Roxbury’s main drag will be overtaken by aerialists, equestrians, fire-breathers and circus acts, from acrobats to unicyclists to mimes to Shakespeare scene recreators, this Saturday, September 1 starting at 12 noon, courtesy of the internationally acclaimed Bacchanal Promotions. The town’s Busk & Bard Street Entertainment Extravaganza Festival, pitched in true Barnum style as “the GREATEST SHOW of the Sidewalks,” also will feature milliners crafting fashion headwear on the spot, caricaturists “creating cartoons of you and your big schnoz,” face-painters and tattooists and roving musicians. There’ll be food vendors, of course; and a game by the local baseball team, the Roxbury Nine, at Kirkside Park will be broadcast on the community radio station.
The Festival organizers are also reaching out to all hams: If you’re interested in being the opening act for the Bacchanal’s show, submit a video of your performance at BuskBard’s Facebook page. In addition, wagers can be made on whether two trapeze artists will successfully cross the Kirkside Falls on a tightrope at 3 p.m. sharp.
For more information on the extravaganza, which is hosted by the Roxbury Arts Group, the MARK Project, WIOX (91.3 FM) and Kirkside Park, call (607) 326-3722 or visit www.buskandbard.org.
The Busk & Bard Entertainment Extravaganza Festival will kick off at 12 noon on September 1 in downtown Roxbury. Visit www.buskandbard.org for more information.