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Hudson Valley One welcomes letters from its readers. Letters should be fewer than 300 words and submitted by noon on Monday. Our policy is to print as many letters to the editor as possible. As with all print publications, available space is determined by ads sold. If there is insufficient space in a given issue, letters will be approved based on established content standards. Points of View will also run at our discretion.
Although Hudson Valley One does not specifically limit the number of letters a reader can submit per month, the publication of letters written by frequent correspondents may be delayed to make room for less-often-heard voices, but they will all appear on our website at All letters should be signed and include the author’s address and telephone number.
Good over evil myth
This past week after the Israelis realized they had inadvertently killed Hamas leader, Yahya Sinwar, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared that “good had just won over evil.” Sinwar no doubt had the blood of 800 innocent Israelis civilians on his hands, some in horrific ways. That being said, what is to be said of Netanyahu who is responsible for the direct and indirect deaths of 180,000 innocent Palestinians, mostly women and children, in the most horrific ways imaginable from indiscriminate bombing, starvation, lack of hospitalization, dehydration, lack of shelter and being burned to death alive. That is not good winning over evil, that is genocide, which good does not commit. What Netanyahu has done will go down in the annals of history as being nothing less than infamous and who has brought humanity down to another level which Biden helped him to do and no doubt Trump too, if he had the chance.
We have clearly moved into a dark point in history evident by all those countries and the UN who did nothing to stop Netanyahu, but only contributed politically correct verbiage. Everyone in the international community knew that Israel was maintaining an apartheid system of cruelty in Gaza and allowed that evil to fester and produce a fierce Palestinian resistance movement after 75 years of severe suffering and harsh cruelty. Human beings will fight back against that kind of perpetual injustice by any means necessary, especially after they have tried peaceful means only to be shot in the back, unlawfully imprisoned and sadistically tortured. Israeli prisons were the breeding ground for the likes of Sinwar, above and beyond the open-air prison of Gaza.
All of this tragedy between the Israeli and Palestinian is a very sad story and nothing to do with good over evil but between injustice and land grabbing, pure and simple, period, full stop. Man’s inhumanity to man is on full display in the Israel/Gaza terrible saga. Contrary to Netanyahu’s statements, there are no victors in a genocidal conflict, just innocent victims and heartless perpetrators that will all have to face the creator when they die. Lying then will have no power before the judgment seat of God, like it evidently does in this phony world. All who perpetrated evil and injustice will be dealt with and pay a heavy price, no matter who they are as God cannot be gaslighted! Evidently that time for all of us may be approaching sooner than we think if Netanyahu is not stopped from causing WWIII.
Steve Romine
Kamala chameleon has no red flags?
Tom Cherwin cites many Republicans who worked for Trump and who are now against him. It can be argued that Trump ran the government as many CEO’s run their companies. They expect top skills, top performance and adherence to the organization’s “mission statement.” Bottom line: all non-performers are let go. Human nature being what it is, terminated people become bitter toward their former employer. How much of this type of resentment could be a possible explanation for these people turning against Trump?
If Trump spoke to Putin after leaving office, how do any of us know precisely what they were discussing? Does anyone have any evidence or really believe that Trump would actually sell our country down the river?
And then, as Tom brings up, there’s Project 2025. It’s a favorite distortion used against Trump as one of the left’s fear mongering tactics. Trump has already said that he disagrees with many aspects of it, even calling some of them abysmal and absurd. Yet, Harris and the Democrats are falsely labeling it “Trump’s Project 2025,” while wanting all of us to believe that Trump actually created it.
William Weinstein asks: “Is there an actual issue that will keep you from voting for Kamala Harris?” Well William, there’s not enough space to write a book. Tom McGee excellently cites many reasons why Harris is more dangerous than the exaggerations and fabrications about Trump could ever be. What about all of Harris’s scripted, pre-recorded “interviews” with her media-pocket buddies and how she answers NO questions? How can anyone decipher what she really stands for and how she’ll execute anything she claims to propose? How can anyone make an informed voting decision when all we hear are repetitious, mindless word salads and limited, narrow-minded talking points which are quite often overshadowed by groundless and false attacks of Trump?
Her recent interview with Brett Baier of Fox News clearly epitomized her arrogance, ambiguity and stupidity for everyone to see. She made a fool of herself. No matter what the question, her immediate and useless diversionary reply shifted to an attack of Trump … on 55% of ALL questions asked! When Baier repeated the same question, a second time, the same broken record deviations were regurgitated by hapless Harris.
And, sane voters want four more years of this? I know all of our international enemies definitely want four more years of her, as she represents an easy and convenient door mat. However, our allies shudder at the thought of such a weak U.S. “leader.”
John N. Butz
The new silent majority
I am certain Kamala Harris will become Madame President on January 20.
Donald Trump is increasingly unveiled as the sorry excuse of a man he is: the instigator of a coup against his own government, the enemy of women’s reproductive freedom, a serial molester, a user and abuser, Putin’s puppy dog. Most former officials who have worked with him have deserted him. None remain but the opportunistic and fascistic.
Trump increasingly speaks in weird tangents focused on name-calling and faded memories of decades-old pop culture. Hidden under his carefully tailored suits and wider-than-wide ties is a flabby, tired old man who will never last the rigors of a second term. This is why the opportunistic, well-funded J.D. Vance worked so hard to get the #2 spot, a golden parachute into the presidency when the previous occupant peters out. America’s libertarian-fascist billionaires know a good investment when they see one.
Most Americans know it’s wrong to jail one’s political enemies, use the military against the American public, expel millions who seek nothing other than peace and wellbeing for their children while making America’s economy great again, threaten America’s allies by breaking treaties and walking away from financial obligations. His violent imagery impels his supporters to violence while he pretends his hands are clean. Yes, the majority of Americans see it and reject it.
The majority of Americans feel both contempt and fear for a man who speaks in public about the size of Arnold Palmer’s genitals and publicly refers to his opponent as a “sh*t vice president.”
As former right-wing firebrand, Charlie Sykes said last Saturday, “There are a lot of things that I’m embarrassed about and now regret and for which I have apologized. I wrote a book, How the Right Lost its Mind, and have spent more than a few years trying to atone for a lot of that.” He will appear with Harris at a rally this coming Saturday.
A new silent majority sees through Trump’s lying, hatemongering and chaos. As Usher said at a Harris rally, “We have the opportunity to choose a new generation of leadership for our country. Let’s vote for our future, ladies and gentlemen.” The new silent majority will vote accordingly.
