Lose weight, feel great?
Experts on intuitive eating, strengthening the brain, exercise for kids, and other health topics will be presenting at the twelfth ...
Experts on intuitive eating, strengthening the brain, exercise for kids, and other health topics will be presenting at the twelfth ...
New Paltz has taken rock climbing to even greater heights. The recently opened “climbing cooperative” occupies a 2000-square-foot post-industrial space ...
Perhaps you’ve heard. We’re killing ourselves with sweetness. According to a highly publicized report from the University of California-Davis, Dr. ...
Just because you can do something medically, should you? Particularly when the patient is an animal? We’re a household of ...
Debi Arthur and Steve Smith (photo by Will Dendis) Steve Smith and Debi Arthur are wondering how many pets have ...
Hydraulic fracturing, which involves injecting millions of gallons of chemical-laden water at high pressure into a well drilled both vertically ...
Bringing our little bundles of joy to the pediatrician to get needles stuck in them that contain elements of a ...
Last Friday was La Mar Hasbrouck’s last day of work in Ulster County. He had been serving as the county ...
They’re called “mirror committees.” As of February, members of the medical staffs of Benedictine and Kingston hospitals are meeting to ...
The TV spot for a bank showed a 30-something mother with her pre-teen daughter and friends. Instead of talking to ...
As a student in high school at Onteora several years ago, Nicole Chartrand participated in several sports and took classes in ...
Me, competitive? Don’t be ridiculous. Now get out of my way.” There’s a reason I’ve avoided joining a gym for ...
Quick – what’s the number-one killer of women in the U.S.? Did you say cancer? The fact is that coronary ...
Door-to-balloon time (D2B) makes the difference between death and survival from a heart attack. There are two kinds of heart ...
A recent edition of the Journal of The American Medical Association (JAMA) described a report issued by the Centers for ...
Do you notice there’s spring in your step? Do people smile at you more? Are you enjoying an inexplicable sense ...
It’s 1962. My brother, Bill, is 19. His new girlfriend, Cheryl, is 17. They decide to go for a drive in ...
February 14 is just around the corner. This is the time where we celebrate the love of family and friends, ...
Childhood obesity is occurring despite decades-long efforts by the federal government to ensure school kids are served nutritious food. This past ...
In 2000, nearly 14 percent of American kids were overweight, almost triple the percentage in 1960, when it was less than ...
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