The running of the Kingston Artists Soapbox Derby doubled its entries from last year to a total of 33 creations. The huge crowd of people lined lower Broadway on both sides on Sunday, August 18, to join in the fun of seeing the creativity of individuals, families, groups and organizations display their entries.
Fans, families and relatives saw such things as a bathtub with bubbles, Cyclops, a psychiatrist and his patient, a Roman chariot, Harold the Golden Retriever, a Viking long boat, a Calder circus car, an exploding birthday cake and more slowly make their way from the corner of Spring Street and Broadway to the bottom. This year there was music that accompanied the roll down the hill.

At the awards ceremony, $2,500 in cash prizes went to the first-, second- and third-place winners in three categories: individual, family and community groups. This year’s community award went to the Ulster County Italian-American Foundation for its entry “Luca,” which included a Roman chariot and members in Roman garb. The people’s choice award was won by “Turbo Tub,” a realistic bathtub with bubbles and a spraying shower.
The derby committee members are looking forward to next year’s event and encourages people, organizations and groups, along with their traditional artists and families, to join in their 30th birthday celebration.
For additional information, go to http://www.kingstonartistsoapboxderby.com or kingstonmsm@gmail.com.