What have you done to make the Harris-Walz victory even more inevitable than it is? Do not remain silent! Have you contributed money? Have you spoken to friends and family? Have you knocked on doors? Do you have a voting plan?
Vote the Blue Wave: Harris-Walz, Gillibrand, Pat Ryan, Josh Riley, Sarahana Shrestha, Michelle Hinchey.
Let’s vote for our future, ladies and gentlemen!
When we fight, we win!
William Weinstein
New Paltz
Harris’s propositions
Harris had a terrible record as California’s attorney general highlighted by two ballot propositions that released a crime wave across the state.
Proposition 47 was a set of new laws that turned a number of felonies into misdemeanors. Harris titled the proposition “Criminal Sentences. Misdemeanor Penalties. Initiative Statute.”
Sounds harmless enough. This is the statute that makes any theft less than $950 a misdemeanor. The offender gets a ticket. Retail crime rates soared. Violent crime increased.
The next one was Proposition 57. Harris titled this one “Public Safety and Rehabilitation Act.” Look at the title. It must be beneficial to society.
Harris said the law “allows parole consideration for persons convicted of nonviolent felonies.”
Unfortunately, this included violent acts such as raping an unconscious person, human trafficking involving sex acts with a minor and domestic violence involving trauma. Thousands of violent offenders were put back on the street. When you hear that someone was convicted of drug charges and you are told this is not a violent person due to no violent convictions, keep this in mind. Prosecution attorneys will make deals to drop assault or weapons charges to get a drug possession plea deal with an offender.
Harris is soft on crime. That’s it. As president, she’ll be soft on crime (unless she can find a Trump misdemeanor or bookkeeping error and, in an unprecedented move, jack it up to a felony). As the San Francisco DA, she released a number of criminal aliens who went on to kill Americans.
Another proof of her lack of good judgement, she endorsed George Gascon for LA DA. He recently barely escaped a recall vote.
Here’s some other plans cackling Kamala has for us: reparations, defund the police, transgender surgery and drugs for illegal aliens in our prisons, decriminalize illegal immigration, ban fracking, “assault rifle” confiscation, abolish ICE (which she compared to the KKK), make unrestricted abortion a federal law, and abolish private health insurance.
How are you going to vote?
Tom McGee
Bucks versus lives
At 76, the weight of time feels like the Earth beneath an ancient oak, roots knotted in past elections and fading morality. Fear now seeps through me, like cliffs crumbling into a relentless sea. The moral walls, built brick by battle-hardened brick, are cracking. Once, we fought for something greater — God, or at least, what we believed God represented: a moral compass guiding us through the darkest nights. Now, that compass spins wildly, broken by betrayal. Greed and deceit erode the nation’s foundation, gnawing at its fabric like a slow-moving virus.
War, once the revealer of hard truths, taught me the painful reality. The mighty hoard riches while the rest bleed. Once a bastion of justice, Congress has become a marketplace where votes are traded like currency. The once fragile thread between corporations and government is now an iron chain, greed binding them tighter. Gorilla Tape has nothing on the grip of greed.
There was a time when our voices, soldier and protester alike, roared in the streets — a shared cry for truth and justice. But the flames of rebellion flickered out. When I returned from Vietnam, it was as if the Earth had swallowed the protests, leaving behind a river of corruption flowing through every home. The wounds of Watergate festered, unseen yet omnipresent.
Today, those who once stood on the frontlines have retreated into the safety of padded retirements, trading ideas for dividends. Yet, beneath it all, a small flame persists. I’ve seen transformations and battles where racism dissolved in the heat of survival. There is hope — a flickering candle in the dark.
Now, I prepare to vote, not for party or policy but for something more profound: life. The value of a human soul versus the pull of capital. See you at the booth, where we’ll decide the currency of our collective future.
Larry Winters
New Paltz
He’d rather raise taxes
From HV1 “McKenna noted that the Mountainview parking lot had been a “free-for-all. The town used money from payments in lieu of parking to delineate the parking so it could accommodate many more cars” more cars should normally have meant more money for the town. The question is, why doesn’t it?
In 2015, the late Jay Wenk proposed charging for parking at the Mountainview parking lot. McKenna was quoted back then as saying, “We do have until next May to come up with and implement a plan to make … [it] a paid lot.” How many Mays have passed since then? Why does he continue to wait to do this? How much money have we lost?
Howard Harris
Flawless cult logic on display
Flawless cult logic on display, the blind devotion, leads them astray, to a man with a tainted past, yet his followers remain steadfast. Their king of chaos wears a crown, while the rest of us find gloom and frown … justice bends beneath a weight, of unlearned truths — of twisted fate.
The same guy who is not allowed to run a charity in NY because he stole kids’ cancer money. The same guy who paid millions because he was caught refusing to rent to non-whites. The same guy who has declared bankruptcy half a dozen times, including a casino (who loses money running a casino???). The same guy who has been sued (literally) thousands of times for refusing to pay contractors, architects, cities and other small businessmen. The same guy found guilty of rape. The same guy was found guilty of 34 counts of fraud. That same guy? (Hmmm … who exactly is brainwashed?) These aren’t values, they are vices … It’s exasperating trying to explain this to just one brainwashed Trump believer. Yet his follower’s cheer, blind to the truth so clear…
Trump’s words ring true, “What can I say, stupid people love me,” brainwashed followers, refusing to see. Explanations fall on deaf ears, as cult logic reigns, feeding on fears.
Trump was talking directly to John Butz, a MAGAt devotee and editorial letter writer to HV1. Butz has hitched his ass to this asshole’s wagon — yep, moral degenerate Trump. Butz bullshits his way with ridiculous talking points in just about every love letter we see him write in the Hudson Valley newspaper when he elevates his right-wing immoral and anti-Christian leader DJT … Butz wants four more years of arrogance, bumbling, bluster and division. When did that become okay? For how do we reach a soul entombed, where dogma thrives and reason is doomed?
Sued left and right. Fraud on his plate. Guilty of rape. Yet ass-kissing Butz still thinks ‘he’s great’. Must reiterate: Yes folks, it’s hard to see through the cult’s thick fog — nevertheless, “Stupid people love him” — he’s their demagogue.
