The first opportunity for members of the public to attend Town Council meetings in the meeting room of the new justice center will not come before the ides of March, but it may be soon after. The dispensation to hold meetings virtually now lasts through March 16, and Supervisor Neil Bettez would like to prepare for the likelihood that it will be extended no further. At that first meeting in March, council members will confirm their intent to have hybrid meetings thereafter, with members of the public welcome in the new space.
In the meantime, a new screen will be ordered to allow for the hybrid option to continue. Members of the public unwilling or unable to attend in person will continue to be able to watch the meetings live, and participate in public comment if they choose. Council members also agreed to reopen Town Hall to members of the public, but to leave in place the requirement for face coverings. The coronavirus case numbers will be monitored closely ahead of the next meeting.