in the face of evidence to the contrary. Your lack of faith in our government to fairly run an election is contemptuous. You support the King of election interference!! Trump’s attempts to dismantle the United States Postal Service was all about grabbing those write-in ballots in another fraudulent attempt to win an election!! Trump is a psychopath!! He will never concede when he loses this election. Just like in all of his trials and doings he “does nothing wrong.” He never admits that he is wrong and never admits that he loses. He bankrupts casinos and added to our deficit. He is a crook, criminal, convicted felon and sexual predator. The man you stand behind is a liar, loser and danger to our country. With a friend like Kristi Noem, he shouldn’t even be elected dog catcher.
No resolutions supporting a cease fire. I support a resolution calling for peace. Recognize Israel’s right to exist. If you are not standing for peace, you are speaking out of both sides of your mouth. You can’t complain about genocide on one hand then support it with the other.
Jonathan Grant
West Hurley
Deconstructing Donald
I’d like to learn what you who write to Hudson Valley One supporting Donald Trump, and deriding those who don’t share your opinion, find appealing about him.
I’m eager to hear what you admire about The Man Who Would Be Dictator — if only, he pledges, on Day One. Do you believe he’d stop there? Do you feel Donald Trump knows self-restraint?
Do you feel he knows compassion? Dire poverty and mortal danger from gangs and cartels are forcing people to leave hearth and home in record numbers. Trump separated parents from children and broad-brushes these unfortunates, these have-nothings, as criminals and escapees from mental asylums, as “vermin” who “are poisoning our blood,” language which echoes Hitler. Does any of this bother you?
Do you consider yourselves patriots? If so, how do you square that with Trump’s faking an injury to dodge the draft, and disparaging John McCain and fallen soldiers as “suckers” and “losers?”
Do you believe in family values? How do you feel about Trump’s numerous marital infidelities?
Do you treat women with respect? What are your reactions to the Access Hollywood remarks of “Grab ’Em by the Pussy” Trump?
Are you honest and law-abiding? How do you feel about Trump’s rampant (and now, though you dispute it, officially criminal) tax schemes, or his history of stiffing his workers, or his Trump University and other frauds, most recently the Trump Bible?
What do you make of the long list of Trump appointees who’ve been convicted, or the cautionary statements of others who served under him, then resigned in disillusionment?
What do you think of Rudolph Giuliani?
Do you support ingesting bleach to cure Covid?
What do you think of Trump’s billion-dollar ask of Big Oil? Do you believe climate change is real?
How do you feel about, despite all evidence to the contrary, Trump’s claiming the 2020 election was “rigged,” and his trying to subvert it? Would you make January 6 a national holiday? Will you accept the 2024 election results?
HV1 space guidelines allow only this cursory list of questions. But I hope you’ll engage and answer these for starters. Thank you in advance.
Tom Cherwin
I think of space
the fullness of it
or the lack of it
when needed.
It is ever expanding
in outer space where
there seems to be
a world of it.
Can you give me
my space when I
can hardly see it or
look for without light?
Does a curtain really
divide two spaces, two
people — if the room is
in total darkness?
Patrick Hammer, Jr.
Donors tell a story
HV1’s recent article about Sarahana Shrestha and her opponent, Gabi Madden, includes lists of their top ten contributors. This little detail tells quite a story. Madden’s donors all contributed $3000, the maximum allowed. Two couples each contributed $3K ($6000 from those households). Almost all are venture capitalists or bankers. Most notably, not a single person on the list is from our district.
In contrast, six of Sarahana’s ten highest contributors live in our district. Their average donation is $930. Sarahana will not accept donations from corporations, CEOs or corporate lobbyists. Madden will. She is also supported by Solidarity PAC, a political advocacy group opposing candidates who have called for a ceasefire in Gaza — a position shared by a majority of Americans.
Sarahana Shrestha has done extraordinary work on our behalf, including her key role in passing the historic Build Public Renewables Act. She has spent two years doing the essential groundwork to pass legislation that will make life better for ordinary people, not just the wealthy and big business. This takes time. It is in our own interests to make sure she has another term to bring that work to fulfillment.
