Volunteers are needed for Riverkeeper’s 11th annual day of service for the Hudson River and its tributaries on Saturday, May 7 when there will be over 100 events taking place from Brooklyn to Albany. Be a part of it to give the Saugerties shorelines a spa day.
I Paddle New York is hosting two events this year. Experienced paddlers with their equipment should meet at Tina Chorvas Park at 9 a.m. to clean the lower Esopus and Saugerties Bay by kayak/canoe/boat, or you can meet Patrick and Anna at the Saugerties Lighthouse at 9 a.m. to do the shoreline there on foot. Families and kids are welcome. Pre-registration is required at: https://Riverkeeper.org/events or https://ipaddlenewyork.com/the-scoop or call Gail Porter at (845) 532-7797.