Effective April 23, all visitors to the Walkway Over the Hudson are being asked to wear face masks.
“The Walkway is a unique destination among parks, and its linear nature can make following social distancing guidelines a challenge,” states a press release. “Even if a patron is making every reasonable attempt to remain six feet apart, others may not be so careful. By wearing a face covering, guests protect both themselves and their fellow park users, and their responsible actions will help keep the Walkway open and accessible for all to enjoy at this time.”
The statement urges brief solitary or small group visits.
At this time, New York State Parks like Walkway Over the Hudson are open for solitary outdoor recreation or a brief visit with a small group (like close family members). Everyone is urged to stay home as much as possible, however when in the park for a short nature break, please commit to following these important health and safety rules.
The statement provides a link to CDC guidelines and a video demonstrating how to make a mask.
If you’d like to purchase a locally made mask, we’ve compiled a list of sellers here.