Mrs. Noble is more than likely going to be appointed on what is called a “provisional” basis. Having worked in human resources for New York State, I know that Mrs. Noble could very well sit in this provisional status for years before a civil service exam is scheduled. There are many ways to play games with getting someone permanently appointed from a provisional status. I have seen it done. I would be curious to know if Mrs. Noble’s current position was reclassified (title changed) or if this is truly a brand spanking new position. Makes a huge difference.
I have included a link to the New York State Dept. of Civil Service’s Rules and Regulations for Appointments and Promotions — — Section 4, If anyone has the inclination to dig and do the research on this position. Remember the Freedom of Information Act applies.
Since I fortunately do not reside in the City of Kingston, “I do not have a dog in this fight,” but in general, I have disdain for the way political officials manipulate the rules to suit their needs, no matter what district you live in.
Leslie Lansing
Town of Ulster