We would like to invite you to participate in a community conversation on Nov. 30, 7 p.m., at New Paltz High School. This is the beginning of a conversation on how the school district can best maintain our school buildings in a time of declining resources. The aim of these community conversations is to seek guidance from the community before the school board makes critical decisions that will impact the taxpayers of our district.
The New Paltz Central School District is in the process of finalizing its long-term facilities plan in conjunction with its financial and educational plans. Difficult decisions need to be made about how to finance our facility needs while hopefully minimizing impacts to our instructional programs. We have identified three different broad approaches for addressing these needs:
• Only fix problems as they arise.
• Issue a 30-year bond to maintain our existing facilities via preventative maintenance, small-scale renovations and upgrades.
• Issue a 30-year bond to invest in consolidating to fewer campuses for increased efficiency and reduced annual costs.
We are open to other options that the community may identify during the discussion process.
We hope you can make time in your busy schedule to join us on Nov. 30 to share your thoughts. We are confident that, together, we can find a way to do what is best for educating children in our community.
The New Paltz Central School District Board of Education
For more letters, see print edition.