An open response to county executive Metzger:
We, the three commissioners who recently resigned from the Human Rights Commission, would like to respond to your open reply to our resignation letter. We are disappointed by your dismissive and defensive tone, which fails to address the valid concerns we raised about the state of the commission under Esi Lewis’s leadership.
Regarding the composition of the commission, we understand that you did not personally appoint any members. However, our concern lies with the influence exerted by you and your administration over the commission’s affairs. It is evident that there has been a shift in the commission’s composition, and individuals aligned with your administration have assumed prominent roles. This has raised questions about the independence and impartiality of the commission.
We take issue with your characterization of Reverend Gary Fuller’s appointment as chair. While you claim that it was done within the bounds of the County Charter, we believe that the appointment exploited a legal loophole. This appointment has compromised the commission’s ability to operate objectively and has further eroded public trust.
As for acting commissioner Esi Lewis, we acknowledge her past experiences and qualifications. However, our concern stems from her leadership and decision-making within the commission. We have witnessed a lack of transparency, inadequate handling of complaints, and a disregard for the principles of human rights that the commission is meant to uphold. Our assessment is based on our direct experiences working with Acting Commissioner Lewis, and it is disheartening to see our concerns dismissed without any meaningful engagement.
It is important to note that our resignation was not an attempt to derail the commission’s work or to engage in personal conflict. We resigned because we believe the commission, under the current leadership, is failing to fulfill its mission effectively. We had hoped that our resignation would serve as a wake-up call and an opportunity for reflection and improvement.
We stand by our letter and its contents. Our intention was not to offend or attack, but rather to shed light on the issues plaguing the Human Rights Commission which we had explored several less public avenues to no avail. (Insert two examples here?) We remain committed to the cause of human rights and will continue to advocate for a more just and inclusive Ulster County.
And we reiterate: The people of Ulster County deserve better.
Bruce Ginsberg
Martin Dunkley
Carl Brown