Following an executive session to consider candidates at its February 1 meeting, the Gardiner Town Board failed to agree on an appointment to fill Carol Richman’s seat on the Planning Board. Richman, whose term had been set to expire on April 1, joined the Town Board effective January 1.
A motion to appoint Lisa Minnetto to the Planning Board was rejected by a 3-2 vote. Another motion to appoint Matt Bialecki was not seconded. That means that, for the present, Planning Board alternate Rob Boettcher will serve as a voting member.
The Town Board did agree, unanimously, to appoint 2017 town supervisor challenger Lisa Lindsley to fill the seat on Gardiner’s Zoning Board of Appeals that was vacated when former chair David Gandin was elected to the Ulster County Supreme Court. Gandin’s term runs through the end of July 2024. Rich Cerruto has taken over the chairmanship of the ZBA.
Finally, Gail Lahm was unanimously appointed to the seat on the Gardiner Parks and Recreation Committee vacated by the resignation of Roger Ennis. Ennis’ term runs until July of this year.