Ulster County Sheriff Paul Van Blarcum called on residents licensed to carry firearms to do so “in light of recent events that have occurred in the United States and around the world,” presumably referring to the Dec. 2 mass shooting in San Bernadino, CA and last month’s terrorist attacks in Paris and Planned Parenthood shooting in Colorado.
Poll: Sheriff urges licensed residents to carry firearms following mass shootings
In a release on Dec. 3 he writes:
In light of recent events that have occurred in the United States and around the world I want to encourage citizens of Ulster County who are licensed to carry a firearm to PLEASE DO SO.
I urge you to responsibly take advantage of your legal right to carry a firearm. To ensure the safety of yourself and others, make sure you are comfortable and proficient with your weapon, and knowledgeable of the laws in New York State with regards to carrying a weapon and when it is legal to use it.
I also want to remind all Police/Peace Officers both active duty and retired to please carry a weapon whenever you leave your house. We are the thin blue line that is entrusted in keeping this country safe, and we must be prepared to act at any given moment.
Thank you,
Paul J. Van Blarcum
Ulster County Sheriff