Our relationships to food can be complicated, and disorders abound. We’re all too familiar with obesity, bulimia and anorexia. Lesser known is avoidant restrictive food intake disorder, a fairly new addition to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders that’s on the rise, and can be described as extremely picky eating without the body issues.
In her new book Time to Eat: Healing Mind, Body and Soul with a Modern-day Macrobiotic Lifestyle, local author Christina Campion gives wisdom and strength to those struggling with issues like these, sharing her personal account of overcoming them through the pursuit of ‘eating consciously’ and embracing a macrobiotic diet.
“The book is an account of my life journey and particularly my relationship to/with food, eating, and eating disorders,” said Campion.
Time to Eat is full of actionable advice for folks with unhealthy relationships with food, but even those who don’t struggle with eating disorders can find helpful guidance. Campion is big on mindful eating, consuming meals slowly, deliberately, and with full engagement of the sensory experience of eating. That mindfulness extends beyond the act of eating into using sustainable, unprocessed ingredients that are aligned with better health for the eater and the environment. This is just one of the many techniques she used to make eating something to enjoy instead of something to avoid.
Campion will be one of several authors present at an event presented by The Golden Notebook in Woodstock this Sat., May 20 at 2pm. The venue will be Nancy’s Artisinal Creamery nearby, which is more than a bit ironic considering Campion’s message. Then again, a consciously eaten ice cream cone sounds like one of life’s great experiences. Writers David Gonzalez, Mitch Ditkoff and Bette Ann Moskowitz will round out this “Tinker Streeet Social”. For more on Campion’s book, including recipes, visit her website at cookprayeat.org.