Covid isn’t over but life seems to be opening up in small and large increments.
Ulster County is blessed with two animal sanctuaries, Catskill Animal Sanctuary and Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary. Both open to visitors this May.
For the past two years these sanctuaries closed to the public while scrambling, like all of us, to figure out how to make ends meet. The organizations work together whenever possible in the shared goal of preserving the lives of some lucky critters who have found their way to these safe homes. It is through the perseverance, hard work, dedication and love by staff and volunteers that they have been able to survive these times.
Mother’s Day weekend they will reopen. Visitors must make reservations to tour both of these sanctuaries.
The resident animals are expected to be curious and happy to see visitors again.
With thanks to Veronica from Catskill Animal Sanctuary and Kat from Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary, I recently photographed a few faces, feathers, and tails.
For information to see everything they offer or to buy tickets please go to: