Kingston has received $268,644.54 from DEC’s Municipal Zero-Emission Vehicle Infrastructure Grant Program for two fast-charging EV stations.
The charging stations, which will be installed in the public lot at 2 Broadway, will be direct current fast charger (DCFC) EV stations, that will be open to the public. The City of Kingston currently has a total of five locations with Level 2 EV chargers, with four more to come online in 2023. This new award will be the first municipal installation of Level 3 DCFC stations in Kingston.
In New York State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli’s recent report on local governments adapting to climate change, Kingston scored very high, checking off all categories of measures to increase resiliency, which includes adopting building standards, initiating planning studies, and adopting zoning ordinances.
The Sustainability Office manages the City’s environmental projects, initiatives, and programming, including energy, land use, climate adaptation and resiliency, transportation, recycling and environmental education. Current projects include Community Choice Aggregation, Organics Diversion, Community Preservation Planning, Waterfront Flooding Resiliency, Building Decarbonization and more. More information about the City of Kingston’s sustainability efforts at