We would like to follow up on the dire situation at 1446 Route 212 in Saugerties, a construction and demolition debris dump (subject of a story by Christina Coulter).
As you know, a Stop Work Order was issued on February 1 by the Town of Saugerties Code Enforcement Officer that is being appealed by Joseph Karolys, the dump’s owner. Dozens of tractor-trailers truck in waste each day, causing terrible truck traffic, deteriorating the recently re-paved Route 212, and possibly contaminating underground and surface water with illegal dumping at several locations.
As Saugerties taxpayers and owners of a home less than a quarter mile from the Fel Qui dump location, we are alarmed by this individual’s blatant disregard for the law. This reckless treatment of our precious environment, the dumping of untested debris from unknown origin (from over 100 miles away) could potentially contaminate our water and threaten our children’s health for decades to come.
There are many issues regarding the sites at 90 Goat Hill Road and 33/43 Fel Qui:
1. The dump violates the Town of Saugerties Municipal law Article 1 subsection 204.3 for bringing in construction and demolition debris from outside the town of Saugerties.
2. Joseph and Rachel Karolys at 1446 Route 212 in Saugerties have violated the terms of their registration with the Department of Environmental Conservation for receiving unauthorized waste and excessive dumping of construction and demolition debris.
3. Without the proper permit, they truck large amounts of untested debris to properties near streams, well heads, wetlands and schools. They do not have a Storm Water Pollution Protection Plan for any of the properties:
– 90 Goat Hill Road is located less than half a mile from the Sloan Gorge Preserve and two miles from Mountaintop and Pine Grove preschools, on a populated road.
– 33 and 43 Fel Qui (off John Joy Road) is across the street from Green Heron Farm (an educational center), one mile from the Woodstock Day School, near numerous residential properties and the Thorn Preserve.
4. According to the Stop Work Order, Joseph Karolys lacks a permit from the Department of Transportation for large trucks, yet continues to interrupt traffic and park large trucks on Rte. 212.
We will be in attendance at the public hearing April 1st at 7pm at the Senior Center 207 Market Street, Saugerties. We hope you can cover this event and help support us and our neighbors in our efforts to uphold the Stop Work Order and prevent further damage to our community.
Grey and Ann Morris