Hurley Town Supervisor Michael Boms announced his bid to seek reelection on February 14 and set out his agenda for another term. He is joined by other Democratic candidates for Hurley positions under the common ticket name of Keep Hurley Hurley. Those candidates include Michael Shultis, running for reelection as Hurley town highway superintendent, current town board member Diana Cline for town clerk and past town board member Tim Kelly, who is seeking another term on the town board. The Keep Hurley Hurley slate of candidates will be running in the Democratic primary on June 24th, with early voting starting June 14th.
According to Supervisor Boms, “the Keep Hurley Hurley agenda is focused on achieving results for citizens, including advancing development of a new highway garage, the renovation of the old library into the new Hurley Heritage and Community Center and finishing the implementation of Hurley’s new EMS ambulatory district.” Keep Hurley Hurley candidates also promise to continue managing the town’s finances both responsibly and transparently, protecting the town’s environment and considering thoughtful and smart development. “Under my administration, we are working on solutions and taking responsibility, and being transparent, more than any prior administration before,” said Boms.
Keep Hurley Hurley candidates emphasize their commitment to unity by listening and building consensus . To emphasize this point Boms states, “today more than ever we need to find ways to work together, especially at the local level.” Information about each candidate and their agendas may be found at www.keephurleyhurley.com.