The New Paltz Opioid Overdose Prevention and Response Team will be participating in the National Drug Take Back Day on April 30. Members will be at the Elting Memorial Library from noon to 2 p.m. offering free Narcan trainings, medication disposal kit and substance abuse education, prevention and treatment resources.
The event is open to all. The community can also come and dispose of discontinued, expired, unwanted or unused medication and sharps.
Anyone who is unable to attend can still dispose of medication using one of The Med Returnâ„¢ Drug Collection Units (drop boxes) located at in the main lobby of the New Paltz Police Department or SUNY New Paltz Police station. Additionally, syringes or other medical sharps can be disposed of using the sharps kiosk in the main lobby of the New Paltz Police Department. These units are accessible to the public 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You do not need to speak with anyone or report anything. Just come in and dispose of your medication or sharps in the receptacle.
We will accept all prescription medications and samples, all over-the-counter medications, vitamins, pet medications, medicated ointments, and used or unused caped syringes/needles.