Join Overlook Mountain Center (OMC) for a walk and talk in Lewis Hollow, with DEC guides Glenn Kreisberg and Dave Holden on Sunday, August 20 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Explore the many stone features known as manitou achsinal (spirit stones) in Algonquin, including dry stacked stone mounds (cairns), serpent/snake effigy walls and associated springs.
Dress for a summer walk in the woods and bring lunch or snack and water. Wear sturdy footwear and bring bug repellent and sunscreen as required. The hike is about 1.5 miles.
To register and receive meet-up location or for more information, call 845-417-8384 or email overlookmountaincenter@gmail.com. Program is free, donations are welcome.