The Village of Saugerties allows residents to pay their taxes in installments and the system is working well, according to Village Treasurer Paula Kerbert. As of the Village Board meeting of Tuesday, September 6, the village has about $63,000 left to collect. All taxes should be caught up by December, she said.
In another matter, Kerbert said she is still learning to use new computer software the village has installed. We’re using it for the abstracts and paying bills right now. As you saw, the abstracts are in a different format. If you see anything you want changed, I can try and work with you.” If trustees see any problems, Kerbert said she would try to work something out with the village’s accountant, “but this is the format we have to work with.” The program, Quickbooks, can read the water and sewer department, and “we can see what’s going on between the two departments.”
In other business, Trustee Terry Parisian reported that two of the village’s plow trucks had failed inspection, “so we don’t have anything to plow with for this winter.” He recommended the village buy a new truck on lease-purchase, meaning that at the end of a specified term — in this case five years — the truck would be paid off and would belong to the village. The board voted to approve the purchase of a F650 pickup truck for $130,000. The truck comes with a plow and a blade, Parisian said.
The village had discussed buying three trucks, and for the other two the village will bond the cost, which offers a lower interest rate, Kerbert said. The more immediate purchase is “almost an emergency,” Parisian said.