Neil Jarmel
West Hurley
Vote Harris, Walz and the Democratic slate
Having lived through the first Trump presidency, I find it unbelievable and frightening that the race seems to be so close. Vice President Harris and Governor Walz offer skills, experience and an agenda aimed at solving the nation’s problems. Mr. Trump was a terrible president, incited violence to try to overthrow the last election and has become increasingly threatening during this campaign. He is clear about his intention to try to bring an end to our Constitution. Both he and his vice presidential running mate seem to be willing to say whatever they think will win support from their base. I urge all patriotic Americans to vote for Harris and Walz.
In addition, it is urgent that Democrats take back the House and the Senate. Kamala Harris and Tim Walz have shown through their records that they want to work for the American people, not special interests and the hyper-wealthy. But without a majority in both houses of Congress, they will have great difficulty.
The New York State races are also important. If you are in their districts, vote for Pat Ryan for Congress, Kristen Gillibrand for Senate, and also the local races, Michelle Hinchey for state Senate and Sarahana Shrestha for Assembly. And vote YES on Proposition 1 to put equal rights into the New York Constitution.
Judith Kerman
An apple a day
Maybe I have a death wish, but I eat apples with the stickers on.
In NY-18, Palestine is on the ballot
For more than a year Israel has waged a brutal campaign of ethnic cleansing against the Palestinian people, killing upwards of 40,000 civilians as it continues to indiscriminately bomb Gaza; one of the most densely populated places on earth. Since October of 2023, we have lobbied for Pat Ryan to call for a permanent ceasefire and an end to US military support for Israel, only to be met with shrugs and platitudes. Having exhausted all other means of leverage, we the organizers at NY18 No Votes for Genocide are urging voters to sign our pledge to vote blank for Congress this November unless Ryan calls for a full arms embargo against the Israeli regime. While we hope that Pat Ryan will end his support for Israel after he is made aware of how many votes he stands to lose, in the event that he does not, we hope that by stripping away several thousand votes we will prove to the democratic establishment that the movement for Palestinian liberation cannot be dismissed. So far our petition has accrued more than 1200 signatures, and has been well received among university students as well as our local Muslim community. Our campaign has also received the support of county legislators Gregory McCullough and Phil Erner, both of whom have signed our pledge. Our voices cannot be ignored; if Pat Ryan wants to remain our representative, he must do the right thing and end his complicity in genocide.
Garret Tanis
New Paltz
What are the intentions of the government in Saugerties?
For several months the pro-housing proposal, presented to us as Governor Hochul’s executive order, has been floating around our town and village boards. Basically, it goes like this: “Start giving up the town’s rights to self-rule and if you don’t, we’ll cut off the possibility that you could get grants from the state.” Notice that there is no guarantee that we would get those grants and also those grants have already been paid for with our taxes. At the last town board meeting, it was voted down 3:2. But it is back on the agenda as supervisor Costello has promised the village board he can get town board members to switch their votes.
This pro-housing proposal was voted down last year in the state legislature, but in true autocratic action, which seems to be acceptable in New York state, Governor Hochul made it an executive order, circumventing our state’s checks and balances.. Town boards can vote no; they do not have to comply. But that action would require true concern for its citizens, courage, leadership skills rather than making backroom deals.
Almost everything that we see at a town board meeting is for show and deals have already been made with a select few. (In fact, it has become the supervisor’s practice to add items to the agenda without announcing them to the public.) For example, one of the organizations promoting this latest Trojan horse is Shout Out Saugerties. Apparently, they circulated a survey asking respondents which issues were important.
But the survey was announced to a select few. (It could have been mailed along with tax bills.) I became aware of it through the Democratic party to whom it was sent by Supervisor Costello. At the end of last month’s town board meeting I asked the representative of Shout Out Saugerties how I could participate in this survey and she said they were no longer doing it because the pro-housing proposal was voted down. But in fact, this Shout Out Saugerties was instrumental in getting the village to pass the pro-housing resolution on October 7th at a meeting that likely violated open government laws. But who is Shout Out Saugerties? Why do they hold so much clout? They certainly were never voted into a position of such influence in our town.
And the question remains: Why do we need more “affordable” housing projects? It is common knowledge now that the birth rate for American families is less than the replacement rate. In addition, many of our own children have moved away in pursuit of making a living wage. The “affordable” housing projects are subsidized with our taxes with long-time homeowners giving up their homes. Since the pandemic, the death rate has skyrocketed leaving many surviving spouses to be forced out of their houses because they could not afford to pay the property and school taxes on one income. Do these folks really want to leave their homes or are they being left with no choice? Their worries about losing their homes continue to fall on the deaf ears of the town and village board? I think we know what the plan is, but it is too horrible to accept; we were raised to trust our government, though now very few do as we can see with this latest bait-and-switch maneuver happening in our town.
Gaetana Ciarlante
U-Act supports Proposition One
Ulster Activists (“U-Act”) a local citizen non-profit group announces its strong support for NYS Proposition One which would add more anti-discrimination protections to the NYS Constitution. Currently protected against discrimination are race, color, creed [or] religion. If Proposition One (also referred to as NYS’ Equal Rights Amendment) passes, the following protections would be added to our constitution: no discrimination based on “ethnicity, national origin, age, disability, or sex, including sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy outcomes and reproductive healthcare and autonomy.” We urge you to turn your ballot over and vote yes for Proposition One.
Go to get more information about Proposition One, to read about the different amendments and propositions specific to your town, as well as being able to check if you’re registered, see your town’s ballot and get info about early voting (Saturday, October 26 through Sunday, November 3).
Amy R Kletter
On behalf of U-Act
HomeShare Woodstock expands to Kingston
For two years, I have served on the advisory board of HomeShare Woodstock.
I was attracted to homesharing after watching the price of building and/or buying a home skyrocket and rentals become less affordable. The urgency of our housing shortage became personal after assisting my stepdaughter search for affordable housing as a single mother of three.
Homesharing is a win/win situation. Using existing housing, the program matches home seekers with home providers with additional living space in their home. The rent is affordable in exchange for a customized work agreement. Thanks to our trained volunteers and the oversight of Family of Woodstock, our program screens and coordinates homesharing matches at no charge to the participants. We have matched people of all ages with neighborly task exchanges that are carefully designed for each situation!
Since the program’s beginning, we have made 12 matches and currently have ten matches involving 23 people from Woodstock, Mount Tremper, Saugerties, Bearsville and Olivebridge. Half will celebrate one year of sharing by the end of 2024.
