Graduation is around the corner for the Class of 2022, with local high schools marking the occasion this week. Here are some pertinent details ahead of the celebrations.
Kingston High School
The Kingston High School Class of 2022 is scheduled to graduate on Friday, June 24 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at Dietz Stadium in Uptown Kingston. The district has announced that there are no tickets necessary, and no limit on guests.
All graduates must attend a graduation rehearsal earlier that same day at J. Watson Bailey Middle School from 8:30 a.m.-11a.m. They must then arrive at Dietz Stadium at 4p.m. to prepare for the actual ceremony.
All graduates who met graduation requirements for a high school diploma, GED, SACC or CDOS are invited to participate in the ceremony.
“Graduation is a joyous occasion filled with tradition, dignity and pride,” read an official KCSD information sheet about the graduation. “It is a memorable day for many so it should be treated with respect.”
Students are not permitted to have cellphones, beach toys “and other nuisance items” at the ceremony.
The district has also announced a dress code of semi-formal attire, with sneakers, jeans and flip-flops not permitted. Male students are required to wear ties, a dress shirt, socks, dress shoes and slacks. Female students are required to wear either a dress, skirt or slacks, a blouse, and either dress shoes or sandals; high or pointed heels are not permitted.
“Students who don’t follow the standard of dress and/or behavior expectations risk not being permitted to participate in graduation,” said the district.
Saugerties High School
The Saugerties High School Class of 2022 graduation ceremony will take place at 6 p.m. on Friday, June 24 on the Saugerties High football field.
Graduating seniors are asked to arrive with cap and gown by 4:30 p.m. and assemble in the Senior High gymnasium. Students planning to take part in the post-ceremony parade should park their cars in the SHS bus circle.
The district will have seating for over 2500 people to attend the ceremony, and parking is available in the Saugerties High and Junior High parking lots.
Immediately following the ceremony, graduates should pick up their diploma packet and prepare for the parade. The Class of 2022 vehicle parade is scheduled to begin at 8 p.m. and travel along Washington Ave., Russell St., Partition St., Main St., and Market St. before finishing at the Cantine Veterans Memorial complex.
For those unable to attend the ceremony in person, the SCSD will livestream the event on its YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsSdTVRQGQevOSaBXScHv7w
New Paltz High School
The New Paltz High School Class of 2022 graduation ceremony is scheduled to take place on Friday, June 24 at 6p.m. on the campus’s Floyd Paterson Field, with a reception sponsored by the PTSA to follow.
Seniors are expected to arrive at 5 p.m. on graduation day.
Because of limited parking at New Paltz High, each student will be allotted two cars full of visitors. The ceremony is open to the public and will not require tickets.
Seniors who wants to take part in the ceremony must attend a rehearsal in the auditorium at New Paltz High and in the SUNY New Paltz Athletic and Wellness Center at 11 a.m. on Wednesday, June 22. Transportation will be provided between the two rehearsal sites. Caps and gowns, as well as parking passes, will be distributed at the rehearsal.
In the event of inclement weather, the commencement exercise will take place indoors at the SUNY New Paltz Athletic and Wellness Center.
Onteora High School
The Onteora High School Class of 2022 will be honored with a graduation ceremony on Friday, June 24 at 6p.m. The Ceremony will take place on the stadium field at the Boiceville campus.
Students will receive caps and gowns at a graduation rehearsal at 9 a.m. on the 24th in the Onteora High School gymnasium.
“Our intention is to hold the event outside and in-person with no limitations on the number of attendees,” reads an official notice from the district.
In the event of inclement weather, the ceremony will be moved into the high school gym.
An unspecified amount of tickets are being distributed to each graduate, with a priority seating timeframe. After that, any members of the public will be allowed in, with no limit on the number of attendees.