The Town of Gardiner has created a survey to seek input from residents on preservation priorities for Gardiner. The Town is undertaking this project to help identify valuable assets in the Town, including rivers, streams and drinking water, farms, wildlife habitats, meadows and forests, scenic views and parks, trails and recreation. Feedback gathered from the community survey will be incorporated in the Town’s Community Preservation Plan. A group of local volunteers are working with a professional planner to create the plan. The plan will identify all of the parcels in Gardiner that contain preservation-worthy elements and will serve as a road map for preservation efforts in the future.
The committee would like to have as many responses as possible to help create a Community Preservation Plan that fully represents the interests of Gardiner residents. The brief survey can be found at the Town Hall, the Gardiner Library and on the Town of Gardiner website at The survey will be active from April 1-24. Additional information about the plan can be found at