Thu. 7/13
Taking Strides: Walking for Your Health. Get outside, meet other people, and improve your fitness and well-being at our free weekly walking group Kingston Library, 9am.
Storytimes at the Saugerties Library, 10:30am.
Reptiles and Amphibians Program with Hudson Highlands Nature Museum at the Hurley Reformed Church, 11:30am.
Lunch & Learn: America’s Untold Histories at the Kingston Library, 12pm.

Discover Ancient Egypt – Land of the Pyramids! at the Kingston Library, 2pm.
Teen D&D at the Saugerties Library, 3pm.
Naturalist Passport at the Forsyth Nature Center in Kingston, 3:30pm.
Block Heads Lego Club at the Woodstock Public Library, 4pm.
CANY Mid-Hudson July Meetup at Mahoney’s Irish Pub & Steakhouse in Poughkeepsie, 6pm.
LGBTQIA+ Rock Climbing Meetup at The Gravity Vault in Poughkeepsie, 6pm.
Hola! Hello! Learn common greetings in different languages spoken in the community at the Kingston Library, 6:30pm.
The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee at the Orpheum Performing Arts Center in Tannersville, 7pm.
D&D Campaign at Gunks Gaming Guild in New Paltz, 7pm.
Trivia Night at The Dutch in Saugerties, 7pm.
Fri. 7/14
Nature Walks with Minnewaska State Park Educator Nick Martin. A one mile walk on the Wallkill Valley Rail Trail and wander through Majestic Park at the Gardiner Library, 8am.
Kingston Center Open House at SUNY Ulster in Kingston, 4pm.
D&D at the Hurley Library, 4pm.
O+ Summer SessiO+ns: Crown Street BlO+ck Party (see brief in this issue). Rough Draft in Kingston, 5pm.
Bastille Day Celebration Hudson House Distillery. French-inspired entertainment in West Park, 5pm.
53rd Annual Children’s Day Parade in Midtown Kingston, 6pm.
Yu-Gi-Oh at POW Card Games & Comics in Port Ewen, 6pm.
Yugioh! Advanced at Kirwan’s Game Store in Catskill, 6:30pm.
FNM Commander at Kirwan’s Game Store in Catskill, 6:30pm.
Friday Night Magic at World’s End Comics in Kingston, 7pm.
Sat. 7/15
Wild Mountain Birds with Annie Mardiney. See a variety of thrilling live owls and hawks up close and learn how these raptors live at the Kingston Library, 10:30am.
Fisher Center 20th Anniversary Community Celebration at Bard College in Annandale-on-Hudson, 11am.
African Dance at Mountain View Studio in Woodstock, 11:30am.
Rosendale Street Festival (see cover story) in Rosendale, 12pm.
Aloha Kingston at Dear Kingston, 12pm.
Bomba Puertorriquena with Milteri Tucker Concepcion at the Center for Creative Education in Kingston, 1pm.
Special Story Time: the History of the Post Office with the Hurley Heritage Society on the Hurley Library Lawn, 1pm.
Book Talk with April Beisaw – Taking Our Water for the City at Olive Free Library in West Shokan, 2pm.
Game of Scones. Wayfinder Experience has been teaching kids how to use foam swords to open their hearts and minds for generations, and this activity session actually does end with scones and other refreshments. Woodstock Public LIbrary, 2pm.
D&D Campaign at Gunks Gaming Guild in New Paltz, 1pm, 6pm.
Javier Fuentes, Countries of Origin. Author conversation with Forsyth Harmon at Graveside Variety in Woodstock, 2pm.
Out Loud Hudson Valley Summer Tea Dance Series at the Academy in Poughkeepsie, 4pm.
25th Anniversary Gala Prom Night at The CENTER for Performing Arts in Rhinebeck, 5:30pm.
Teen Cafe and Open Mic Night at the Elting Memorial Library in New Paltz, 7pm.
Square Dancing with Québécois & New England Contra. Learn dance basics and then join in the contras & squares with caller Will Mentor and live music by Genticorum and Lighthouse at the Ashokan Center in Olivebridge, 7:30pm.
Sun. 7/16
Luke Sarrantonio: Mushroom Love – Talk and Walk at Rail Trail Cafe in Rosendale, 10:30am.
Community-led Commander Sundays at World’s End Comics in Kingston, 1pm.
D&D Campaign at Gunks Gaming Guild in New Paltz, 1pm.
Pop-Up Exhibit and Tour of 19th-century Needle Arts at the Locust Grove Estate and Frances Lehman Loeb Art Center at Vassar College in Poughkeepsie, 1:30pm.
Commander Madness Sunday at POW Card Games & Comics in Port Ewen, 6pm.
Mon. 7/17
4th Annual R.Y.A.N.s Drive Fore Recovery Golf Tournament at Wiltwyck Golf Club in Kingston, 9am.
Preschool Story Hour at Town of Ulster Public Library, 10:30am.
Monday Mile Walking Club at the Hurley Library, 11:30am.
Writers Group at the Reformed Church of New Paltz, 12:30pm.
Magic the Gathering Draft at Gunks Gaming Guild in New Paltz, 6pm.
Magic the Gathering: Modern Mondays at World’s End Comics in Kingston, 6:30pm.
Tues. 7/18
9th Annual Chef Challenge at the People’s Place in Kingston, 8am.
Writer’s Group. Share recent work and exchange feedback with other writers at Kingston Library in the First Floor Meeting Space, 11am.
Scrabble at the Saugerties Library, 1pm.
Herbal Remedies for Radiant Skin: A Workshop with Wild Beyond Botanicals at the Elting Memorial Library, 1pm.
Teen D&D at the Saugerties Library, 3pm.
Fiction and Personal Narrative Workshop with Nancy Kline at the Woodstock Public Library, 4pm.
Tuesday Write-Ins at the Woodstock Public Library, 5pm.
Between the Lines: YA Book Club at the Olive Free Library, 6pm.
Trivia Break Tuesdays with Andre at Keegan Ales in Kingston, 6:30pm.
Open Mic at Gunks Gaming Guild in New Paltz, 7pm.
Wed. 7/19
Baby & Me Story Hour at Town of Ulster Public Library, 10:30am.
Mah Jongg, Mexican Train and Scrabble Group Meet Up at Gardiner Library, 1pm.
Wargaming Wednesdays at World’s End Comics in Kingston, 6pm.
Draft Night: March of the Machines at POW Card Games & Comics in Port Ewen, 6pm.
Spoon Carving 101 at Unfettered Arts in Kingston, 6pm.
Our Bodies, Our Selves, Our World with Drew Minter at the Marbletown Multi-Arts, 6:30pm.
Learn-to-Play with Sprites and Dice at Gunks Gaming Guild in New Paltz, 6:30pm.
D&D Campaign at Gunks Gaming Guild in New Paltz, 7pm.