An installment plan for paying village taxes worked out so well that Mayor Bill Murphy would like to repeat it this coming year. The plan, a response to the pandemic, allowed residents to work out installment plans with Treasurer Paula Kerbert.
At the Village Board meeting on March 1, Kerbert reported that all the village residents who had signed up for installment plans had paid their taxes in full.
“Even non-covid-related, I think we should seriously consider offering payment plans again to people this year,” said Mayor Bill Murphy. “I think it worked out really well. I think this had one of the best results for collecting our taxes. I think it sent a good message to the public that we’re here to help, and we will work with them the best we can. So let’s think about that between now and the time our new budget goes into place, before we start issuing 2021 tax bills in June.”
“Residents were very happy with the payment plan,” Kerbert added.