The Town of Saugerties Town Board voted at its regular meeting on Wednesday, June 15, to accept the resignation of Ken Goldberg from the Saugerties Planning Board. “Ken has been a decades-long volunteer in Town government,” Costello said. He has been “a member of the library board and anyone who has been engaged in a project knows his sincerity, his work ethic, his brilliance and he will be missed in his role as a member of the Planning Board.” Costello noted Goldberg’s “positive impact” on the board “and many of the projects that have come up in the past few years.”
“To be a member of the Planning Board, you have to get used to putting in five, six hours of meetings,” said Councilwoman Leeanne Thornton. “Ken has done that at regular meetings for years and even the virtual meetings,” she said. “Job well done, Ken, and you will be missed.”