The Old Dutch Church in Kingston will hold a “Banned Book Fair” on Saturday, July 2 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on the weekend of the Fourth of July to celebrate our freedom to read. The Rough Draft Bookstore, the Half Moon used bookstore and World’s End Comics will all be selling banned books and graphic novels.
The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Catskills will have a banned book swap table where you can bring in your banned book and swap it for another one. The Kingston Public Library will be there as well, promoting its Teen Summer reading program of banned graphic novels. The Hudson Valley LBGTQ+ Center and TransArt, an educational cultural not-for-profit promoting African American art, will also be present, along with other not-for-profits from the area.
There will be children’s banned books readings by Pinky Socrates, a local drag queen, and readings of banned adult books, too.
Book bags with the fair’s logo on them will be given out to anyone who makes a book purchase.
The Church is located at 272 Wall Street in Kingston.