The first public hearing on a series of Woodstock zoning changes intended to promote the development of affordable housing is set for October 17 at 7 p.m. at the town offices at 45 Comeau Drive.
Highlights include changes to the subdivision law to allow for clustered developments while preserving half the land parcel as open space. Changes in density requirements will allow structures that appear to be single-family homes but can contain multiple units.
Proposed changes prohibit use of an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) to be used as a short-term rental when only one ADU is on a parcel.
A second ADU may be used as a short-term rental, but only one short-term rental per parcel will be allowed and only when all other short-term rental rules are met.
Density bonuses will provide incentives to provide below-market housing.
These and other proposed changes can be found on the town website, and clicking on “Zoning Updates” and “Zoning Update Supplements.” Detailed summaries and the complete zoning law with changes shown in red are available.