Melanie Marino started her new role recently as the confidential secretary to Supervisor Bill McKenna, replacing Ashley Slovensky.
“She’s off to a great start,” McKenna said of Marino, who started September 12.
Marino is working part-time for now from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. until she gets used to the job and is available to work full-time.
Rose Boyle will fill in gaps when needed. Both will be paid $22.53 per hour.
“She’s going to be part time, two, maybe four hours a week answering some phones filling in a little bit,” McKenna said.
Boyle has the additional title of typist, but her responsibilities will be the same as Marino’s.
For civil service reasons, Boyle was put in the open secretary/typist slot instead of the town having to create a new position, McKenna said.
The Town Board approved both positions unanimously.