A complaint lodged by councilperson Bennet Ratcliff against Woodstock town supervisor Bill McKenna has prompted a cascade of rebukes from McKenna supporters. Ratcliff, who is challenging McKenna on a third-party line for supervisor in November, has lodged a confidential complaint against McKenna, but has declined to elaborate on the allegations, citing promises of confidentiality.
Supporters of McKenna, including his wife, parents and other family members, filled the town meeting room on Comeau Drive on August 15. A handful used the Public Be Heard at the August 15 meeting of the town board to criticize Ratcliff. They delivered a one-sided critiqueÂ
“You are the most divisive individual that has ever beset our community. Your attempts to besmirch my husband’s good name and deeds are despicable beyond anything I could have ever imagined,” McKenna’s wife, Hilary Sanders-McKenna, said. “You have made baseless accusations against my husband to the attorney general, and now to the town harassment officers. Without a single shred of proof or evidence, you are attempting to ruin the lives of innocent people who have done nothing but serve this community, including myself. In all the years Bill has been in politics, I have never experienced such ugliness. All coming from you.”
Ratcliff has complained to state attorney general Letitia James’ public integrity unit and to Ulster County district attorney David Clegg about McKenna’s various alleged misdeeds, There have been no confirmed investigations to date.
Ratcliff declined to comment. He did question why McKenna’s wife had brought people to the meeting to speak against him. He said he had given assurances to the people involved that his complaint will remain confidential. It is town policy not to divulge details of complaints until an investigation is completed, However, either party can release information if they so choose.Â
McKenna also has declined comment. Others have spoken on his behalf.
“You accuse my husband of being retaliatory,” Sanders-McKenna continued. “Yet it is your ugly tactics that have caused people to think twice about speaking out. People fear becoming your next target.”
Rachel Marco-Havens, who said she had voted for Ratcliff in 2021, called for his removal. “We’re not in support of you. I’m sorry you didn’t win the primary. I don’t understand what your ego trip is. I don’t understand why you feel you need so badly to be in this position,” she said. “I’m asking this town and I’m asking this board right now, how do we impeach this man.”
She noted council member Maria-Elena Conte seldom speaks for herself since Ratcliff came on the board. “She just agrees with you. I don’t know what you’re doing, but it’s fucked up, and I want you off our board,” Marco-Havens said.
Michael Mulvey, a frequent Ratcliff critic, again noted things in Ratcliff’s past that raised questions. “And you are now seen for who you are,” he said. “You are not a uniter. You do not believe in transparency. You talk about other people’s conspiracies. You are the political trickster, you are the lobbyist, you are the king elf, and we don’t need your kind here.”
Town clerk Jackie Earley vowed to work on ousting Ratcliff and Conte. Ratcliff questioned raises for elected officials in lieu of other priorities, angering Earley, who said at the time that she and others have dedicated years to working on behalf of the town’s best interests.
“And I’m going to tell you right now, I will personally, along with a lot of people in this room, fight to get you off this goddamn board — and fight to get you off this board, too, Maria-Elena. You guys do not hold any kind of hope for this town,” Earley said.