We are excited to expand the program to Kingston this year and will begin accepting applications in 2025. We welcome new applicants and new volunteers to help launch the expansion. Homesharing may be for you if, as a home provider, you have space in your home or property and could benefit from some additional income, need help with household chores, supportive company and/or yard maintenance or as a home seeker, have skills to share in exchange for affordable rent. Two informational meetings are scheduled at Family’s Kingston office on October 24th at 4 p.m. and October 28th at 3:30 p.m.
Although the program started small, it is gradually gaining momentum, serving as a model program in New York. For more information, call or text Family at 845-679-2485 or email
Jamey Wolff
HomeShare Woodstock Advisory Board
F — The future regarding our present benefit state, #9
With my last letter today, we will be heading to the voting booths November 5th for our choice of who our next POTUS will be: Donald Trump, a convicted criminal in an American court of law, running for re-election, or Kamala Harris, a first-time nominee for this prestigious position. (There is early voting though. Check with your town representatives.)
What I have attempted to do is to enlighten the reader to the dangers this man, Donald Trump, will bring to the oval office, if he is re-elected. It’s not just Trump but the entire GOP behind him. Why? The reason, mentioned numerous times, the GOP finally has an individual who will address and demolish their hatred of what was instituted 89 years ago: the introduction of socialistic and liberal programs, that they created with their capitalistic ramrodding, leading to the Great Depression. And, it was their 81% along with the Democratic 87% that put FDR into the oval office. That was then. But after 89 years of FDR’s socialistic and liberal administrations, the GOP has stocked the Supreme and federal courts with conservatives, with the ultimate purpose of getting out from under these programs of yesteryear.
There are 22 million-plus persons drawing Social Security and Medicare benefits. The Supreme Court affirmed the 1954 amendment to the Social Security Act of 1935, which essentially stated: “Social Security is not a contractual right to one’s benefits they paid into … only Congress has the right to regulate, revise and amend Social Security.” This means Congress, today, has a ‘strangle hold’ on our benefits. Don’t forget Trump tried to pass a Payroll Executive Tax Act (Federal Insurance Contributions Act-FICA), which would eliminate payroll taxes; without payroll taxes paid by the employer and employee, there would be no contributions for Social Security and Medicare.
But with 22-million persons drawing benefits, they have to tread very, very carefully. If they don’t, the midterm elections could and will witness a number of GOP senators and congressmen, out on the street looking for work. (Just what could have happened to the GOP if they had supported Hoover back into office for a second term and he did nothing; the midterm elections would have addressed that and they would be on the street. The same situation with FDR. If they did not support him once he was in office, the midterm elections would have addressed that as well.) So, given these past examples, it stands to reason, there will be no large-scale glomming of our benefits, hopefully. (Go to to see how candidates vote on this issue.) But if the Congress goes GOP in the presidential election and or the midterm election in 2026, I don’t know. However, one thing for sure, with the ‘hammer’, the ‘deconstructor’, the ‘wrecking ball’ in office (Donald Trump), there will be an unremitting attack upon these benefits, piece meal by piece, until they are eliminated. He is the GOP’s dream come true. At long last, their savior.
I have stated previously, some of the attacks coming upon our benefits. I listed eight and I will pick two that I feel are the most important. (1) The Reach Act. Funds allocated by Medicare for a person’s medical expenses, are subject to corporate middlemen allocating portions and keeping the left over beyond what is needed. (2) The Fiscal Commission Act (H.R, 5779). This came out of the House budget committee; GOP hardliners claim this is an essential step to drive down the record budget debt. This would squeeze every possible dollar of savings out of Social Security and Medicare that would never pass Congress through the normal legislative process.
As I sign off, I leave the readers with my biased opinion regarding Trump. I believe that Donald Trump is a very dangerous man and if he is re-elected, there will a dismantling, over time, of the entire structure of the government. Schedule F of the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 is the blueprint for this dismantling. Our children and grandchildren will not have what we seniors have had and have today. Good luck and please, vote.
Robert LaPolt
New Paltz
Domestic Violence Awareness Month
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, a time to shine a light on the challenges faced by survivors and to honor their strength and resilience. We must come together as a community to support those affected by domestic violence, raise awareness about its impact and advocate for change. It’s important to listen, believe and empower survivors as they navigate their healing journeys.
Together, we can foster a culture of compassion and safety for all, which begins with immediate assistance in the aftermath of violence to begin to create a safe space for healing. Counseling and therapy, especially trauma-informed therapy, helps survivors process their experiences, develop coping strategies and rebuild their lives. Also important are advocacy and support services to assist survivors in accessing legal aid, housing and healthcare, ensuring they have the resources needed to regain independence. Finally, community education is important to raise awareness about domestic violence and promote prevention through workshops and outreach programs.
At Astor, we have the privilege of witnessing the incredible resilience and strength of our clients who have experienced domestic violence. Each journey is unique, but it is always inspiring to see clients begin to reclaim their sense of self and agency. Initially, many feel overwhelmed by fear, but with work they learn to set healthy boundaries, advocate for themselves, and make choices that prioritize their safety and well-being. Another key area of progress is in the development of healthy relationships. Clients often start by feeling isolated, but as they heal, we’ve witnessed many begin to form supportive connections with friends, family or community resources. These relationships can provide essential support and encouragement as they navigate their journey.
Please reach out to Astor Services if you or a loved one is experiencing domestic violence.
Virginia Guerrero, Care Manager
Astor Services
National Make a Difference Day
With National Make a Difference Day, October 26, just around the corner, it’s the perfect time to reflect on the ways that we can all give back and pay it forward.
Now more than ever, it is critical that we uplift one another. You may think that you’ll never need a helping hand from a friend or neighbor, but the reality is that unforeseen events, particularly financial difficulties, can impact anyone.
Whether it’s a car accident, sudden illness or injury, unexpected layoff or recent diagnosis, it only takes a small bump to disrupt a solid foundation. That’s why, at People for People Fund, we believe in the power of neighbors helping neighbors.
A 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we provide interim financial support to hardworking, self-reliant Orange, Sullivan and Ulster County residents. These are people just like you and me who hold a steady job and regularly pay their bills, but are suddenly faced with an unexpected financial hardship. By providing small grants, we help people get back on their feet and, ultimately, regain economic stability.
So, this National Make a Difference Day, we remind you that the notion of neighbors helping neighbors begins with you.
