At its March 1 meeting, the Gardiner Town Board gave the go-ahead to Pitingaro & Doetsch Consulting Engineers, PC to design improvements to the sewer district in the downtown hamlet. The changes identified as urgently necessary by the same firm in its 2020 infiltration and inflow study include replacement of several underground sewage pipes and repairs to 34 risers on private septic tanks and 21 manholes. Also flagged as deteriorated and in need of replacement, but not included in the current scope of work, are the sewer district’s two pumping stations.
The cost of the engineering plan was quoted at $43,665, out of $50,000 that the Town has already budgeted for the purpose. Town supervisor Marybeth Majestic noted that a bond would probably have to be floated in order to finance the repairs themselves, once the plan is completed.