The Goat Games, created and hosted by the Catskill Animal Sanctuary (CAS), were held last Friday through Monday. Along with CAS, 13 other sanctuaries across the United States participated in the virtual competition to raise funds to support their work, as well as shed light on what they do to protect farmed animals.
While they are called «The Goat Games,” their namesake animal does not actually participate in the competition. Instead, human “athletes” sign up for an activity of their choosing, including walking, running, reading or even napping.
On Saturday, August 13 owner and director Kathy Stevens hosted the opening ceremonies kick-off party in Saugerties with games for children, tours of the sanctuary, refreshments and music. Sully, a seven-month-old goat who came to CAS in February with his mother and brother, was chosen to captain this year’s local team.
Last year, with 146 athletes and 1,206 donors who supported the ten sanctuaries that were involved, the games raised $217,145.