The Floridian band Surfer Blood’s high crunch factor and Bowie- and Beatlesque hooks buoyed by cheeky pop/rock beats will remind you of the ’90s in the best ways. It’s deliriously tuneful and layered guitar pop with surprising musical range and an undercurrent of pop experimentalism. Pythons, their second full-length, is a taut, sonically rich masterwork of pop pith that straddles indie and big-beat modern rock in a way that could pay off in any number of demographics. It’s hookier than hell, and even features some polite screamo on a few tracks.
Surfer Blood are the latest in a series of blue-chip up-and-comers to target BSP in Kingston on their way up. They’ll be in town on Friday, February 21. Fort Lean and Wake Up fill out the bill
Tickets for this 18+ show cost $12 in advance, $15 on the day of the show and are available locally at Outdated in Kingston, Jack’s Rhythms in New Paltz, Darkside Records & Gallery in Poughkeepsie and the Woodstock Music Shop in Woodstock. BSP is located at 323 Wall Street in Kingston. For more information, call (845) 481-5158 or visit www.bspkingston.com.