Plans to build a solar array over the capped landfill on Clearwater Road in New Paltz have not fallen victim to the economic shutdown brought in the wake of pandemic. According to town supervisor Neil Bettez, the town board will again be asked to consider if it’s worthwhile to cut down trees that are nearing maturity to produce even more energy.
At an upcoming virtual meeting, the board will be provided with two alternatives: one that only utilizes the space over the capped landfill, and another that will involve cutting down some adjacent trees.
The proposal discussed publicly in November called for up to eight acres of clear-cutting. That figure was part of a proposal forwarded for Sol Systems, the company originally awarded the bid, and not the current vendor, HESP Solar. Terms of that earlier proposal were for a 25-year lease and a promise of 4.6 megawatts of power produced. The terms of the new deal have not yet been released.