“On the Trail for Social Justice” will be held on Sunday, May 15 from 1 to 4 p.m. (rain date Saturday, June 4 from 1 to 4 p.m.) at the Rail Trail Café at 310 River Road Extension in Tillson.
Join the Rondout Valley High School Human Rights Club (RVHS HRC) and the Environmental Club (EC) for social justice conversations, resources and actions co-sponsored by Amnesty International Mid-Hudson. Learn about the Ulster County Human Rights Commission, Amnesty International Mid-Hudson, Stopping Danskammer, Riverkeeper, local organizations and ways to be involved in being “a part of the solution” with our youth.
All donations will go to the RVHS HRC and Environmental Club to continue their human rights work locally, nationally and globally. Amnesty International Mid-Hudson will be tabling to pass the Afghan Adjustment Act for a roadmap for permanent status for Afghan refugees and the Break the Cycle of Violence Act.
For additional information, visit railtrailcaferosendale.com/art-and-music.