Kahlil Zaloom, son: Thank you all for your support of our family as we move through this challenging transition. It has been an incredibly challenging five months. It was surreal to work through all of the logistical and emotional challenges simultaneously. Despite the fear and sadness we have all been experiencing, there have also been many bright spots. The profound outpouring of support was incredible, and I am eternally grateful for the community that has continued to show up and demonstrate their love. I look forward to supporting her tribute however I can. Thank you for honoring her.
Sigrid Heath and others on Facebook: This is hard as hell to bear. I loved her dearly. I can hear that wonderful, lusty laugh right now as I write this, taste her cooking, see her fantastically beautiful home with all the things in it she made from bits and pieces of her world. And how will we deal without a new piece of art from time to time, a fresh glimpse of her richly mythic view? Her eye? Her heart? I’m selfish, I need her in my life, my work needs her. My heart and soul feel wrecked. What a horrible loss to all of us. But I thank all the gods and goddesses — and she was one of that company — that she spent such a good long time with us. I just wish we could have had more.
Fran Platt: Nooooooooo! I had no idea she was ill. A glorious human in every way imaginable. This tears a hole in many a heart.
Will Nixon: Heartbreaking. She did so many illustrations to accompany my writing. I loved visiting her studio and hearing her ideas. I send a virtual hug to Mik, her sons, her dear friends, all of us who will miss her terribly.
Tim Moore: I was just thinking of Mik and Carol as I biked past your house today. I’m sorry for everyone’s loss. Carol must have done a good third of the laughing at Actors and Writers. She had mirth, kindness, and a beautiful, tender eye. Thanks to all who post her work this week. An exhibit is needed.
Nina Shengold: The magnificent, irreplaceable Carol Zaloom died early this morning after a lingering illness. She was generous, radiant, wickedly funny, a marvelous cook. An artist in every fiber of her being, Carol made beauty of everything she touched, filling the walls of her home with hand-painted cave art, collaborating on broadsheets and baseballs with longterm partner Mikhail Horowitz, and the gracing friends’ books with magical linocut illustrations. I treasure her memory.
Roan Wilson: Today my grandma Lolie (Carol Zaloom) passed away. Thank you to everyone for the thoughtful messages. I’m lucky to have had 21 years with her. I thought I’d have more time with her, but I’m so grateful for the time I did have. These past couple of months showed the amount of people that loved her and felt loved by her. Thank you all.