Jo Salas
New Paltz
Bumper stickers
Our Secretary of State Antony Blinken has a thin resume: he got his job by getting 51 retired top secret leaders to say, four years ago, Hunter Biden’s laptop was just Russian disinformation days before the Trump-Biden TV debate. Now we know that everything on it was the First Son’s own ‘product’, that he did all kinds of dirty deals with people who are not our friends, bringing the Biden family many millions trading on access to the Obama White House. Treason!
You trust our government to use real data from real sources, right?
You trust the FBI, CIA and Attorney General Merrick Garland (almost became a Supreme) too, right? Well, I don’t.
James Patterson, the best-selling writer in the world, just wrote that Bill and Hillary Clinton really are deeply in love. Patterson and Bubba wrote two best sellers together! Wow! They’re Bonnie and Clyde Barrow to me.
So much BS for me to believe in just 77 years. I sure hope the babies born today can enjoy honest leadership in their lives.
Politicians and the TV flunkies that flog their narratives I hope become forgotten much sooner than Walter Cronkite, once “the most trusted man in America.”
“Don’t”, the bumper sticker.
Paul Raymond
New Paltz
Vote Sarahana on June 25
I’m a lifelong Saugerties resident and a proud supporter of Democratic Assemblymember Sarahana Shrestha. In her first term in office she helped pass over 70 bills, but more importantly, she’s consistently stood up to take difficult positions on our behalf because she genuinely cares about representing the underrepresented voices in Albany. When the state budget left out tenant protections for upstate renters like me, and excluded the much-needed Housing Access Vouchers program, Sarahana was among the Democrats who listened to the tenants in her district and symbolically voted no on one of the ten budget bills. It would have been easier to rubber stamp the deal, but she made the more difficult choice to stand up for accountability.
Like many, I’ve struggled finding housing locally due to a lack of available units and rent prices rivaling New York City’s. Several of my loved ones are also finding it harder to continue living in the town we’ve always called home. Not only does Sarahana have a comprehensive plan for providing affordable, green housing for all, I’ve seen firsthand how her office is helping constituents struggling with these issues.
In contrast, her opponent Gabi Madden is supported by the landlords and speculators causing this housing crisis, and her top ten donors are all ultra rich individuals residing outside of our district. While Madden claims that she won’t be swayed by her donors, this begs the question: why do billionaires in New York City feel so threatened by an upstate assemblymember that they’re donating the maximum individual contributions to unseat her? It seems clear to me that they’re threatened by Sarahana’s fight for the working class, and her opponent is welcoming their support. I’m excited to vote for Sarahana in the June 25th Democratic primary so she can keep fighting for a more beautiful future for all in the state Assembly.
Rose Panke
A vote for Sarahana Shrestha
In the 103rd Assembly District, we have a choice between the incumbent, Sarahana Shrestha and a woman who accuses Sarahana of doing a bad job. It is easy to check out what Sarahana has done and what she wants to do. I like that she is not one of those that believes in all or nothing. Sarahana can accept getting partway to a goal and working to get closer the next time. I have met her several time, like her and find her enthusiastic. I like her legislative record and will vote for her to have a second term and keep working on the side of the 99% (us).
Andi Weiss Bartczak
William’s wacky wordage
I must respond to William Weinstein’s hilarious and delusional use of adjectives and descriptions referring to those involved in the Trump trial, as well as his President Joe Biden, who he’s always placing on a pedestal.
Of course, using the term “felon Trump” shows that William is already in lockstep with the directive from Alexander Soros as well as the monotonous lame stream media propaganda — ad nauseam from now till the election.
The “able prosecutorial team” is led by DA Alvin Bragg, not due to any desire to fight countless crimes being committed against New Yorkers, but solely because he campaigned on nailing DonaldTrump. So “abled” were Bragg and his team that they prepared their star witness, Michael Cohen, so poorly that Cohen imploded on the stand while doing what he does best … lying.
And who can forget William’s “diligent” judge, the ever biased Biden donor, Juan Merchan. So neutral and honest was Merchan that, among other intentional misdeeds, he gave heavily left leaning jury instructions, in effect saying, “if you find the defendant guilty on just one charge, you can find him guilty on some or all the others.”
