In its July 19th issue, Hudson Valley One printed conspiracy theorist Michael Mulvey’s letter to the editor without a single note or correction. Mulvey’s letter fabricates stories about me and my work. Mulvey’s conspiracy has been promoted by Supervisor Bill McKenna in political forums and online. Mulvey and McKenna’s mutual goal is to influence the November election in Woodstock.
Here are the facts:
I am not a Washington lobbyist and never have been a Washington lobbyist as Mulvey claims. Mulvey offers no proof for his claim.
I have been contracted to work for many different Democratic causes and officials. I have worked to elect NY’s Senator Chuck Schumer, Long Island Congresswoman Carolyn McCarthy and NYC Comptroller Liz Holtzman. I promoted women’s rights with the National Abortion and Reproduction Rights Action League, advocated for His Holiness the Dalia Lama and worked in the elections of dozens of Democratic senators, governor and Congress members. I also advised the Democratic Governors’ Association on strategy and politics. I worked with Al Sharpton’s National Action Network to bring a celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Brown v. the Board of Education to the White House Ellipse. I also advised US EPA administrator Carol Browner during President Clinton’s administration. I believe in and work for environmental and social justice, women’s health and racial equality.
Mulvey’s junta claim is wild and not based in reality. I worked for the Honduran General Assembly in 2009 and not a military junta as Mulvey claims. I was hired by the elected members of the Honduran General Assembly and participated in negotiations to bring free and fair election to Honduras. The elections were overseen by the independent Honduran National Electoral Commission. Mulvey’s “proof” is nothing more than a handful of editorial essays and opinion pieces written to inflame partisans in the US during the crisis which began in 2009.
My work with Digital Learning Now in 2009-2010 was a bipartisan effort to bring computer platforms and internet technology to teachers and classrooms to help public school students learn. Teachers’ unions, Democratic governors and Democratic members of Congress were part of the coalition that I worked with to strengthen technology for public school students. Mulvey is making up stories about me and Jeb Bush that are not true.
I also partnered in a bipartisan project with a Republican consultant, John Pudner, to take dark, unregulated money out of political elections. Mulvey’s characterizing my bipartisan work as right-wing is simply nonsense.
I alerted both the Ulster County DA and the Office of the Attorney General’s Public Integrity Bureau in June 2023 immediately after a Woodstock police officer informed me of two separate instances of mishandled property. I followed the proper process outlined by the Office of the Attorney General when I was told a scooter and a leaf blower disappeared or were thrown out/sold instead being properly disposed of. The Woodstock police officer did not feel comfortable bringing these instances to the Woodstock police chief or the Woodstock supervisor for fear of retaliation. I can understand that. These instances continue to be unresolved. Mulvey’s claim is baseless.
Mulvey is spinning lies about my work with the NYS Attorney General. Yes, I am in regular contact with the NYS OAG Public Integrity Bureau. Mulvey calls that “admitting my role.” In fact, I am documenting instances of abuse of power by the supervisor and turning them over to an attorney in the Public Integrity Bureau. They have asked me to do so. I continue to communicate with them by phone and email and will continue to cooperate with the Attorney General in instances of abuse of authority.
Finally, Mulvey completely mischaracterizes the DEC letter of July 2023. The DEC letter actually states the DEC does not have jurisdiction to clean up the contaminated Karolys-Conigliaro dumpsite at 10 Church Road. The letter does not draw any conclusions about Supervisor McKenna’s failure to uphold Woodstock town law or about McKenna’s role in protecting the polluter from the law.
Hudson Valley One has a responsibility to point out Mulvey’s inaccuracies that fail to stand up to any fact-checking. Michael Mulvey is a conspiracy theorist. He passes out literature with Internet links to opinion pages and editorials written by special interests. He weaves dark conspiracies that have no basis in reality. Mulvey repeatedly posted his conspiracies on Facebook and Next Door. His disinformation was amplified by others on those same social media channels as well as via email by individuals who had access to substantial email contact lists. This disinformation served the election agenda of Supervisor Bill McKenna who is actively encouraged and promoted Mulvey’s conspiracies.
Woodstock and Hudson Valley One need to reject conspiracy promoters like McKenna and Mulvey.
I retired from political consulting in 2015. My past professional work is respected by Democrats and Republicans. During my career, leaders around the globe sought my advice and counsel. I worked directly with four Nobel Peace Laureates. Since 2015, my attention and work has focused on strengthening Onteora’s schools as a school board member and working to protect Woodstock’s environment and improve our municipal government services as a Town Board member. I have enjoyed working with the Onteora and Woodstock communities and look forward to serving Woodstock for years to come. You will find my name on the November ballot running for Woodstock Town Supervisor.