To learn more about our organization, apply for support or make a donation, visit
Nolly Climes, President
People for People Fund
A wake-up call!
I am a 76-year-old Jewish man, and my father was born in Germany and grew up there. I never had the desire to visit Germany because of the atrocities that took place during WW2. But I read many books about the Holocaust and the struggles of Jews during that time. I was fascinated and sickened by the accounts of the concentration camps, and the valiant efforts of the Partisans who fought back. I feel on some level, I am lucky to be alive. I love my life, and I love many Jewish people. But this upcoming election is frightening to me, and it should be as frightening to all other Jews as well.
I am concerned that there are quite a number of Jewish people who may be planning to vote for Donald Trump. He’s offered wealthy people more big tax breaks if he becomes president again. That’s the carrot he’s dangling in front of anybody who is wealthy. The Democrats won’t be so easy on those with lots of money. Their plan is to tax the wealthy to help pay for other services that will help the large majority of people in our country. I think it’s the right thing to do. But it’s easy for me to say that, since I am not one of the wealthy ones. In fact, those tax increases won’t hurt wealthy people much. But it’s written somewhere in the handbook for the rich, that if you have lots of money, well you should always want more. You know, “Cash is king” and “Greed is good.”
But let’s not forget about the thousands of wealthy Jewish folks in Germany who couldn’t take their money to the concentration camps. Their money meant absolutely nothing at some point. Let’s call that time, the point of no return. And they never did return.
I think of Heather Hyer a lot. She’s the only person who died during the Charlottesville riot a few years ago, where, according to Trump, “there were good folks on both sides of the conflict.” Good people on both sides? Really? Her famous quote was, “If you are not outraged, then you are not paying attention.” Please. The below information is about events that took place in Germany about 100 years ago. It could happen again. Right here in our United States of America.
• The association of German National Jews was an organization formed in 1921.
• The goal of the association was the total assimilation of Jews into the German mainstream.
• It primarily attracted members from the anti-Communist middle class, small business owners, National conservatives and World War 1 veterans.
• Many of them believed that Nazi Anti-Semitism was only a rhetorical tool, used to stir up the masses. But not all Jews felt that way.
• In 1927 their monthly magazine reached 6000 people with their ideas. But not all German Jews were in agreement.
There were some major debates among Jews about the rising popularity of the Nazi party and their charismatic leader named Adolph Hitler. Some Jews thought he was a rising star, and would help the German economy, which was still reeling from the effects of World War 1. Others thought he was very dangerous, and a direct threat to German Jews.
• In spite of the ongoing debates during the next few years, the magazine came out in favor of supporting Adolph Hitler and his policies in the 1932 election. Hitler became the new chancellor of Germany and the rest of the story is history.
Epilog: Facts.
1. Over six million Jews were killed during World War 2, mostly due to the targeted campaign of the Nazi regime, which was called the Holocaust.
2. Estimates of people killed in World War 2 range from 40 million to 85 million. It is historically known as the war with the most casualties ever in the history of our planet.
3. Donald Trump’s favorite book was Mein Kampf, by Adolph Hitler. Trump idolized Hitler and wanted to be just like him.
4. Trump has stated that he would love to be a dictator, if he gets elected.
If you are Jewish and you are really thinking of voting for Trump, please think again!
Marty Klein
Sarasota, FL
Kingston, NY
The rain didn’t dampen our spirit
The Ulster County Italian American Foundation would like to thank each of you who attended our Italian festival on the Rondout this past Sunday. We had decent weather as we introduced our dignitaries who took time out of their busy schedules to attend our event. It was such a pleasure to announce our award recipients: Signor and Signora — Kevin Reginato and Stephanie Reginato, Italian Pride — Joe LoSchiavo and Cathy Benham. Nina Postupack Community Service Award — Sal Guido and Jess Davis. What an impressive group of selfless individuals who are the epitome of service, Italian pride and spirit.
There are so many people to thank for the success of our annual festival. Of course, all our volunteers who spend countless hours preparing for and working at our festival. All their efforts are due to their pride and love of their Italian roots. They are truly our greatest treasure. The Bruderhof is so kind to send some of their young men and women to assist us. Mayor Noble and the City of Kingston has always been there for us. The Department of public works, parks and recreation, police department and fire department. These are the finest most dependable public servants you could ever come across. They always responded with willingness and genuine concern for a great outcome. Our UCAT bus system was invaluable in transporting our attendees saving them the grief of trying to find parking. The way we all work together is the reason why this city is celebrated for its cultural diversity and harmony.
The rain did not lessen the joy that our entertainers and vendors gave to all. Each entertainer performed as if there were a thousand in their audience and the food was everything you would expect. None of this could happen without the generous support of our sponsors. They realize that a free festival costs quite a bit.
I would ask that you take a moment, visit our website, scroll through our generous sponsors and thank them for supporting UCIAF and making our free festival possible.
Anthony Tampone, President
Ulster County Italian American Foundation
Vote for the guardrails who will protect the country from Trump
In large part because Donald Trump makes the decency-be-damned remarks and behaves in the rules-repudiating manner his rally-goers wish they had the nerve to, they worship him — arguably more than they worship Jesus, to judge by their readiness to excuse this Antichrist’s ongoing violations of Christ’s teachings.
Trump is his rally-goers’ new savior and religion. He is their faith and their hope. He is their mouthpiece, their suppressed rant, their id. There is apparently nothing he can do or say — no law he can break, no group or individual he can denigrate and/or seek retribution against, no lie he can tell, no crudity or stupidity he can utter, no cognitive deficit he can expose — that will cause them to forsake his altar.
Nor is he likely to lose the devotion of his other bases. For his billionaires’ tax cut WILL benefit the bottom lines of corporations and the rich (unless, as many financial experts fear, his tax, tariff and other policies wreck the economy The Economist calls “the envy of the world”). His pro-life stance WILL protect the unborn (and kill women and ruin lives). His immigration policies WILL allow white Christian nationalists to feel they’re “taking back our country” (while violating Christ’s and America’s missions, decimating families and undermining our economy). His billion-dollar transactional promise to Big Oil to “drill, baby, drill” WILL lower gas prices (and imperil the planet and every living being on it).
So, with the help of the Electoral College (“a gun held to the head of U.S. democracy,” in The Guardian’s view), Trump may win the election. If he does, we’ll need guardrails to protect the country — from him, from the basest elements of his bases, from Project 2025 and from House, Senate and state and local government MAGAmaniacs.