Despite the above bias and tainted legal proceedings, William refers to the jury in the heavily Democratic district as “12 diligent men and women.” In referring to the judge and jury as “diligent” makes one wonder under what rock did William dig up his definition of “diligent.”
Finally, William can’t wait for the June 27th Trump/Biden debate where William incredibly states that Joe will “have his way” with Trump. Yeah, that’ll be the day! How will Joe find his way with Trump if he can’t even find his way off a stage? And there’s really no need to mention Joe’s inability and refusal to seriously answer spontaneous questions from the press which now includes even his pocket buddies from the liberal media.
John N. Butz
Yet another war crime
A few days ago, Israeli troops, apparently aided by US soldiers freed four hostages held by Hamas while massacring more that 200 Palestinian men, women and children. UN Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese wrote that she was “Relieved that four hostages have been released. It should not have come at the expense of at least 200 Palestinians, including children, killed and over 400 injured by Israel and allegedly foreign soldiers, while perfidiously hiding in an aid truck. This is “humanitarian camouflage” at another level. Israel has used hostages to legitimize killing, injuring, maiming, starving and traumatizing Palestinians in Gaza. And while intensifying violence against Palestinians in the rest of the occupied territory and Israel. Israel could have freed all hostages, alive and intact, eight months ago when the first ceasefire and hostage exchange was put on the table. Yet, Israel refused an order to continue to destroy Gaza and the Palestinians as a people. This is genocidal intent turned into action. Crystal clear.”
Meanwhile, my friend Bassem Tamimi, one of the finest human beings I have ever known, has been released after more than eight months of captivity, torture and starvation by the Israelis. The before-and-after pictures are shocking. This is what they did to a man who has been standing up for his people and his village against occupation. I know his family, as a Jew, I slept in his home, ate his food … this is what they did to him. There is no excuse, no justification, none for what Israel is doing.
Tarak Kauff
I am happy to vote for Sarahana Shrestha
I’m a 78 year old guy who certainly did not grow up with computers. In the past seven months I bought an EV and applied for, and received, a NYSERDA grant to help pay for solar panels to be installed on the roof of my house. Both of these transactions involved filling out forms online. Twice I received much-needed help from the staff at Sarahana’s office on Washington Avenue in Kingston. I was, and am, very appreciative for the help I received from her office.
Twice I have heard Sarahana speak publicly and both times I was totally impressed with her words and wisdom. In my book, she is one of the few politicians who really care about the people she is serving. In Woodstock, I heard her speak about the situation with Central Hudson, which I understand is owned by a Canadian hedge fund whose loyalty is to their most likely already wealthy investors. Seems to me this is parasitic at best. There is a municipally owned power company in New York State [Messina?] where the kilowatt hour rate is something like 8 cents per kilowatt hour, Central Hudson charges 18 cents and wants an additional 30%. My numbers may not be correct but they are close — yikes!
Electricity is a necessity and if we have a future, it is electric. Sarahana is attempting to create a publicly owned utility to get profit out of the equation, which seems to me common sense. Furthermore, she has tied this need to the NY state carbon reduction goals. There is no reason to believe that Central Hudson cares about these goals as much as their profits.
Sarahana seems wise beyond her years. I am happily voting for her.
Marc Levine
Gabi’s false narrative
In the past months I have received several mailers from the Madden campaign whose common theme seems to be attempting to portray Sarahana Shrestha as lacking in concern, action and effectiveness. This is far from the truth.
In her first 18 months she has introduced or co-sponsored 79 bills that have passed the Assembly. Her close work with others in that body has seen landmark legislation like the Build Public Renewables Act, which had languished for several previous sessions, and the Universal School Meals Program both passed. She is also working with members of the Senate, like Michelle Hinchey, in introducing bills like the Hudson Valley Power Authority bill to both the Assembly and Senate that is a major step in dealing with and rethinking the seemly unending debacle and price escalation Central Hudson has brought to our energy supply system.
On housing, she was a strong vocal proponent of Good Cause Eviction (A4454) and is fighting for the Social Housing Development Authority (A9088) to bring stability and affordability to the housing market.
