A tree planting and maintenance day will be held on Saturday, May 14 from 1 to 4 p.m. (rain date Sunday, May 15, 1-4 p.m.) along the Wallkill River on the River to Ridge Trail in New Paltz.
Two years ago 100 young trees and shrubs were planted along the Wallkill River in New Paltz on the River to Ridge Trail. The site took a bad hit during the recent ice storm and flooding. Druyrin Saturday’s event, new trees and shrubs will be planted where some were lost, replacing broken stakes and tubes, weeding and removing debris from the tubes.
Join in on the fun and feel good supporting the growth of riparian trees, which help keep the river and our planet healthy.
Wear long pants, long sleeves, boots, gardening gloves and bring whatever tools you can from this list: Shovel, hoe, clippers, trowel, mallet or hammer, permanent markers, five-gallon bucket.
Please RSVP to: marthascheo@gmail.com.