Gardiner Library presents Historical Miniature Wargaming Day on Saturday, April 23 from 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Ages 10+ gamers will play strategy based, miniatures games on three-dimensional boards with painted figures, terrain and features reminiscent of some famous conflicts in history. Games will be facilitated by experts from HMGS Next Gen, Inc. who understand the best ways to create scenarios that will be both challenging and rewarding for the players. This month’s games will be inspired by the Battle of Austerlitz a.k.a. “The Battle of the Three Emperors.” Miniature games are played using dice, tape measures, cards and other implements, in which teams of players will battle it out to meet the conditions of the scenario.
If you have any questions about Next Gen Gaming visit www.nextgengaming.org. Registration is required on the library’s online calendar at www.gardinerlibrary.org. The library is located at 133 Farmer’s Turnpike.