As my name and reputation have been bandied about by an individual running for supervisor, I feel I must respond with a few facts. I will start by saying I am human; I am imperfect, and I make mistakes.
As for the issues, let us start with the dirt issue in Shady. The town did use our local laws to affect the cleanup of the construction debris and removal of the dangerous slope. There is no proof of toxic waste, if there were, the state would have jurisdiction over the issue. There were minor exceedances of several substances most likely from asphalt. The asphalt and other construction debris have been removed. The state is quite clear they see no hazards. That said, I will continue to look at this issue.
As for the warming center, we did reach a point where we could no longer allow folks to stay overnight. It has been suggested I have no compassion. We still have the lobby of dispatch open should anyone find themselves in trouble in the middle of the night. The police have been instructed to bring folks to the shelter in Kingston. The UCAT can bring them back to Woodstock in the morning. The town hall is available as a warming shelter should a widespread event take place. Should such an event be extended in duration, the community center is available as an overnight shelter with the help of the Red Cross. I was the first supervisor to utilize the community center during an ice storm/power outage back in 2022. With the help of the Red Cross and the National Guard, as well as Senator Michelle Hinchey and Legislator Jonathan Heppner, the shelter housed folks for about five or six days.
As for emergency management, I have been extremely effective in taking care of our town. I have a great working relationship with the utility companies, particularly Central Hudson, and have been able to ensure Woodstock gets great attention during events. During the pandemic, I assured Woodstock employees were available to assist our residents. I maintained a senior call list, utilizing my staff as well as myself, to call seniors to check on their welfare. I worked with Dr. Neal Smoller to set up vaccine clinics, ensuring our town was protected. I and other staff members delivered meals through the County Resilience program. I organized a volunteer food shopping program for our vulnerable residents and personally drove people to the store. I declared a state of emergency which permitted venues to remain in business.
Let me also mention our youth and seniors. We have wonderful programs for both, with folks coming from other towns to partake in them. There is mention of the fact I would not purchase an air filter for the Youth Center. Did Onteora install filters in their classrooms under this individual’s tenure as a school trustee? I would also point out an air filter would be ineffective at the Youth Center as the doors are open a lot and the kids are in and out constantly.
The town board did approve a raise that put the supervisor on par with the highway superintendent. Both are over 40-hour positions a week and are on call 24/7. While the superintendent oversees a workforce of around 15 and a budget of approximately $2.5 million, the supervisor oversees closer to 80 employees and even more volunteers with a budget closer to $10 million. Ask our highway superintendent who he thinks has more to deal with.
I hear I micromanage department heads. I have news for anyone who wants to be supervisor, it is the job. I would be very wary of anyone wanting to pass off their responsibilities. Managing the budget properly is why we have a budget surplus every year and not a deficit. It is why we have a healthy fund balance, a stellar rating from the NYS Comptroller, an excellent bond rating and we have never exceeded the tax cap. It is why during my tenure on the board (as council member and supervisor) we have completed four major building renovations and several smaller projects without putting the town in major debt.
I could go on, but I will end with this. I have been accused of hating my job. Not sure what qualifies this individual to make such a statement, but it could not be further from the truth. I absolutely love this position; I love being able to help my town and my neighbors. There is a huge part of me that would love to continue but I genuinely believe it’s time for someone else to take the reins. I do find it curious that an individual who moved to town four or five years ago has nothing but negative things to say about our community. Why did you come? The truth is we are blessed to live in an incredible town, our downfall is we have kept it so nice; everyone wants to be here.