Here in the Hudson Valley, these guardrails are on the ballot. Their names are Pat Ryan, Josh Riley, Sarahana Shrestha, Michelle Hinchey and Proposition 1 (the “Equal Rights Amendment”). If you’d like to volunteer to help them help us, they and we will be grateful. But PLEASE vote, either on Election Day — Tuesday, November 5 — or early, from October 26 through November 3. For that, the country will be grateful!
Tom Cherwin
Four more years? NO!
With two weeks to go before the November election, it seems as if everything that can be said about Donald Trump has already been detailed. Probably voters for both Trump and Harris have a box of quarantined negatives — policies, rhetoric, actions of their candidate they find troubling — but in the box they will remain, outweighed by the reasons to support their favored candidate. For me, several of Trump’s negatives dominate all other issues. (1) His betrayal of our Constitutional system with his refusal to accept the 2020 election results … simply, he is a traitor. (2) His all-too-clear plans to use his second presidency to seek revenge against his enemies and foment chaos in government and in the streets. (3) The hatred, distrust and bigotry he has infused – purposefully — into our civic society and culture.
Nostalgia can distort, but it does seem that our country has managed to take baby steps forward without splitting apart by accepting a “live-and-let-live” approach, even as we struggle with our divisions. Trump has upended that bargain and set us on a different course. Strident voices of hate, resentment and violence in different forms threaten our future. MAGA suggests a violent cleansing is badly needed.
Is this what the country wants? I hope not. I hope that voters, having seen Trump’s first four years and hearing his promises for the next four, will say, no, we don’t want and can’t bear a return to THAT. Kamala Harris has shown herself to be a candidate the country can live with. As in 1980, when at the end voters decided Ronald Reagan was acceptable and ejected the Carter they knew, I hope the electorate will make a collective decision to certify Harris as the next president and give Trump a sendoff to his trials.
Tom Denton
New Paltz
Bill to allow creative arts therapists to bill Medicaid awaits delivery to the governor
Medicaid is the largest payer of behavioral health services in the US. Currently, speech therapy, physical therapy and occupational therapy are reimbursable through Medicaid but creative arts therapies such as music therapy and art therapy are not. Right now, there is a bill — bill A9018/S8715 — that will expand New Yorkers’ access to creative arts therapy and it awaits delivery for NY Governor Hochul to sign. What’s the hold up? Many legislators, organized labor, healthcare providers, educators and advocates support this call for greater access to mental health options in New York. In New York State, in order to call oneself a creative art therapist, it is necessary to go through a master’s-level university training plus a certification and licensing process just like social workers. As a music therapist for 30 years, I know for certain the creative arts therapies can be the best, and sometimes the only way to help people who are not verbally fluent such as those with autism spectrum disorder, brain injury, dementia or impairments due to stroke as well those who have trouble putting their feelings into words such as those with depression or post-traumatic stress disorder. In some cases, the creative arts succeed after more conventional therapies have tried and failed. Why wouldn’t we urge Governor Hochul to sign into law a bill that will improve access to so many, including, typically underserved people, to this vital mental healthcare option?
Rick Soshensky
Aborting the hope of truth
In 2019, New York legislators were voting to pass the Reproductive Health Act to protect access to reproductive rights by codifying Roe/Wade into state law. Because of this, a friend and I travelled to Albany to register our concern that the bill afforded no protection for the developing human lives killed during abortions.
As we lobbied, we met a woman who wanted legislators to know of the deep regret she has known after realizing her abortion ended a human life. With this in mind, the following is a response to Susanrachel Condon’s Feedback point-of-view column. In it, Ms. Condon expressed proud support for Pat Ryan and Kamala Harris because they promise to support legislation that will enshrine the protections of Roe v. Wade (which provides no protection for developing human life or comfort for women who regret having had an abortion) into law. While it may be true, as Ms. Condon wrote, that “pundits and politicians who do not understand the complexity of women’s health care have oversimplified and loudly opined about reproductive health services in the public domain” resulting in disinformation; Ms. Condon, by citing the case of Amber Thurman, a mother in Georgia, who she claims died of sepsis after being denied the care she needed even after her pregnancy was no longer viable to illustrate the confusion caused by misunderstanding of state laws; may, herself, be guilty of spreading similar misinformation.
Timothy P. Carney in his article “Did pro-choice lies kill Amber Thurman?” (Washington Examiner, 9/20/2924) challenges Susanrachel’s contention by stating “A woman in Georgia got a legal abortion, and it killed her. If this isn’t how you understand the tragic death of Amber Thurman, that’s because you have been misled by a Democratic Party desperate to politicize her death and by macabre media that believe defending abortion is more important than getting a story straight.” Mr. Carney’s article then proceeds to explain why his opening line is the “straight story” and Susan Rachel’s narrative isn’t. Regarding one pro-choice lie, Carney explains that “Abortion bans do not ban miscarriage treatment, but the pro-choice commentators want you to believe that, [they do] because they want to repeal these laws and legalize the deliberate taking of pre-born life. [for this reason] They need you to believe that laws about live babies apply to dead babies.”
However, Susanrachel’s most egregious undermining of truth is that of omission: for she never mentions that the overwhelming majority of the 64-million abortions occurring under Roe/Wade were performed simply because a baby would be burdensome or inconvenient. Nor did she mention the racial implications of over 30% of these abortions having been performed on African-American women or the many women who live with the guilt and regret that comes from finally understanding that their abortions killed developing human beings. Consequently, in the view of many, this makes Ms. Condon’s article merely another propaganda piece to support her favored politicians’ self-serving abortion narratives. And, tragically, such propaganda aborts any hope of seeking the truth that could lead to genuine consensus on this divisive but important issue.
George Civile
Vote Row A on or before November 5
This year’s election is the most critical of many of our lifetimes. America will choose its path for the future, and the path will be very different, depending on who America elects.
I urge you to vote row A in this election.
Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are the leaders who will preserve our Democracy, fight for the rights of all Americans, and use our military to protect our citizens. They will focus on our economy, securing our border, the environment and more. They will fight for all Americans. Their opponents have different ideas.
Besides voting for Harris and Walz, it is critical that we send Pat Ryan back to the House of Representatives and send Josh Riley there as well.