And on the issue of much needed mental health in our area, Sarahana fought for and secured additional funding for distressed hospitals in this year’s budget and is working closely with Health Alliance to bring mental health beds in Kingston back online.
Sometimes to the consternation of the uninformed, if she found lackluster programming or inadequate funding purposed for a cause for which she had advocated, Sarahana was not shy in saying “No, this is not good enough” and would continue to fight for more effective solutions, even though that more difficult path might leave her open to criticism.
I am impressed as well with her many “Town Halls,” offered in person and online, bringing insight to the public into diverse issues and approaches for dealing with them …
In direct interaction I have brought several issues to she and her staff and have found them responsive, engaged and effective. So not only in the larger arena, but on a personal level I have seen results. Their goal: finding true solutions, not the vague polemics of someone who is not on the front line.
For all these reasons I will be voting for Sarahana Shrestha in the June 25th primary and urge others to do the same.
Marcus Arthur
Look a little closer
From the reams of paper flooding our mailboxes you might think that we have two equally progressive candidates running to represent us in the New York State Assembly. But look a little closer: behind the deceptively named “Hudson Valley Voters” and “NY Women Lead” flyers for Gabi Madden are tens of thousands of dollars from New York City real estate tycoons. So much for “hometown girl focused on local issues” — it seems like the luxury real estate developers and millionaire hedge fund managers see in her an opportunity to defeat a legislator standing in the way of their plans to keep buying up the Hudson Valley and displacing long-time residents.
I am a retired real estate broker. My vote in the June Democratic primary is with Sarahana Shrestha.
Joanne Steele
St. Remy
Sarahana’s constructive role in the Assembly
Tom Kruglinski has repeatedly stated in these pages and elsewhere his opposition to the views of Sarahana Shrestha, the Representative for Assembly District 103 (including Gardiner and New Paltz) and support for Gabi Madden, Sarahana’s opponent in the Democratic primary contest now under way. As the former chair of Gardiner’s Democratic Committee, Mr. Kruglinski has every right to oppose or support the candidate of his choice. A chorus of mainstream Democrats, particularly including those endorsing Gabi, continue to be dismayed and distressed over Sarahana’s victory over Kevin Cahill in the primary two years ago and her subsequent election to the Assembly. They have learned nothing from the defeat of a mainstream Democrat at a time when people of color and prospective young voters (especially at the college level) are less and less enthusiastic about the “party of the people.” By contrast, Sarahana has refused to be in lock-step with the legislative gambits coming from Albany that offer cosmetic reform. Sarahana takes a principled stand against measures that circumvent such issues as taxation of the super-rich, adequate funding for public education, affordable housing, assuring decent wages, ending election campaigns that can be bought and sold behind closed doors. That’s why she was elected, and why she fully deserves to be re-elected.
Mr. Kruglinski and Gabi Madden complain that Sarahana has failed to get significant legislation passed in her first term. However, I do not recall that Maurice Hinchey or Kevin Cahill had significant legislative accomplishments in their first terms either. Although Sarahana is indeed in the Democratic Party, she shares the truly progressive outlook advanced by such elected officials as Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (AOC) in the Congress and Bernie Sanders in the Senate. This outlook attracts people of color, college students, the disaffected, the alienated, the prospective voters seeking meaningful change. The Democratic Socialists of America stands for democracy in practice, not as a vague abstraction. It is a shame that Mr. Kruglinski, Gabi Madden and their cheerleaders attack the DSA as a wicked and subversive menace, for their ill-informed broadsides legitimize the even more extreme and hysterical rhetoric of the Republican Party in its presently mutilated form as a Trump/MAGA cult. The center-right coalition of the Democratic Party has been effective in driving prospective voters into the campaign of RFK Jr., the Republican Party, the Green Party, or the sidelines. This is one of several reasons why Biden, along with Democrats in statewide and federal contests, are now in tight races when they could and should be way ahead in the polls.
In her first two years in the Assembly, Sarahana has shown the exemplary courage and rare integrity in public office that inspires truly progressive people to run for elective office and to support the campaigns of those who do run.
Irwin Sperber