For my dad
Let me start by saying it has been very hard for me to sit back and listen to all of the negativity that the highway superintendent campaign has become over the last couple of months.
My father Doug Myer has been raked over the coals time and time again but has not retaliated, nor stooped to the level that politics brings to the table. I have said over and over “Dad please speak up and defend yourself.” His response has been, “That is not who I am, so please stop trying to get me to be someone I am not.”
For those of you that do not know, I was diagnosed with cancer back in March of this year. Being a single mother I am very lucky to have my parents and family at my side. My mother of course spent three months with me in the hospital out at Tufts Medical in Boston. This was my only option or in a few years I would no longer be here to raise my children. The night before I left for Boston to have my surgery my father said don’t worry about the kids I’ll take care of them, you go out there and fight and get better. He stepped right up to the plate and took on the daily routines and activities of taking care of my daughter, 16, and my son, 8, for the next three months. He did all of this while still running the Highway Department and all of the FEMA projects as well, without missing a beat. This is what I call a good man, a man of integrity, a man of character, that I am proud to call my father, a “family man!”
We all know that being a good family man does not mean that you will be a good candidate for this position. What we do know however is if you put my father Doug Myer in front of a large group of people and scrutinize him on the black and white numbers and the jobs that he has accomplished over the last two years, he will have the answers and I betcha those answers are in his head and not written on a piece of paper! He has done the job plus much more that we elected him to do.
Doug Myer has done the best he can to provide for our family and he has done what’s in the best interest of the taxpayers while leaving plenty left over in the end. Let us not forget that there will always be roads to fix, holes to fill, bridges to be built and employees that don’t like you. With all this being said I now ask you to stand with me and fight for a man that has actually proven to this town that he has and will continue to do a good job if re-elected.
Please join me in re-electing my father Doug Myer as the Saugerties highway superintendent.
Heather Myer
Proud of our dad
We would like to take this opportunity to ask the voters of Saugerties to join with us and vote for Raymond Mayone for the position of highway superintendent. Many of you already know Ray Mayone and for those who don’t, we hope that you have had a chance to learn a little something about this great man who we call our dad.
Instead of repeating what others have said about his qualifications, expertise and community service, we wanted to tell you something different. This election has been a new experience for our entire family, as we are not politicians. We knew that there would be challenges encountered and a whole lot of work to do. We supported our dad completely in his decision to run as we know he would be perfect for the position of highway superintendent. We watched our dad meet and greet and make speeches, knock on door after door, sign letters, and work on mailings. His determination and resolve was unmatched. We know that if he could knock on every door in our town, he would’ve. He wanted to get his message out that he will bring integrity and harmony back to the Highway Department. We have admired him throughout his campaign as he has conducted himself as always; the true gentleman he is and always will be. He has a positive attitude and treats everyone with respect. Our dad is a man of good morals and is someone who is respected.
Whatever our father has done, he has been successful at doing it and the position of Highway Superintendent would be no different. We are proud to call Ray Mayone our dad because he has taught us life’s valuable lessons which have made us into the men we are today. Therefore, it is our honor to be able to ask you to please vote for Ray Mayone for highway superintendent.
Raymond Jr. & Kevin Mayone
From the heart
It is hard to believe that Election Day is just around the corner. It has been terrific meeting so many wonderful town of Saugerties residents. Thank you for the encouragement and support along with the many warm hugs I received. We have truly been blessed in our lives and this campaign proved it once again. It is rare I am left speechless, but I can’t possibly put into words the love and gratitude I hold for our family and friends. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.
I have always admired people who work hard. Anyone who knows Raymond will tell you what a hard-working man he is. I can attest to this. I know that our town will benefit greatly by having him as highway superintendent. Raymond has the experience, ability and the dedication this position requires. I am proud of my husband and know he will hold this position with integrity.
On Nov. 5, I will proudly vote for my husband, Ray Mayone for the town of Saugerties highway superintendent, and I am humbly asking that you join with me and do the same. Thank You.
Carol Ann Mayone