Pat has been a Congressman and county executive and has served us well in both roles. He has great experience, made great progress and fights for the right results. Josh will also fight for the right results. The Republican-led House of Representatives stalled progress on key issues such as the border crisis. Kamala needs workers like Pat and Josh to accomplish the right things for the American people. Of course she needs Kirsten Gillibrand in the Senate as well. Kirsten is another great worker for the American people.
At the state level, we need to re-elect Michelle Hinchey for NYS Senate and Sarahana Shrestha for NYS Assembly. New York State is a leader in human rights, women’s rights, the environment and much more. We need Michelle and Sarahana to continue to lead the fight and fight the fight on key issues.
Early voting starts Saturday, October 26. Please see for early voting and November 5 Election Day voting details. Please flip over your ballot to weigh in on the propositions on the back of the ballot.
And please join me in voting row A all the way!
Laura Ricci
Donald Trump is in serious mental decline
He has difficulty holding a train of thought, rambles in response to questions, says things that are better not said and suggests far-fetched policy. He and his team have curbed his public appearances, limiting him to situations in which he looks his best.
If elected, there is a good chance that he will not complete his term. Then his vice president, JD Vance, will become president. Vance fully endorses Project 2025: rejects women’s rights, wants to curb voting, would cut Social Security and Medicare. He is widely regarded as a fascist. Will you be happy with him as your president?
I think Kamala Harris is a better choice. With her you get what you voted for.
Hal Chorny
Accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative!
If not verbally or in writing, then, at a minimum, in our hearts let us be appreciative of a few recent developments. Without infringing upon the Second Amendment, our legislators passed a series of bills related to common-sense gun legislation which were recently signed into law by Governor Hochul. 1) Firearm’s dealers and gunsmiths must post warnings at sites where firearms are sold and distribute warnings at the time of sale. 2) The definition of “pistol converter” (Glock switch) is added to Penal Law Section 265.00. This device gives a regular pistol the ability to fire 15 rounds in under two seconds. The gun industry must take “reasonable steps” to discourage the purchase and use of these devices. 3) Courts must notify the statewide registry of orders of protection and warrants when a temporary and/or final extreme risk order of protection (ERPO) is issued. This ensures the tracking of ERPOs in the statewide registry. 4) Police agencies, instead of police officers, can be listed as petitioners in an ERPO proceeding. 5) Credit and debit card issuers are required to use the firearms and ammunition retailers merchant category for businesses whose highest sales value is from firearm and ammunition sales. 6) Requires a firearm’s licensing officer to provide information about statewide resources related to safe storage of firearms, child access prevention and firearm violence prevention, and county and local laws and regulations related to these issues. The state must also develop and implement a public awareness campaign related to these same issues. The materials must be updated annually.
Additionally, Buffalo is establishing an Office of Gun Violence Prevention and will be dedicated to working more closely with NY State and federal agencies to stem the tide of gun violence. On a personal note, it is the responsibility of each person to de-escalate tense situations, especially where firearms are nearby. If you are a party involved in a dispute, have the strength to curb any possibility of escalation. Nothing requires violence as a response and, at a later time, you will thank yourself or someone who may intervene.
May we all continue to take action (along with having thoughts and prayers) to curtail violent actions, especially involving firearms. This reaffirms the value of each person and reminds us to commit to improving the social environment in which we live. And, remember that there are multitudes of good people doing good things for the benefit of all!
Terence Lover
Vote for Congressman Pat Ryan so he can vote for us
There are 100 reasons to vote for Pat Ryan for Congress, and a big one is his League of Conservation Voter’s 100% voting record for the environment. Climate change may not be the hottest campaign topic these days, but our planet is getting hotter every year. August 2024 set a new monthly temperature record, capping Earth’s hottest summer.
One in three fish caught for human consumption now contains plastic. 90% of plastic is made from fossil fuels. Plastic pollution chokes marine wildlife, damages soil and poisons groundwater. Plastic producers would love to see Pat’s opponent win.
We’re all concerned about the price of food, but did you know that high food prices are directly linked to the global water crisis? We know the havoc recent hurricanes have wrought on entire communities, homes and farms. But do we also know that its evil twin, drought, costs our economy an annual $6 billion?
It’s not just those of us who love our national parks, wild rivers, old growth forests and fragile mountain ecosystems, who need to vote for Congressman Ryan. It’s every one of us who is sick and tired of watching corporate profiteers poison the earth, soil and water we need to feed a hungry planet.
Vote for Congressman Pat Ryan so he can vote for us.
Kitty Brown
New Paltz
Dandelion Tanka
Late October heat:
rising robustly through dirt
this dandelion
awaits more confused to rise
like Earth’s ever-warming heat.
Patrick Hammer, Jr.
War mongering political parasites
Whilst two war mongering political parties battle for the right to your vote for the next president of these United States, the mantra of both parties remain the same: “Israel has the right to defend themselves” What Harris and Trump are really saying is that they have no intention of upsetting the apple cart when it comes to giving military arms contributions to Israel.
Israel have to date received $20 billion in military support towards their war in the middle east since October 7, 2023. If you purchased 100 dollars worth of shares in ‘Raytheon’ one year ago, you would today now own 180 dollars worth of shares. Raytheon is one of the companies that manufacture the bunker busting bombs been presently dropped onto the heads of men, women and children in Gaza and Lebanon. In doing so, to be precise killing 15,000 children in all along with 27,000 adults to date. These type of bombs are not supposed to be used in civilian locations, but money speaks louder than the right to ‘life’ in US politics. Can you imagine how much could have been achieved in our schools, in housing, in medical care and in helping victims of the recent hurricanes by spending that $20 billion of support on US citizens rather than sending it to Israel? The truth is that our politicians are presently bought and paid for by Wall Street. Many of them own shares in Raytheon and other manufacturers of military weapons. It is not in their best interest to spend money on United States Citizens when they can become very very rich from our misery and the misery of others in war.
Chris Finlay
Please vote for Harris if you care about saving our planet
As Election Day approaches, I am writing this letter to all in our community who care about our planet and the Hudson Valley, because who we elect will make a big difference in saving the beauty we have here.
Climate change is with us now. Our winters are shorter, our summers much hotter; and we are facing wildfires, droughts, storms and flooding on an entirely new scale of damage.
Yet Donald Trump denies any need to control the emissions driving climate change. He opposes clean energy through solar panels or wind, opposes electric vehicles or any emissions control, and says he will build more coal plants and vastly increase our drilling for gas and oil.
