Outrageous, Part 2!
The current conservative Supreme Court, in their recent major decisions, has chosen to overturn Roe v. Wade, a flagrant misogynistic decision. Women no longer have choice. It’s now against the law to have an abortion, even if you got pregnant by being raped. It’s not enough that women have to endure the horror of rape. But now they can actually be thrown in jail if they break the law and get an abortion in their attempt to rid themselves of living with such a poisonous trauma. The rapist, even if convicted, could actually be sentenced to less time in jail than the woman he raped. Are you kidding me? Unbelievable.
The decision for more freedom to carry guns in our country is another head-scratcher. Anybody with half a brain can see that more guns is exactly what this country does not need. But the Supreme Court is inexplicably more focused on supporting and protecting the gun lobby and all the gun businesses that continue to rake in millions, while American citizens continue to die every day by gun violence.
Pollution issues? Climate change? You think this Supreme Court has any ability to make a decision that could help our country and our planet? The answer is no! The decision to restrict the Environmental Protection Agency is taking away a good portion of the Agency’s power to curb irresponsible businesses, who are adding to pollution and the out-of-control heating of the planet. It’s a fact that pollution and extreme heat is causing millions of people to have shorter life spans. These decisions of the Supreme Court do not make sense at all.
It is written that, “The mind is a terrible master, but a wonderful servant.” It is then logical that the group mind of the Supreme Court can turn out to be a terrible master, but could become a wonderful servant, supporting the spirit of the people of our country. But are they?
A court that helps only billionaires make more money, while at the same time passes laws to make the working class suffer more, is not a court that is serving the people of our nation. Let’s be clear: The Supreme Court has lost its soul!
“When injustice becomes law, then resistance becomes duty.” – Tom Jefferson.
This precious country needs our help right now. Our democracy is being threatened. Our cherished life as we know it, and our individual dreams, are also being threatened as well by these court opinions. But is there anything we can do?
Yes. We, the People must realize that our once honored and respected Supreme Court has been hijacked. We can hope and pray for them to have a change of mind and heart. But the odds of that happening appear to be slim and none.
But We, the People have the power to render the current Supreme Court neutral by voting. Every caring citizen of our precious United States of America must make the commitment to vote this November. If each one of us makes this commitment, then we can interrupt the downward spiral. We can neutralize the hijacked Supreme Court. We can bring more stability to our nation and insist that good, rational thinking, with heart and soul, becomes our future. It’s completely possible! But we must find the wisdom to know what is right, and then the courage to act. Will you?
The Serenity Prayer
“Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference between the two.”
Marty Klein