“Sugaring off” is the process of boiling down maple tree sap to convert it into sugar. It’s something of an early spring tradition among the local woodfolk. Sap out of the tap is a clear liquid, typically 98% water and 2% sugar. It can take about 40 gallons of sap to make just one gallon of finished-product maple syrup.
This Sat. Apr. 8 at 11am-4pm, the Senate House State Historic Site in Kingston will be showcasing the art and science of maple sugaring – with a historic twist, of course. There will be demonstrations of boiling maple sap, hearthside cooking, meat smoking, jack wax candy tasting, and crafts for all ages, all done 18th-century style. Catskill Mountains native singer/songwriter/multi-instrumentalist Mark Rust will provide the rustic soundtrack with live music. The event is free.