Ulster County has launched a Housing Smart initiative it says will provide guidance, resources and incentives to communities working towards long-term solutions to the county’s acute housing-supply problem.
“Like much of the country, Ulster County is currently facing a housing crisis, which has only been made worse by the Covid pandemic. In county government, we have been focused on identifying and implementing solutions to change this trajectory,” acting Ulster County executive Johanna Contreras said. The county’s Housing Action Plan called for strategies where public, non-profit and private-sector collaborations could make a difference, Contreras explained. The Housing Smart initiative brings long-term solutions to the housing crisis directly to the municipalities.
“The legislature is looking forward to working with the executive office on implementing this important initiative,” Ulster County Legislature vice-chair Eve Walter said. “Together, we can work with municipalities to put these critical ideas into practice.”
Housing Smart includes suggestions that municipalities can take to help build and secure affordable housing.
Two public webinars will be held to provide an overview of the initiative and to help catalyze participation in the program among Ulster County communities. They are scheduled for Monday, October 3 at 6 p.m. and Monday, October 17, both at 6 p.m.
Registration is required. Learn more about the Housing Smart Communities certification process at https://hsci.ulstercountyny.gov/