July 1955-July 2023. Beloved brother, son, uncle, nephew, friend. The fourth of the Balmer boys, Bill, Bart, Bruce and Brian Craig. Survived by sister Candy, Bruce and wife Lisa, sister-in-law Linda, nieces Keli and Freyja, nephew Noah, great nephews Arran and Cormac, cousins Michael, Richard, Jeff and Stephen. And our greater extended family. Warm- hearted music lover and musician, chorus singer, eclectic Jeopardy could- have-been, cosmic, charming, gentle and funny. Always quick with a good quip. Onteora Class of 1973. Near-degree in Music, SUNY, New Paltz, 1978. Member of the New Paltz Concert Choir. Sang with Woodstock Renaissance for many years and with Ars Choralis. Played sax and flute with various folks including playing Balkan music with Paprikash. Lovingly served the public at the King’s Motel, Catskill Art and Office, Print Express, and Markertek. Craig said his calling was to help people get what they need. He helped us get so much. Craig put the “balm” in Balmer. Please join us to share snacks and stories at Craig and Bart’s Memorial Gathering 9/24/23 2 PM – 6 PM, West Hurley Fire District, 24 Wall, W. Hurley.