Kingston will intensify its crackdown on “poor parking behaviors” by extending “hours of enforcement for parking violations”, according to a city press release.
This comes on the heels of the city substantially increasing fees for parking violations in 2025 — the same violations the city is now extending hours to enforce.
Mayor Steve Noble said the move was partially in response to complaints he’s heard of people “double parking in Uptown and other areas of the city”.
Parking ticket issuance for lapsed meters in Uptown Kingston has been aggressive for decades, but double-parkers were not often given violation tickets until recently. For many years, folks who frequent Uptown have often had to navigate a maze of double-parked passenger cars, work vehicles and delivery trucks, causing confusion, blocked-in cars and traffic safety issues. The historic lack of ticketing double-parkers gave the impression this behavior was previously tolerated by the city, but it appears they may have finally had enough.
“The Parking Department will extend hours of enforcement beginning in February, including enforcement on Saturdays and weekdays after 4:30pm,” the press release said, failing to indicate what time the enforcement period would end each day. Metered parking in Kingston typically ends at 6pm.
While it has generally been the case that letting your meter lapse toward the end of the day would be unlikely to get you a ticket, be warned. Though the extended hours are focused on illegal parking and safety issues, “tickets may still be given for expired meters.”
Other ticketable offenses (with newly increased fees) include blocking fire hydrants, parking in crosswalks, fire lanes or bike lanes.
More parking information can be found at the City of Kingston’s website.
The City of Kingston disallowed comments on their Facebook post announcing the new enforcement measures.