As president, he rejected the Paris Climate Agreement and rolled back more than 100 environmental regulations, including many aimed at reducing planet-warming. If re-elected, he promises to drastically reshape the Environmental Protection Agency, with its regulations to control the methane driving so much of climate change (just passed by the Biden administration and approved by the Supreme Court), to reduce flooding by protecting wetlands, to fight for clean air and so much more.
Trump does not acknowledge any need for coping with the changing environments we are all facing, even after last year’s wildfires or the damage this fall from the two hurricanes that hit Florida. In fact, he shows only ignorance or denial, as when he said after Helene took place in the middle of Florida’s hurricane season, “Nobody thought this would be happening.”
The Biden/Harris administration rejoined the Paris Climate Agreement, reversed other Trump’s rollbacks, and has provided the largest ever federal investment in climate action through the Inflation Reduction Act. If you care about saving our planet and this wonderful area we live in, please vote for Harris for President.
Gail Albert
Grant application submitted
We are thrilled and feeling encouraged the Village of New Paltz received letters of support for our $10M grant application to the MH-REDC’s 2024 Downtown Revitalization Initiative (DRI) program from:
• NYS Senator Michelle Hinchey
• Ulster County Executive Jen Metzger
• SUNY New Paltz President Darrell Wheeler
• NYS Assemblymember Sarahana Shrestha
• US Representative Pat Ryan
Our grant application includes adding housing, decarbonization, Main Street safety, updating the bus station and targeted infrastructure investments. We believe a truly integrated and ideal approach to downtown revitalization would coordinate water-main work to help with our brown water issues, new housing units, safer pedestrian experiences with better sidewalks, ramps, crosswalks and intersections, to more impactfully and efficiently support the local economy and our residents.
If we’re selected, each of our proposed projects includes local contributions to leverage a State DRI award. Fingers crossed.
Mayor Tim Rogers
New Paltz
Winston Farm development plan — a better alternative
I imagine the rain water that came down recently, making its way into aquifers, wells and the roots of trees. I also picture the impervious hard surfaces the development of Winston Farm (WF) will result in. These hard surfaces will increase runoff from rain storms and take water from our trees, aquifers and wells. This phenomenon is happening all over the country where natural habitats are being replaced by parking lots.
The development plan presented in the Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement (DGEIS — August, 2024) has sections on potential mitigation measures to reduce the damage done by the loss of trees and natural habitats. The word mitigate is very telling. It admits to the potential damage that may occur but don’t worry, these measures will lessen its impact. How much damage will occur to the WF environment, even with the “mitigation” strategies? No one is quite sure. At the August 14, 2024 Saugerties Town Board meeting, community members were told that the success or failure of the development plan might not be known for ten years. We know now, the development plan will irreparably change our WF treasure.
There is a simpler solution to the development plan and the mitigation dilemma. Leave WF alone to enrich our lives. No mitigation needed to counteract the transformation done by thousands of asphalt-covered parking spaces.There is an alternative plan for WF presented by Permaculture expert, Andrew Faust, “Winston Farm/An Alternative Vision: A Community Farm & Forest Preserve.” This plan was presented to the Saugerties Town Board at its September 18 meeting. The character of our community is hanging in the balance.
People come to Saugerties not for a boutique hotel, but for its beauty, the autumn leaves, the fresh air, and the Hudson River, not to be stuck in traffic with thousands of additional cars and their exhaust.
There is a better way to honor the WF gift we have had for hundreds of years. We turn our back on our motto “Climate Smart Saugerties” by going ahead with the development plan. Disrupting the lives of thousands of animals and plants and their habitat and then covering-over the damage with asphalt cannot be considered environmentally conscious and smart. However, there must be a way to provide both a return on investment for the current owners of Winston Farm (after all they did purchase the property) and the goal of preserving what we have for future generations. We must find a way forward, together, that respects the owners of Winston Farm and preserves this natural treasure. People will be watching to see how we resolve this dilemma. Both sides can succeed. That success will serve as an example to all who come to enjoy Winston Farm (as it is) and the Town of Saugerties as a community that respects all its citizens and its natural heritage.
Marc Brodkin
Janell Orourke
Sue Kavanagh
Vincent Evans
Kudos to the Saugerties Animal Shelter staff
I appreciated the October 16 article about the Town of Saugerties Animal Shelter groundbreaking that took place on October 2.
In addition to what was written, I’ll add my admiration and respect for the shelter’s staff, who care for all the animals under its roof with compassion, while utilizing best practices. They are the heartbeat of that facility’s daily operations and the shelter’s face for the community.
The staff comprises Elly Monfett, executive director; Morgan Bach, shelter manager; Shalan Newkirk, cat manager; and Cindy Denise, animal care attendant.
Teamwork, respect and professionalism are the guiding principles in all aspects of their work, whether among themselves, or with volunteers, or the community. This positive tone benefits the animals they love and care for while housed at the shelter.
It’s a career choice that holds many pressures, and for this shelter it’s no different. But this team of dedicated staffers shines a bright light for the stray, orphaned and adoptable pets in the Town of Saugerties.
The Saugerties Animal Welfare Fund is the fundraising arm of the shelter. The fund was set up in 2018 by Elly Monfett, with assistance by Adele Zinderman. Please consider a monetary donation to help the shelter reach its fundraising goal for the new building:
Liz Wassell, Volunteer
A big thanks to the budget task
One of the promises I made when running for New Paltz town supervisor was to create a budget task force to get some new eyes and fresh thoughts on the process and the product. The team: myself, town comptroller Jean Gallucci, council member Edgar Rodriguez, town residents Jon Decker, Tom Jelliffe and Dawn Winchester and village treasurer Nancy Branco and mayor Tim Rogers — began meeting in August. Our goals have been to dig into and understand what drives the annual town budget and why it changes from year to year. We also wanted to provide what we have been learning in a slide set that is accessible and transparent for the process of creating the 2025 town budget for adoption on November 7. You can find the latest slide set and 2025 preliminary budget on the town webpage by clicking the budget icon.
A big thanks to the budget task force for their diligent and perceptive work, especially Tom Jelliffe and Dawn Winchester for their expertise with Excel and PowerPoint. I hope this format will make it easy for members of the public to follow the ongoing budget process and comment at the budget public hearing at the town board meeting on November 7.
And stay tuned! This hard-working task force is not only updating the slides for the 2025 budget as it reaches its final stage, but will continue working on budget strategy for the future.
Amanda Gotto, Supervisor
Town of New Paltz